Oceans Between Us

The bet that started it all

Ch 1

Zach’s P.O.V

So here I am I had to sit on a plane for 2 hours just so we could go to Denver for Vic’s silly Volleyball game. I mean I am proud of course but I should be back in Poway writing songs, and practicing with the guys. We need to win the NBT. We have to get signed, it is all of our dreams. If I get signed I can drop out of college and live my dream like I have always wanted, however if I don’t get signed this year my time is up, and I will never get to go and live out my dream. So here I am walking into a high school, cursing under my breath. Then I hear some random girl talk.

Girl- Zach you shouldn’t swear in a school.

Me- How do you know who I am?

Girl- You are the lead singer of Allstar Weekend. You and your band are my favorite
contestants in the NBT.

Me- Well you know who I am, but I don’t know who you are.

Girl- Hi my name is Jasmine.

Me- Hi Jasmine. What are you doing here?

Jasmine- Same thing as everyone else I am here to watch the volleyball game. The Spartans are going to KILL the Titans.

Me- Ah I beg to differ. My bother and his team are going to cream the Spartans.

Jasmine- NO WAY.

Me- Yes way. How about we make a bet to make it interesting.

Jasmine- Alright what is the bet?

Me- If the titans win you have to go on a date with me tonight.

Jasmine- and if the Spartans win then you have to walk around my school tomorrow and start singing randomly in the hallways

Me- Fine.

Jasmine- Well then rock star we better go into the gym and watch the game.

Me- Yeah I want to see your face when the Titans win

Jasmine- I want to see your face when the Spartans win.

We walk into the gym and find a place to sit down and watch the game. There is something about this girl that I love. I just met her, but we are talking like we have known each other for longer than that. I am having a great time just sitting here with her.
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OK I know me and Sarah have SUCH different writing style, even just looking at each different ch. so I am sorry about that but I can't write in her style, and she can't write in mine, but honestly the different style should make it interesting :P