Oceans Between Us

She's Changed

"Allstar..." I gulped, "Weekend?"
"Yeah, is something wrong, love?"
Love. He called me love. I could melt. Such a mesmerizing person.
"Um. Well, you know how I said that Zach's in a band?"
Saying his name felt weird. Almost guilt-inflicting.
He got a look on his face that showed that something clicked in his brain.
"Oh, I'm sorry. We don't have to go if you don't want-"
"No, I won't waste your money. It's just... I just panicked there for a second. It's not like I have to face him."
"That's my girl," he said, kissing my cheek.
"When are the tickets for?" I asked, wrapping him into a huge hug and inhaling his sweet scent.
"Tomorrow," he said.
"Oh," I said, and I continued to hug him. I don't know why this comforted me, it just did. I felt so small yet so protected in his arms.

I went home and sat on my hill. I can't say that I didn't cry, because I'd be lying. I brought my iPod and cried into Mason's sweatshirt. I couldn't face the world right now, let alone Zach. Something told me he was in town, and I was definitely right.

The tour bus pulled over into the spot with fine gravel below my hill and before I knew it, a million questions were being thrown at me.

"Cam, come on. That's my girl, that's my Jasmine," I heard from the bottom. Oh, dear.

"Hey, Jasmine, I was just wondering if you were okay... who are those people?" Mason pointed towards Zach and Cameron fighting at the bottom of the hill.

"I, uh..."

Mason sat down and wiped my tears away with his thumb. Before I knew it, Zach was hiking up the hill and he looked pretty determined. I could tell he was already confused, and that wasn't good...

"Jasmine! I missed you so much. Who... who is this?"

Zach's POV

After that never ending argument about climbing a freaking hill with Cameron, there were two instead of one at the top.

"Jasmine! I missed you so much. Who... who is this?" I asked, my eyes darting between the guy and the love of my life who was in tears.

"Zach, this is Mason, my... um..."
"Boyfriend," I said, heart snapping slowly.
"Hello. You must be Zach, I've heard such wonderful things about you," Mason said.
"Jasmine, I thought... I didn't move on. I figured you'd do the same. I still love you, you know..." I said, pacing down the hill. I didn't care where I was going, as long as it was the hell away from here it was great.

She broke my heart. Tore it out of my chest and ripped it in two. Just. Like. That.

One thing happened right there, I knew I wouldn't ever love anyone else. The sad thing: the love of my life, the only one I'll ever love... she's changed.
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FREAKING SADNESS GOSH. Haha its a good story and we like how it's turning out though.