Oceans Between Us

I'm in the Middle

Ch 31

Jaz’s P.O.V

So here I am with Zach trying to pack. Key word trying. Every two minutes Zach grabs my wrist and kisses me, not a small kiss, but not a full blown makeout either, and he is making me want one. I mean he keeps teasing me, on accident granted, but GAH I’m going to flip.


Zach gives me a small sad innocent frown while he says, “I’m sorry Jazzy what did I do?”

“You are distracting me from packing, and on top of that to are torturing me with these baby kisses. I haven’t kissed you in forever, and now you come with these small ones it is tortue.”

“I can fix that.” He says while a devious grin appears on his face. As he is about to come and kiss me I fake him out and move.

“After I pack. The sooner I finish the sooner we can take care of that.”

After I said that Zach helped me pack, and I was done in fifteen minutes. Though I’m not sure about what Zach packed for me, a little more on the revealing side. I turn around and innocently as possible say “Done.”

Then before Zach can get a word out my lips are on his, and I have him backed up against my wall. He deepens the kiss, and then mumbles against my lips, “Jazzy things are a tad off.” Then he flips us over so I am pushed against my wall, “that is the way it should be.”
After a bit we stop and just lie down and talk, catch up. My head was in his lap, and he was playing with my hair. He is actually spending the night here, I convinced my parents by saying I was an adult, and throughout the whole tour we would be in closer quarters than my room. After that they agreed.

Then as we are talking Zach asks me something that throws me off, “Does Mason have any way to contact you?”

“Um Zach he was my boyfriend. He has my facebook, my phone number, my email, and
knows where I live, what do you expect.” Just as I finish that sentence I hear a rock hit my window.

I walk out to my window look down, and then angrily yell, “Mason WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!!!”

“I want you back. I’m coming up.” He says as he climbs my the tree by my house.

“Mason.. NO don’t.” but it was too late he was at my window. He is sitting on my tree, and he tries to kiss me by leaning in, but I lean away, and he can only lean so much depending on a tree.

“Let me in love.”

“I’m not your love, and you can’t—“

Then Zach touches my lower back telling me to let him in. I grab his hand that is touching my lower back telling him fine, but no violence, play nice. Since when were Zach and I able to communicate with a touch I don’t know, but we both knew what the other meant with a simple touch.

“Fine Mason come in.”

I let Mason in, and he sees Zach. Each boy is on one side of the room with their jaws clenched glaring at the other, both ready to attack, and me, I’m in the middle.