Oceans Between Us

Now Tell Me We Don't Belong Together

"Jasmine, will you marry me?" The five worded question stung my ears.

At 21, Zach was more than ready to get married. At 18, yeah, I could get married, but something told me to be careful. I mean, I just became an adult. You know those feelings you get during sketchy situations? Those were screaming at me, telling me "If you're careful, this will work out. If you're careless, heh, well, you're basically screwed."

Is that what I want, though? Do I want to get married at 18 years old, and pretty much start a family at 20 or 21? What, so I have Zach to support me at college? Not pay for anything, because Zach has the steadiest job of the two of us? I couldn't just take like that, but that's something I'd have to face with marrying Zach.

Don't get me wrong, I love Zach with... well, my entire existence. I couldn't see myself loving anyone else ever again. Zach and I had never discussed marriage before, and in what world was my own father okay with his daughter getting married fresh out of high school? Maybe he trusts me, my conscience suggested, but my brain and heart were screaming their opinions so loudly right now, my ears were ringing and I couldn't think straight.

My brain screamed, "BE CAREFUL!" While my heart screamed, "MARRY HIM, YOU FOOL!"

I took a deep breath and cleared my mind.

Zach's POV

She took a deep breath after what seemed like an eternity but quickly closed her mouth again.

Actually, I didn't blame her. I pretty much threw this on her out of nowhere. Who am I to do this to an 18 year old out of high school? I'm such an idiot! I should have waited! She's probably having a mental breakdown and it's all my fault.

"Zach," she said, "I'm a total jerk for this, but can I have a little time?" Her eyes were pleading and filled with stress. I'm an idiot. I can't believe I just hurt her like this.
"Of course. I'd wait forever and a day for you, Jazzy." Okay, so quoting some Justin Bieber song on the radio wasn't the best thing to do, but there was no other way to say it.

She walked off in the direction of the tour bus and I followed. She crawled into her bunk and I plopped down on the couch in the back, scribbling some kind of letter with messy handwriting and a blue pen.

It was one of those letters that I could write every so often. Being a songwriter, I could basically bend words pretty effortlessly into any form of writing without failing epically most of the time... key words 'most of the time'.

I wrote a little bit and decided to go out for a jog, one I could use to think and focus solely on whether or not I'm a complete idiot.

Jaz's POV

After my head pounding for ten or so minutes, I went into the recording studio section of the bus and laid down on the couch. I noticed my name on a crumpled piece of paper sitting on the floor.

I picked it up and, to my surprise, read the most heartfelt letter ever.

All in all, it said how sorry he was to put someone as great as me in a situation as crappy as this.

Zach's POV

Hours passed. We played a show. We ate at Subway. But nothing could top right after, around ten thirty at night.

Jasmine was in a great mood. Our shows always made her like this.

"You know how you asked me to marry you earlier?" she asked me as she was playing with my hair.
"Yeah?" my heart took off.
"I think I'll do it," she said with the biggest grin on her face.

I pressed my lips to hers with a ton of force. I didn't intend to, but it was probably the excitement that led me to do it. The feeling ran down my back and through my veins like an electric current.

"Ew! Get a room," Cameron shouted.

I pulled away and hurried off to get Jasmine's ring and put it on her finger. It fit perfectly.

"Perfect," she smiled and kissed me.
Now tell me we don't belong together.
♠ ♠ ♠
It was very sucky and You'll never guess how many times I rewrote this chapter. I never thought I'd be able to drag out Jasmine saying yes to Zach an entire chapter, but I did and surprised myself. I'll give Mady the OK to post, get YouTube updated, and set off to work on the next chapter if it's all right with all of you! (Right now a few comments would make me happy?)