Oceans Between Us

The Wedding

Days To Wedding: 1
Third Person Point of View

"Zach, I can't believe we're getting married tomorrow, it's just surreal," she gushed, looking down at her fresh manicure and pedicure.
"I know, Jazzy, this is just... it's perfect," he said, kissing her forehead.

In the silence of the apartment, the phone rings twice and Jasmine picks it up.

"Jasmine, it's your father. He's h-hurt," whispers a voice shakily. Jasmine's mother.

Jasmine's POV

My heart practically shattered when I heard that. My daddy, hurt?

"H-how? When? Is he... is he okay?"
"He's... still fighting," she said, choosing her words carefully.
"What all happened?"
"I just got the letter today, it said he was wounded in-in combat."
"I feel like the worst daughter ever. I-I have to come home, mom. Cancel your flight for tonight, we-we have to be there. I have to be there for my daddy."

This was the worst thing possible to hear... ever.

Zach wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pressed his lips to my forehead, sending teeny tingles across my skin. He didn't know yet.

"Honey, put Zach on the phone, please," my mom instructed.
"All right, mom, here he is," I said, handing the phone to a confused Zach.

"Yes, Mrs. Davids? Hurt? We're flying out there tonight, I'll book plane tickets and- no? I just can't continue the wedding, her father has to be present. I won't do this if he's sick in the hospital. He'll what? If you insist," Zach spoke.

"We're continuing with the wedding, and your mom insists that we get married on the set date. I kinda just want to listen to her, she's really smart. Aw, don't worry, babe, it'll be all right. She said it's nothing fatal, he's just wounded real bad. The worst that will happen is they'll have to do a surgery to get his arm all better. Don't worry, he'll be there, I promise." He interpreted what I wanted to say through my facial expressions. He did really well, too.


Zach's POV

I peeked through the curtains of the church we rented. I could see all of Jasmine's family and all of mine also. Cameron, Nathan, and Michael were standing in the same room as I was and I'm sure Jasmine and her bridesmaids were standing in a different part.

Standing in the view of everyone, I fixed my suit as the piano started to play. After the cute little flower girl threw the petals and I almost died of anticipation, my lovely bride showed up differently than I had expected. Her hair wasn't done up or anything, it was similar to Kate Middleton's in the Royal Wedding. The long brown curls of her hair cascaded down her back and a smile was planted firmly on her face as she walked down the aisle with her father's arm in hers. She was extremely careful not to hurt the bandaged part, and she looked extremely stunning.

Her dress fit perfectly, her converse stood out, and she was truly my bride. The moment was perfect and everything was complete heaven. As she arrived at the altar, my palms got very sweaty and there was a major lump in my throat. She truly made me very, very nervous.

The vows were through and it was time to put the ring on her finger. We'd picked them out very carefully, and each had some music notes engraved in them and some other cute stuff. I almost dropped hers as I slid it onto her finger, and she placed mine on with complete precision. It seemed like an eternity before the priest said that I could kiss her, but the time sure came. I was careful not to get carried away, which was hard. The sparks combined with the nerves made the electric current on my skin out of control, and it was very, VERY hard not to just rip off her dress at the moment. But I pulled through. (What can I say? I'm a man.)

Everyone clapped and cheered and people cried. There was no afterward reception, mostly because we had only been able to book one flight for our honeymoon, which was going to be the best honeymoon in the history of honeymoons.


Jasmine PORTER's POV

As the official Jasmine Porter, I felt awkward and giddy at the same time. I had the luxury of sitting next to Zach on the flight, and all we really did was stare at each other and reflect on the past.

"And this all started with a silly bet over volleyball," he said smiling.
"It cracks me up, really." I pecked his lips.

We were sitting in a special section -- Hey! Zach Porter of Allstar Weekend here and his new wife! Move out of the way! -- and it was a pretty silent place.

"Zach, I love you, but would you tell me where we're going?"
"I can't. I can't make it easy, can I?"

I can't remember anything after that, but then I woke up in a beautiful room in the comfiest bed in the entire world.

"Zach? Zach, where are we?" I looked over to see Zach snoring in the spot next to me.

His eyes fluttered open and he made stretching noises as he sat up.

He explained how bright his idea was to basically copy Edward Cullen's idea of a perfect honeymoon minus the getting pregnant with a hybrid baby.

I must've married some kind of comic. That made me laugh until my sides hurt.

Though it was kind of copying the book, it was actually perfect for the both of us. There was a double palm tree in the sand about 20 yards from the ocean and the rental house was surrounded by pure white sand. The palm tree was visible from the large sliding glass door in the kitchen and the entire wall separating the kitchen and living room was made of glass.

The bedroom was the biggest room I'd ever seen. It had everything - A king sized bed, a sectional couch, a 62-inch television, a mini fridge, and even a jacuzzi. It was the best house, like, in the world. The bathroom was the size of the kitchen. There was a shower, a bath tub, and a hot tub as well as a vanity area for two. Two sinks, massive counter space. The living room was simple enough. Television, coffee table, sectional couch, window. Other windows existed in the house, which was painted an off-white, and it was a very open layout. I loved it.

I was sure to pack a ton of clothes, but I didn't have enough to fill my dresser.

"How long are we staying here, Zach?" I wondered.
"As long as you feel like. This is my way of saying sorry for not being able to spend quality time with you as much. So we could have the typical honeymoon plus a few days if you like. It actually depends on when you get sick of this," he smiled.
"I love you," I said, kissing him. Who cares about morning breath anymore?
"I love you, too, Mrs. Porter," he whispered in my ear. Chills raced down my spine.

That was something he knew made me weak. I'd told him once how I thought it was incredibly sexy when guys whisper into your ear, especially when their voice was raspy. Being morning, it was the full effect.

"I need to go shower," I told him and got off of the most comfortable bed in the world.

I didn't know if I needed to get dressed in there or not, so I just left my clothes in the dresser.

I took an abnormally long time to shower. It was probably the fact that I needed some Jasmine time to check and see if I was dreaming or not. The hot water felt awesome on my skin. My tense muscles relaxed and I just stood there. It was really, really nice.

I got out, wrapped myself in a towel, and stepped back into the bedroom.

"Why hello there," Zach said in a flirtatious tone. Of course. I was only wearing a towel. The only time he's seen me in less was in a bathing suit. Cosmic swimming memories flooded back and I smiled.

I was kind of uncomfortable with just dropping my towel then and there, but what was there to worry about? Zach and I, we were married now. I pulled my clothes free from the dresser and laid them on the bed. I paused for a second.

Screw it, I thought, and let my towel drop. I put on my underwear and bra and slipped on my shirt. I forgot that Zach was there for a second, but he was reading his phone. What was I worrying about before? I put on my shorts and sat back down on the bed. After wringing out my wet hair all over Zach and him pinning me on the bed about it, we made out a little and he left to get a shower.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay, so we have... 80-some readers, 10 subscribers, and... 4 COMMENTS?

Let's just hope this chapter gives you something to comment about!
It took me all day and 1/4 of a bag of sunflower seeds to write this.

Much love,
Sarah. <3