Oceans Between Us

16 Hours Later...

We got to the hospital 5 eternal minutes later. I was checked in and assigned a room soon after, and Zach showed up.

Zach's POV

My phone rang Jazzy's ringtone.

"Hi Jazzy baby, what's up?" I asked casually.

"Zach, get your cute ass to the hospital this freaking instant!" Her voice was frantic.

"Why, Jazzy? What's going on?"

"Tonight you become a father so get your ass to the hospital!"

"I'm on my way!"

I hung up and raced outside to our car.

* * *

16 hours later, I was holding my baby boy. He wasn't crying like most babies do, he was just looking around the room.

Jazzy was holding a surprise - our little girl. Nobody knew we were having twins, nobody but the twins themselves.

As a surprise, neither had names set in stone. I mean, we knew were going to have a baby, but we figured we'd know what to call it when we saw its cute face. Or, in this case, their cute faces.

And we did.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was my pathetic attempt at the shortest chapter EVER. I think it's great practice to do a short suspenseful chapter in a story, just saying... Sorry I haven't updated, been busy. Plus, my laptop's been being fixed, but it's all better now. Sorry to disappoint, if you thought the story was over.. xD

Much Love,
Sarah :]