Oceans Between Us

Dad, I'm Dating a Rock Star.

Jaz (POV)
Sugar highs are great. 'Nuff said.

After I hung up, I hyper-actively ran throughout the house, and of course, I was home alone. I blasted music, and strained my voice. I'm not sure if that was the sugar, or the fact that I'm going on a date with Zach Porter. Eventually, I crashed in my room.
I woke up at noon, seeing as it was a Saturday. I grabbed my phone and saw one new message from my dad. YES! I haven't talked to him in forever. It was sent literally 2 minutes ago, and it said, "I'm calling sometime in the next 10 minutes." See, my dad's in the military, and I barely get time to talk to him. My mom was asleep, and my little brother was at a friend's house, so I was basically the person to first answer the phone. I waited for five minutes, which seemed like an eternity. When the phone rang, I squealed.
"Daddy!" I shouted into the phone.
"How's my little girl?" He asked, just about as excited as I was.
"Perfect!" I said, probably sounding like a little kid on Christmas.
"Where's Jake?" Whoops.
"Friends house, do you want me to give him a message?" I said, way too eagerly.
"Just tell him that I love him. Is your mother up?"
"Yeah! Wait before I hand the phone off to her, I have to tell you something really quick." Uh-oh. Am I really going to do this?
"Yes, Princess?" Oh no.
"You know Allstar Weekend, the band I've been obsessing over for the past... oh, I don't know how long?"
I took a deep breath and said, "Well, you see, the singer from Allstar Weekend came to the volleyball game yesterday for his brother, and we made a bet. His team won, I go on a date with him..." I trailed off.
"Okay. Just... well, you know what I mean when I say don't do anything, and I'm okay with it if you listen."
"I promise, daddy. It probably won't last long, either. He's going back to Poway next week."
"Can I PLEASE speak to your mother now?" He said eagerly. It made me laugh how he got impatient when he couldn't talk to mom fast enough.
"Okay, okay."
I handed the phone to my mom in bed, and they talked for an hour or so. When they were done, my mom shouted for me in excitement.
"Your father is coming home for a month, and... well, that's all he would tell me. He said 'but it's a surprise,' so that's all I know."
"That's okay mom, he told you more than he told me," I laughed.
I showered and got ready, making sure to do things just right. Curl my hair correctly, put makeup on precisely. By the time I was done, it was around 1, so I had about an hour to kill. I decided to pull out my brother's new game, Black Ops, and figure it out. When Zach texted me 15 minutes into the game, I was startled. I don't usually play video games, but hey, there's a first time for everything, right?
The text conversation:
Zach - When should I pick you up?
Me - Whenever. Just playing some Black Ops now, so I'm pretty much ready.
Zach - Black Ops?
Me - Yeah... why you ask?
Zach - I thought all girls hated that game.
Me - It's pretty cool...
Zach - Be there in 5.
Me - All right.
End of conversation.
Five minutes haven't ever gone slower... ever. Eventually, the time came, and I was riding in the front seat of his family's rental car. I had a feeling this would be good...
♠ ♠ ♠
YeahYeahYeah. Gettin' caught up on this story, then it'll require comments for me to post. Soweeey, it's my way of knowing that people read.