Oceans Between Us

Swimming cosmic style

Jaz’s P.O.V

Today is turning out to be a great day. I have a date with Zach, and I got to talk to my dad. One thing that worries me is Zach told me to grab a bathing suit when he picked me up, so I did, and a towel as well.

Me- Zach where are we going?

Zach- You’ll see.

Me- I don’t like that game.

Zach- Sorry but you are playing the game.

So eventually we pull up to a place I know well, this cool indoor pool with tons of slides and such. You know how some bowling places have cosmic bowling; well here this is cosmic swimming. Every day after 1 they have cosmic swimming and, later they have cosmic bowling which starts at 7.


Zach- Yeah I was driving around, and I heard they had cosmic swimming which sounded way cool, so I thought it would be a cool place for a date.

I jump out of the car and pull him along with me as I drag him inside. I am SO EXCITED!!! This place is almost pitch black, then all over the place there are things that glow in the dark, and there are a couple of lights so no one falls and kills themselves. I have always wanted to come on a date here, but I don’t go on many dates. Zach insisted on paying for me and I thanked him. We both went into the locker rooms to change. I put on my bathing suit, but I felt really self-conscious. Then I got a text from Zach saying when I was done to come out, and we would lock our wallets and phones together in a locker. I was nervous, not many guys see me in a bathing suit, and I am not the thinnest girl on the planet, and this is ZACH PORTER!!! It isn’t just anyone. I came out.

Me- Zach don’t laugh, I know I don’t look too good in a bathing suit alright.

Zach- I would never laugh at you, and I’m sure you look fine.

Zach’s P.O.V

I had my back to her until this point, and I thought it was cute how self-conscious about how she looked.

Me- Do you mind if I turn around and see you now?

Jasmine- I guess not

Me- WOW JAZ you look... you look... GORGEOUS!! O sorry I called you Jaz is that alright?

Jasmine- yeah of course you can call me Jaz, and thanks for the compliment.

She looked amazing. If I hadn’t already started falling for this girl I would have started falling for her this very second.

Me- Um so things you would like to lock away?

She pulls out her phone, Wallet, Ipod, headphones, and her jewelry. I grab my phone and wallet. We lock up our things.

Me- So you go anywhere without your music.

Jaz- Nope I never leave home without it. You wouldn’t leave home without a pair of short or pants, I hope, I never leave home without my music.

Me- Cool. I like that. You’re passionate about music, like me.

Jaz- YUP now let’s go.

Me- Alright let’s go, you lead the way.

We spent 4 hours in the water, going on slides, swimming, talking, everything, it was now
6. I had a GREAT time. So we are sitting and letting ourselves dry off, and we are talking.

Me- So would you like to get changed, grab some food, and then come back for bowling?

Jaz- Sounds perfect.