Oceans Between Us

...Am I Falling For Him?

After I get changed, I'm not able to straighten my hair, so I leave it a curly mess.
"Why does your hair look different?" Zach asked.
"I straighten it," I said casually.
"Because it's easier to work with when it's straight. Plus it looks longer."
"I like your hair this way," he said, playing with a strand of it.
"I don't... I don't know what it is about curly hair, I just hate it."
All of a sudden, his phone rang.
"Hello?" Was all I heard before he walked away. I sighed and pulled out my iPod.
I clicked shuffle, and the first song that came up was "Oceans Between Us," by The Downtown Fiction. Within a minute, Zach was back. I checked the time, 6:32.
"We've got about 4 hours till I have to be home. Do you want to do something else?"
"Sure... like what?"
"I don't know."
"Well, you live here, and I don't. So you know what there is to do."
"Well, we could wander around aimlessly. Or we could drive around town. Or watch a movie, play a board game, watch the stars, hang around WalMart until we get kicked out..."
"They all sound good, really. But I think we should go to WalMart and get kicked out. Then, if we have time to kill, we could go somewhere and play a board game and watch a movie... if that's okay with you."
And that's what we did. We were in the middle of an epic lightsaber battle in WalMart when we got kicked out, and It was freakin' awesome. We put in The Sorcerer's Apprentice and played Scrabble and Sorry, and then we watched the stars. I think it was the most fun I'd had in a long time, because I'm definitely a child at heart. We made plans for tomorrow for making a blanket fort and playing house, and we were basically recreating everything from our childhoods. Except, we didn't have the beach in Denver. We were laying in my backyard, watching the sky, having a comfortable conversation.
"You should definitely spend the summer in California. I mean, have you EVER been to the beach?"
"As surprising as this may sound, no. Never. I've heard it's amazing, though."
He got this look on his face, and it was a cross between pity and "how-the-heck-have-you-never-been-to-the-beach?!"
He got up off of his lawn chair and laid down on the picnic blanket, and I followed after, laying next to him with my head on his chest.
"Ya know, this is a little more romantic than the beach," he pointed out.
"I wouldn't know," I laughed.
All of a sudden, I got this novel idea. I would light the campfire, and it would basically complete this night. When I got up, he asked where I was going, then when I grabbed the lighter, he smiled.
The fire got rid of my shivers, and kept me toasty and warm. We had moved back to the lawn 'couch' my family owned, and we were two feet from the fire. I had my head on his shoulder, and he was playing with my fingers. This really was the perfect night.
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Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuddeeeee, my twitter is @iloveadub5 if you feel like following. I'll tell yuh when I post on twitter, promise! :D