Oceans Between Us

I've Been Stopping At Stop Signs...

Zach's POV
I couldn't help it; this girl is driving me insane. I'm leaving in three days, and there are these strange feelings I have towards her. They're not bad, but they scare me. I feel like I'm getting into something I can't commit to. We live more than 300 miles away, what's worse than loving someone that far away? No, this isn't love. It's some strange crush. But nothing I've ever experienced before was like this.
The second our lips touched, fireworks. It wasn't as long as I'd prefer, but it was enough to get my thoughts and feelings for her straight. This may be a bit fast, but I've definitely fallen for her. I mean, I could possibly say love... but I shouldn't.
"Jaz," I sighed.
"Huh?" She asked, dazed.
"I'm leaving in three days." I sighed again.
"But..." she didn't finish.
I saw a single tear run from her cheek.
I lifted one of her braids. "I love you," I whispered into her ear.
"I love you too, but I don't see how this will work. We live how many miles apart, and... ugh." Her phone rang, and it was something she had to take.
All of a sudden, out of nowhere, an idea for a song rushes into my head. "I've been stopping at stop signs," I sing quietly. No, that doesn't work. "I've been stopping at green lights," now that sounds better. She walks back in on me singing.
"What are you singing?" she asks.
"It's ideas for a new song... do you happen to have paper and a pencil?"
She skates over to her tote bag and pulls out a pen and a notebook.
"Thanks," I say. "I hope you don't mind, but this has to be written down before I forget."
"I don't mind. Really, watching you sing random lines is fun," She smiled.
I didn't write for long, but It was improvement. I couldn't wait to show the guys.
♠ ♠ ♠
Cuuuuute <3