In the Middle of a Gun Fight

Chapter 2

Everyone stared as I walked over to my teacher. She smiled, warmly, standing up and sticking out her hand.

"Bonjour," she said in a thick, French accent. "I'm Mrs. Bencher. You must be Samantha." I nodded, shaking her hand quickly. She walked past me, standing in front of the class, making me stand by her.

"Classe, s'il vous plaît la bienvenue Samantha Reed."

"Bonjour, Samantha," everyone called. I gulped, waving once, feeling my cheeks get hot. Mrs. Bencher turned to me, smiling at my nervousness.

"Go ahead and sit down next to Gerard, Samantha." My head snapped up, looking at the boy I'd ran into this morning. He grinned at me, patting the seat next to him. I smiled slightly, walking over to my seat. I tripped over my own feet twice and people snickered. My cheeks were burning vermilion before I sat down.Gerard waved once at me, then pulled out a piece of paper, scribbling something on it then folding it, setting it on my desk and looking back to the front of the classroom.

Long time no see, new girl ;) I read, grinning in the process. I took a pencil out of my backpack, writing back:

Not even 15 minutes :P I threw it back to him. He read it, shrugging and nodding in agreement. It landed on my desk once again.

Meh. Still. I didn't know you were even gonna be in here... Are you stalking me? O_O I laughed louder then intended, some people turned and looked at me like I was insane. I cleared my throat, cheeks burning.

Ehhh... Sure. ^___^

Wellll, at least you're pretty! That males it ALOT easier :P I grinned. "Thank you," I mouthed. He waved his hand in a 'Don't mention it' motion.

"Gerard? Samantha? Y at-il quelque chose que vous souhaitez partager avec la classe?" Our heads snapped to Mrs. Bencher. We both shook our heads, looking down. Mrs. Bencher nodded, going back to what she was doing. Again, the note landed on my desk.
Eat with me at lunch?? I grinned, nodding at him. He did a fist pump and I giggled quietly. French went by fast, mostly because I talked with Gerard the whole time.
"Classe, n'oubliez pas vos devoirs!" Mrs. Bencher shouted as we ran out of the room.

"What do you have next?" Gerard asked, stopping at my locker with me. I glanced at my schedule.

"Choir." I said, handing the half sheet of paper to him so I could put my bag in my locker.

"Me, too! Jeeze! You really are stalking me!" He laughed as I closed my locker. He handed my schedule back. I stuffed it in my pocket as he lead us to our next class.

"Mrs. Tappa is super nice and amazing. She's very passionate about music and she likes her students to take it seriously," He eyed me and I felt slightly insulted.

"Excuse me, sir, but music and singing are the most important things to me!" I said, hitting him playfully in the arm. We both laughed as we reached room 210; "The Music Room" as the sign said above the door.

"Well, then, we definitely have that in common." He grinned, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the room. The next few periods went fast. Gerard was in my 1st (French), 2nd (Choir), 3rd (Math), and 4th (Science) period classes, and we had 2nd lunch together. We stood in line, waiting to pay for our pizza... At least, I think it was pizza... We paid and he lead me to a table with 3 other guys at it.

"Gee!" Someone shouted, hugging Gerard.

"Hey, Mikes!" Gerard called back, sitting down. I just stood. Soon, they looked up at me and my cheeks grew hot once again.

"Who are you?" one of them asked. His hair was short and black, and his lip and nose were pierced. I cleared my throat, glancing at Gerard for support. He chuckled, standing back up.

"Guys, this is Samantha. She's new, I told her she could sit with us." They all nodded, smiling up at me. Gerard sat back down, pulling my arm and making me sit when I didn't move. I set my tray on the table, nerves making my appetite vanish.

"Sam, this is Frank," He pointed at the one with piercings, "Ray," he motioned to a boy with light brown afro-like hair, "and, my brother, Mikey." He pointed to the one that had given him a hug. Mikey pushed his glasses up onto his nose a little farther, smiling and waving once. I grinned quickly, cheeks staying hot.

"She seems shy..." Ray mumbled into Gerard's ear, both looking at me.

"Well, she's new! What do you expect?" They all shrugged, accepting that. Lunch went by quicker then I would have expected, and the next 3 periods did, too. Mikey and Ray were in my 5th (P.E.) and 6th (English) and Gerard was in my 7th period (History). Again, Gerard followed me to my locker. As I put my stuff away, he leaned next to me, smiling.

"Soooo? How did you like your first day?" He asked. I sighed, grinning and nodding.

"It was pretty good. This one guy made it amazing." I muttered, closing my locker.

"Oh..." he pouted, crossing his arms. I chuckled, grabbing him and pulling him into a hug.

"I was talking about you, silly," I said, quietly, squeezing him. He laughed, rubbing my back.

"Well, I'm glad. Can I, um... Call you later?" I pulled away, surprised. He looked hopeful. After a minute, I nodded, pulling out a pen and writing my cell phone number on his arm. He grinned, bowing his head.

"Thanks. I'll call you later. Bye, Sam." I waved as he walked away, looking after him. I stuffed the pen in my pocket, next to my schedule and the note we had passed back and fourth in French. I walked home, thinking about him non-stop. I unlocked my door, walking in.

"Hey, sweetie! How was your day?" My mother called from the kitchen after hearing the door shut. I threw my backpack on the couch, sliding down to the floor, heart beating fast, butterflies fluttering wildly.

"Mom," I said, breathlessly. "Today was amazing."
♠ ♠ ♠
Classe, s'il vous plaît la bienvenue = Class, say hello to

Y at-il quelque chose que vous souhaitez partager avec la classe = Do you have something to share with the class?

Classe, n'oubliez pas vos devoirs = Class, don't forget your homework!
