The Queen's Rocket

The End

When Matt and Victor woke up, they woke up to a rude sight. They saw before them Archibald with a pistol. Matt yelled “What’s the meaning of this!”

“Judgment my good man, judgment for the almighty creator.” replied the cold Captain.

“My god man this is madness you’re talking about!” yelled Victor.

“No my dear sinner, this is god’s will. Now the both of you get up and suit up and then face your backs to me.”

Matt didn’t wait though. It all happened in a state of slowed time. Matt swung an uppercut to Archibald’s head. The man raised the gun and aimed for Matt’s chest, but Victor pounced him knocking Archibald to the hull with a metallic thud. But not before a round clipped Matt’s leg. Matt cringed and fell while Victor wrestled with the man. Archibald swung back his shoulder pounding Victor to oblivion, but Victor held onto the hand with the gun for dear life, pounding it against the hull hoping the captain would drop it. Archibald shot up quickly in the weak gravity and using his back shoved the weakened Victor against the hull. The gun thankfully dropped but Archibald didn’t care. Matt regained strength and picked up the gun. One arm was beating on Victor while the other thrashed for Matt, but Archibald was losing sight was Victor’s arms enclosed his throat. Finally the beaten Victor dropped from Archibald’s back and fell to the ground. Matt aimed at the crazed captain’s head; Matt shouted “Stop or I’ll shoot!”

But Archibald in the tight space reached for Matt, with no hesitation Matt fired the gun. In a horrifying slow spectacle what was the inside of the skull of Archibald suddenly became the outside of his skull. Archibald recoiled back and slumped on the ground. Matt and Victor stared at the body in disbelief. They stayed frozen looking at the body. In a panic they took the body and dumped it into the airlock. The two men then sat down on the mess hall floor stunned and weak at what had happened. The clock read the dead of night, it was Matt who broke the silence “I bet he was the saboteur and with that talk of his I bet you he was probably one of those god damn Luddite’s.”

But all Victor said nothing. The next day they decided to bury the body in the lunar regolith. From there they also decided to continue the expedition. Walking across the great waste they carried enough oxygen for four hours. They would have been excited by the view around them, but the event of last night dulled them. They passed smaller craters and boulders but neither Matt nor Victor cared. After an hour trek they came upon their crater. It was oddly shallow but was indeed wide. The large size radius of the crater was probably half a kilometer. Carefully they descended the crater wall; their climbing equipment wasn’t needed thanks to the shallow hills of the crater walls. They walked to the center and quickly unloaded their equipment. Matt spoke in a thoughtful tone “It should be here.”
“What should be here?” asked a confused Victor.

“You’ll see.”

With that Matt scratched the ground. He then fell to his knees in a cloud of regolith and pawed at the surface. He quickly shot to his feet and whooped in joy. Matt ripped open the equipment chest and grabbed a large broom, Matt also handed one to Victor and told him to start sweeping. Confused at this Victor wanted to ask why but instead he swept. The two men beat the land tirelessly, they sent up small clouds of dust yet they continued. Then Victor noticed something. He saw intricate lines from where the layers of dust had been, he continued to sweep and noticed even more lines. He wanted to ask what these were but instead continued to sweep. For an hour more they swept, until Victor came upon a skull. Or what could have been a skull, the eye of the beast was all that was visible at first, Victor called Matt on to look at his find. When he came over him immediately began to dig around the eye socket. Quickly they came upon a beast. The creature’s skull was quite large as large as a pig. Its mouth was a parrot beak and the eyes were also quite large. Victor judged by the size of the cranium that the creature was quite smart. Matt shot up and spoke “I knew it, they were here.”

“Who was here Matt?” asked a greatly confused Victor.

“Martians Victor that’s who.”

“God don’t be daft Matt, this is not the time.”

“I’m not daft. Listen, do you remember that great fire back in Woking way back in 86?”

“Yes go on.”

“Well that wasn’t a fire that was an invasion, by Martians.”

Victor gulped and said “You sure?”

“Yes, I was there, I was part of the science crew. See we knew they were coming but we didn’t know it was Martians back then. We saw great green flashes’ coming from Mars, for 6 months this happened and then they stopped. Then another great flash came from here on the Moon. But it was odd because it was only one flash, we suspected that it was because that that one flash were the pathfinder’s for a much larger invasion. When the path finder’s landed, they cut through an entire village in an instant, their heat rays burned the entire place down and anyone in it. When the army arrived they quickly found themselves in a losing battle. So they retreated and called on more support. But when a larger force arrived the Martians were all dead. We didn’t know what killed them, until we brought them back to our labs and found out it was bacteria. Those dammed Martian buggers didn’t bother to protect themselves from our atmosphere and thus they died. So you see what you’re seeing is what’s left of the vanguard of a much larger invasion force. I was sent here to make sure there were no survivor’s and as you can see there are none. So yes I’m very sure Victor, very dammed sure that these are, well were Martians.”

Victor’s mind tired to process all this. In the end he asked “Who is we?”

“The English government of course and some scientist’s from other countries.” replied Matt.

Victor looked to him and then back to the skull, that dead thing, that dead monster was a creature from Mars an intelligent being from another world. Victor spoke “So what do we do now?”

“Simple we tell Earth what has happened and continue with the mission. Except we don’t tell them of this find, people back home are not ready for this.” replied Matt steadfastly.

I couldn’t agree more, thought Victor remembering back to Archibald. Are we ready for the cosmos then, asked Victor to himself. Yes, answered back a voice in his head, if you and other men have gone this far than man is ready for the stars, man is ready to voyage to the beyond and discover its secrets. With that Victor stood up and looked for the red world known as Mars. Once found he declared it to himself that that is humanity’s next goal. That is the Human race’s first objective. With strength Victor spoke “We best continue with the mission then eh?”

“Yes we should very do so.” replied Matt calmly.

Thus the men of the blue world resumed their far flung mission and then a day later, returned to their safe world and its teeming life. All the while far off in the cosmic black sea, the blood red world, beckoned human kind to test their strength against the star’s once again.

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There it is la finished, bit long but hey at least its done. I hope you guy's enjoyed this story. Been thinking of turning it into a series.