Status: active

When Hell Freezes Over

Her world and his world were intertwined irrevocably by fate, never to exist without the other. If they ever were to stray from that path, both Heaven and Hell were to make sure that they were destroyed and replaced. That is what had happened for centuries, and what would happen for centuries to come if they didn't do their job correctly.

Her mother had been one of those destroyed, along with his father. They had started the music before they were supposed to, and that had ended their lives as the Chosen Ones. They were both gone now, neither Below or Above, and he was going to make sure that they didn't mess up like their parents had. He wanted everything to be perfect for the final song, but all she wanted was to make her own fate. She was one of the stubbornest of the Chosen Ones, and him the most law-abiding. Together their fate would be different then any of the Chosen Ones before them, and they would cause Hell to freeze over.
  1. Prologue
    Looking out the window one last time, I thought about how I had waited forever for this moment...
  2. Realizations
    A little over a year before the prologue.