Status: active

When Hell Freezes Over


The snow was falling outside for the last time ever on this Earth. Maybe someday God would decide to try His luck at a new world, but He had always told me when I was a baby on His knee that Earth was His masterpiece, and He wanted it to be His final creation. I was always the closest to Him, and it drove all of the other Chosen Ones crazy, especially my partner. I was the most reckless of them all, and somehow He loved me the most for it. He had told me as a child that He knew I would be the one to sing the song, and that there would be none created before or after me with the chance at as much perfection. I would blush and pull His beard, but now I knew what He said to be true: my voice was the one that would change this world, for better or worse.

Looking out the window one last time, I thought about how I had waited forever for this moment. Technically it had only been two thousand and eleven years, three hundred and sixty-four days, twenty-three hours, fifty-nine minutes, and fifty-nine seconds, but it had felt like forever to me. I had watched so many of my friends die, so many people I loved gone, and now the time was finally here. But in the past year I had slowly found myself wanting this moment to never come, and the reason for that was the man who now sat next to me at the piano. His brown curls were messy from the sleepless night, and his hands were poised on the piano, just about to start the song.

He looked up at me and smiled sadly, knowing this would be the first and last time we would start the song together, and the only chance for us to make it perfect. One wrong note could turn Hell to ice, one wrong sound could set Heaven on fire. I knew that, and he knew that, but somehow I still felt at ease with the song. I looked at the clock as the last second ticked away, took my starting breath, and began to sing.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is what the story will be leading up to. Sorry it's so short, it's just he prologue, but I did already start the first chapter.
I'm very sorry for not updating any of my other stories. I feel like all I do is start stories and never finish, but I actually know exactly how I want this story to turn out...I just have to write it all down.

Anyway, Nick is not famous in this story, and I'm not really going to mention his family at all because I want this story to focus solely on him and Natassia. He, as usual, is the quiet , reserved one, and she is the outgoing one who wants to know the whole world at once. There were probably be a lot of flashbacks in this story, going back to the two thousand years they have spent on the Earth.

Hope you guys like it!

<3 Mariah