
"I know you don't work here anymore..."

Another day working on this cubicle, away from the real world, away from my dreams. It wasn’t horrifying or something, but it was a crap, work every day as a call-center girl; and now even more, ‘cause the only guy from here that has ever captivated me, is gone. But wait! He’s not dead, or anything, but he quitted this job (and I totally understand it, this is too boring), and now I can’t even dream of him coming to me and ask me out, ‘cause he’s not here anymore. I don’t blame him for not noticing me, you know? He was just a man, after all; what kind of decent man would look at someone like me? A girl who’s always with a book or a computer near her, and that never turns off the music (only when she’s working, of course!), and who’s always hanging around with strangers, ‘cause she has no friends; that’s not very attractive, after all.
Another call I had to answer, for this wicked company that kept receiving complains, but yet was very well-succeeded; I was the one who had to hear all those people complaining about the television coming without one of his offers, or the microwaves didn’t work. They would yell at me, and I wasn’t the one to blame; I’d have to stay there just listening to their screams and complains, without even scream back, ‘cause, if I did that, I’d be fired, and I couldn’t let that happen to me, or I’d end up sleeping in a alley.

I was still missing the way that guy worked; he’d smile at every call he could, despite no one could see him but the ones who’re working with him, he’d stay calm every time someone yelled at him through the phone, he’d even joke with the people about the system so they would calm down! I sighed, reminiscing about the time I thought he was looking at me, as I picked up another call from a mad costumer.
“How can this be like that? I just got my television, and it’s missing the remote! What kind of bastard does that? You motherfucker, give me my remote!” some mad guy yelled at me, on the other side of the line; okay, I’d been yelled at before, but no one ever insulted me!
“Excuse me?!” I replied, an angry tone starting to fill my voice.
“You heard me, bitch! I want my fucking remote!” the guy replied, and I couldn’t control myself anymore.
“Are you fucking crazy? I’m not the one who arranges that, I’m just a fucking call-center girl! Maybe your remote is there, but you’re too much of a blind motherfucker to find it! FUCK YOU!” I screamed at the man, and hung up the phone, then grabbing my jacket, the only thing I had with me beside my keys and cell-phone, and got up, going to the director’s office. I got inside without even knocking, a few tears escaping my eyes, not from sadness, but from rage.
“I quit” I said to him, leaving right away, before anyone could stop me; for the first time in my whole life, I was the center of the attentions, since all my co-workers were looking at me, some with a funny face, others shocked by my rage.
When I was out the building, what I had just done hit me, but I couldn’t go back; now, the only thing I had to do was look for another job, just like the guy I kinda liked did.

~ Guy’s POV ~

I knew exactly how to talk to the girl… I just had to call to the call-center she was working on, and it would be easy to ask her out, just like me eating ice-cream in the summer.
While I was walking through the park, reuniting all the courage I needed to call, I was imagining me and her, there, kicking blades, or dancing around a tree we would call our own, and then running to the beach near the park, when it was night; we’d sleep on the beach, and we’d make love there, just being two romantic lovers, who have nothing left to do than love each other. Finally, I got the courage to call to the call-center, hoping that she was the one who’d pick up the phone.
“Good morning, how can I help you?” I heard a familiar voice answer from the other side; it was my brother, who also worked on the call-center.
“Hey, Jay…” I replied, a little nervous with what I was about to do.
“Hey, man! What’s up?” He replied, and I could bet he was smiling at the phone, like I always did.
“I needed you to pass the call to Sharlene, please; I wanted to talk to her…” I asked him, and I knew he was able to notice my nerves.
“No can do, man” he replied, and I pissed off.
“Why, dude? I mean, it’s just a call!” I yelled at him, making the people around me look at me, and I flushed.
“Wade, she quitted her job, today, I have no idea where she’s at” Jillian replied, and I broke down.
“Why the fuck did she quit?” I asked him, all my sadness running through my vocal chords.
“Someone insulted her on the phone, and, to be true, I think she also quitted ‘cause you weren’t here; I saw her looking a lot at the spot you were working before, and it’s still vacant…” my brother told me, but I didn’t care.
“Thanks anyway, Jillian, bye” I told him, and instantly hung up, not letting him reply.
I walked sad through the park, speculating about all the things me and Sharlene could be, if I could ever ask her out; that torn me apart, again, and I couldn’t help but think I’d die alone. Or better, I’d live, breathe and die alone; yep, that’s my doom. Suddenly, I felt my face a little wet, and I noticed I was crying over that fact, but, in fact, what I was thinking about was at how easy it would be dying alone: I wouldn’t have to say goodbyes, I wouldn’t hurt anyone, and I wouldn’t be hurt to leave people behind; now that’s I was seeing it that way, I think I’d love to die alone. No pain, no goodbyes… what could a person dream of, more than no pain?
I hit someone, while walking, and instantly looked up to say sorry, but I was amazed by the person in front of me: it was Sharlene.
Neither of us said a word, we just stared and smiled at each other, and then started walking one with another, walking towards the road where our lives would begin.
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