St. Harry's


Verity walked down the path, taking her shoes of as she walked. She loved coming down here, especially in the summer, the plants and trees were so beautiful and made her feel totally alive and free. The grass under her feet felt smooth as she walked of the path following the little stream with dancing fish up to the tower. This tower looked like it could have been part of the original school.

The original School burnt down because of a science experiment that went badly wrong. That happened a lot at the school but never as bad as that. Verity hadn’t been there at the time but everyone new. People never really ventured were the old school had been students must of when it first happened but students thought it not important and boring.

That was one of the problems with the school; some people were so small in their thinking. Ask them to make money or something illegal then they are the best, ask them to see natural or hidden beauty then they have no idea.

Verity opened the door to the tower and entered the thresh hold. The grass had over grown through the floor and in the middle was a tree. Verity was never sure what this tower was actually used for in the old school, but she didn’t care this was her sanctuary.

It was a hot summer day and the sun shone through the cracks in the roof, shimmering through the tree that had grown there; it had only been four years since that part of the school had burnt down but already fully grown vines and trees grew through out the ruin. Verity sat down on the grass and started to meditate. She liked doing this it help her focus on things that mattered and also clear her head of things that didn’t.

I won’t go into what she was thinking because her thoughts are private and that would be an invasion of her thoughts.

What I will say is that she was thinking why her summer holidays were being spent in the school instead of home. It had been her own choice but at the same time she regretted not going home.

Her eyes started to go into a daze as she thought and soon the afternoon sun was dragging her eye lids down and making her feel ever so sleepy.

When she woke the wind had started to pick her self up and head back to the school and her dorm. There were a few kids who stayed but mostly they stayed in their own groups or kept themselves to themselves.
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Short I Know But I LIke It.

Tell Me What You Think Next Chapter In A Few Days.

sailor emo