St. Harry's

Callum and Lisa

How could he loose his keys? This was insane it was the summer there where no students here to nick them and he never miss placed his keys. John ran to The Met Studio to see if it had been open. He was going to be ridiculed for weeks about this. Thought John as he carried on running. How often had he said about keeping keys safe and out of others hands, teachers and students alike.

As he got nearer The Met he heard a storing voice that he heard many times before.

“How can I tell her, she’ll never understand. Marriage is pure and so are children. She’d never understand. How can she know what I’m going through? How could she possibly understand my reasons for wanting to keep the small creature growing in my stomach?”

A guy with long brown hair was in the middle of a black room with a black floor. He was wearing faded blue baggy jeans covered in paint and a black top with a white pattern on. He carried on his monolog to his invisible audience.

John had forgotten about Callum. He was staying at the school instead of going home over the summer. Callum had his reasons that he wasn’t going to pry into.

John liked Callum, him and H.O.D, Johnny, thought that he showed talent and according to Gerard and jack he was too very good at art and music and showed promising talent. Yet others said about his lack of corporation, sullenness and the fact that he, unlike so many others, would just sit there. The other students would at least give them their attention long enough to ridicule it. He just sat there.

John liked this, he got on with work and rarely spoke to anyone, yet all the girls seem to have a crush on him and he took away most of the attention from the other guy, which annoyed them to no end. This caused many fights but in the end it was Callum who usually came out on top.

He did have very handsome features, high cheekbones, long wavy hair, chocolate eyes and a strong figure. A guy in short that most girls would go crazy for.

John stood at the door watching Callum work and practice to as near perfection as possible.

This was one of his monologs.

That was another great thing about Callum he always played women. Not drag but real women. Girls in his age group. He gave the girls that were too quite in the loud hustle and bustle of the school. Girls who were too shy or too scared to speak up. He was them.

John left the room not wanting to disturb him. John sometimes wondered why he would spend all his time at the school but he new he would ever ask. He had too much respect for Callum to do that.

“I ain’t going!” Lisa screamed at her mother.

“Yes you are just deal with it you stupid, spoilt girl!” Her mother screamed back.

You could just hear the neighbours groaning as they could her ‘that awful woman and pesky girl’ at it again.

“I ain’t going! I’m happy hear!”

“You going I can’t stand the sight of you anymore!”

“Well I hate you! I still ain’t going!”

“Oh Yes you are! School starts in 2 weeks your going everything’s planned. You have your new uniform and everything!”

With that Lisa’s mother pulled out a bag with a black and emerald coloured uniform in it.

“Piss off! No way am I we!”

“That’s it. You out of here! Today. I want you gone I’m taking you to the school today I don’t care what you say, your going and that’s it. Get you stuff. I don’t want to see your fat stupid face ever again!”

Lisa ran away from her mother in a fit of incoherent screams, swearing and tears.

She couldn’t believe what was happening. Her life had just changed, defiantly for the worse. How could she leave all her friends, Scott, everyone!

Getting out her pink phone she called all her friends and said goodbye.

This was the worst thing she had ever had to do and she knew she was going to hate it.

Grabbing her pink suitcase she started sorting out her cloths.

Fred Perry jumper-keep

Mckenzie hoodie-keep

Rock ports-keep

Lacross perfume/trackies/trainers-keep

She carried on going through all her designer labels and possessions till she had packed everything of value and brought it down stairs to meet her mother smoking out side in the car waiting to head of to a new life for Lisa.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry Took So Long, Actually I've Lost Track Of Days And Have No Idea When I Last Updated

sailor emo