Our Table

Draco's 21st

Malfoy Manor was pretty in the snow, but they had really outdone themselves for Draco's 21st. The gardens were scattered with twinkly orbs of light, making it look beautiful. I could have stood there all night, though regretfully I did have to head inside.
It was packed inside, a corner of the room was particularly packed, clearly Draco was somewhere inside the throng of people. I smiled faintly, he was going to hate this, all the time I had known him he had hated people fawning over him. Though I had been assured by his mother that he used to love all the attention he got. Being the only heir of one of the most famous wizarding families probably didn't help him avoid attention.
I glimpsed Blaize sitting alone in one of the booths, making my way over to him I dropped Draco's present onto the large pile of prettily wrapped boxes, causing a large avalanche as half the pile fell onto the floor. I zipped away before anyone realized that it was me that caused it.
"Good evening Willow."
"Yeah, hey Blaize. Still calling me by my second name I see."
"Yes. I can't call you Felicity. That is my girlfriends name, as you know."
"Call me Flick, everyone does."
"Yes. Well. I'm not everyone." I rolled my eyes and smiled.
"I know Blaize." Draco slipped in next to him and rolled his eyes in exasperation.
"Why. Why did I agree to this travesty of a birthday celebration." I smiled, taking a drink from one of the passing house elves. "Hi Flick,"
"Hey. Darren says happy birthday." Draco nodded and glanced around.
"Good turnout though."
"Yes, rather a lot of people are here aren't they. Congratulations man." Blaize clapped him on the back, before getting up. "Excuse me. Felicity just arrived." He disappeared into the crowd before I had a chance to say bye. Draco smiled at me, stretching the thin scar that ran across his cheekbone slightly.
"Had a nice summer Flick?" I shrugged, smiling.
"It was okay. You?"
"Not much happened if I'm honest. We went to see Dad. Even without the dementors, Azkaban is still the same. Feels like all the happiness has been sucked out of the ruddy place." I scooted over and rubbed his arm.
"Was he okay?"
"No, but he's accepted it. I think he's just glad he didn't get his soul sucked out." I smiled faintly.
"Well, that’s always good I guess." Draco looked at me, smiling bigger than before. "What?" He smirked.
"You look good tonight." I smiled involuntarily.
"Want to go upstairs?" I rolled my eyes.
"Draco. Really?"
"Yeah seriously. I want to show you something." He scooted closer to me.
"If that’s a euphemism..."
"If I were talking about my penis, it wouldn’t be a euphemism." He rose his voice. "I want to show you something. And it’s really important."
"Fine. Come on then." He grinned and took my hand, pulling me through the crowd, I smiled awkwardly at people he pulled me past. When he’d finished dragging me along I found myself in a bedroom. “Draco...”
“No. It’s not what you think. Really.” He opened a door on the other side of the room. He gestured for me to look. It was the bathroom from my house, my house. I looked at Draco in shock. “I was locked in it for 3 days. I figured if you could have just one thing from your house you’d be happier.” I smiled faintly. I think I was in shock more than anything. I turned to Draco. Kissed him.
He didn’t react for a few moments, then kissed me back, running his hands through my hair. I pulled back, glancing around the room again.
“Sorry.” I bit my lip. “I just- thanks.” He smiled and shrugged.
“I just thought since my dad destroyed your house, you needed something to feel like home.”
“How did you get it so.. right?” He cocked his head slightly.
“I was locked in it for three days, all I had to look at was the room. If I couldn’t get that right Id have to despair of my brains.” I laughed.
“Yeah I guess.” He looked at me.
“That kiss, that was.. real.” I looked at the floor, smiled.
“D’you want to give it a go? Me and you? Proper dating. Girlfriend boyfriend sorta thing?” I looked up at him, frowned.
“Are you asking me out? In a bathroom?” He grinned, nodded. “Yeah, bring it on.” He smiled, leaned in and rested his forehead against mine.
“I’ve been wanting to ask you all summer. Ever since that night. I’d never talked with anyone like that before, deep and serious. It’s always been flirty and fun and you know not real somehow. Like Pansy. She’s okay, but seriously she doesn’t know how to just talk.” I smiled.
“If anything, Pansy knows how to talk.”
“I mean, talk talk.”
“I know.” I’m not sure how long we stood like that, just standing together. But eventually we decided we best go down. Otherwise people would start talking. People always started talking. Outside the hall, he grabebd my arm and pulled me back.
“Do we tell people?” I looked up at him, then back down to his hand on my arm.
“If they ask. I guess I don’t want to be telling everyone, but the select few. Blaize, Darren, your mum I guess should know.” He smiled then ducked his head to kiss me.
“See you back at the table. I’ll get you a drink.” I grinned as we walked through the doors, back into the crowd of people. I saw Narcissa looking at me questioningly from across the room, it was like she always knew about everything. I smiled at her, waved slightly. She looked down, smiled then went back to talking to the man she was with. He was talking very enthusiastically about something.
I sat back down at our table, completely unawares I would be back there in seven years as part of the Malfoy family.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so I wrote this ages ago, with intent on writing a whole story leading up to this, with this as the last chapter. However, I quickly forgot about leaving it on my pendrive for me to discover this week, so I decided as I'm never going to get around to doing the rest of this I'd put it up as a one-shot. There are bits you might not understand like with the being locked up together and everything, but in my defence I can't be bothered to explain it in this oneshot so deal with it =P