Shining Through


Dino smiled as the small blonde boy nodded wordlessly. Dino turned him in his arms and looked down into his wide eyes that were framed by the black fabric of the mask that seemed to cling to the contours of Aidan’s beautiful face. It hugged his cheek bones perfectly, and contrasted against his almost white skin. “You look beautiful tonight, Aidan,” Dino whispered, letting a finger trail confidently down Aidan’s flawless cheek. The shorter boy smiled and looked up into Dino’s eyes. While Aidan’s mask didn’t really hide his identity, Dino had chosen a mask that hid his completely. Only his eyes and a small portion of his mouth were visible. So unless someone knew what he was wearing or how his hair looked, then he felt he was safe. It’s not like the other guys on the football team would recognise he hair…
“So do you,” Aidan smiled, his lips quirking at the edges. He let his eyes shamelessly run up and Dino’s body, biting his bottom lip as he did so. “Dino.” Dino’s grip on Aidan’s wrist tightened and he pulled him up against him again.
“Don’t,” Dino said. “Just dance with me.” Dino didn’t want for a response, just kept hold of Aidan’s wrist and dragged him to the dance floor. Dino saw several people were looking at them, but he felt safe behind his mask, secure that no one would recognise him. He turned towards Aidan against and wrapped his arms around his waist, while Aidan wrapped his arms around his neck.
“Can you dance?” Aidan asked and Dino glowered at him, even though coming from behind the mask it lost its impact. Dino had been content to just stand there swaying and holding the boy that he’d been denying himself for the last year. But now he’d been challenged, he couldn’t ignore it. So he took one of Aidan’s hands from his shoulders and held it firmly.
“Just you wait, princess,” Dino smirked, looking straight down into Aidan’s green eyes. And then Dino swept Aidan off his feet by whirling him around the dance floor. Aidan’s expression, despite the mask, made Dino’s stomach twist in a good way. Aidan just looked so happy; it made Dino happy knowing that he’d been the cause of that.
“Okay,” Aidan whispered once the song ended and Dino slowed down once again. “You can dance.” Dino grinned and found himself looking down into Aidan’s eyes, feeling like he could look into those happy orbs forever. “Does anyone else know you can dance?” Aidan asked and Dino’s smile seemed to melt from his face.
“No,” he said roughly, looking away from the blonde and around the room, as though checking that he hadn’t been recognised.
“No one knows that you play the piano, or that you can dance,” Aidan said softly, placing his hand on the mask over Dino’s cheek, turning him back to look down at him. “How many people actually know you?” Aidan asked and Dino frowned and shook his head. It was probably sad that Aidan knew Dino the best and this was probably the most they’d ever really spoken. Dino took Aidan’s hand, linking their fingers, and led Aidan off the dance floor, away from the crowds and to a quieter corner of the large room.
“You don’t understand,” Dino said softly. His previously cocky and arrogant demeanour had vanished to be replaced with a scared 18 year old boy.
“I do,” Aidan said softly. “I probably one of the few who could understand. You should let people see you.” Aidan placed his hand over Dino’s chest, over his heart. “The person in here, the person who you briefly show me every once in a while, is special, Dino. I can see that, I can see who you really are, behind this act that you put on. You don’t need to be so scared that other people won’t accept you for who you are.” Dino felt like he could cry. He hadn’t cried since he was a child, but this blonde boy had almost moved him to tears.
“How do you know?” Dino asked before he could help himself. But Aidan didn’t laugh at him. He just smiled gently and stretched up on his toes to look into Dino’s eyes.
“Because I like you for who you are,” Aidan whispered and Dino felt his heart skip a beat. He’d never experienced someone liking him regardless of how he looked or despite the fact that he was captain of the football team. “So why wouldn’t other people?”
“What if you’re the…only one?” Dino whispered fearfully.
“Then everyone else will be missing out on knowing someone so amazing, so kind and so talented,” Aidan said. “But people aren’t as bad as you’re expecting them to be, Dino. There are good people in the world, people who will accept you for who you are, who will praise you for your skills on the piano. And they’re not hard to find. You just have to show your true self first.” Dino looked down at Aidan, his heart suddenly racing. He was so overwhelmed with how much he suddenly seemed to care for this small boy standing in front of him. Dino glanced around himself quickly before raising his mask halfway and quickly catching Aidan’s lips in a brief kiss. Aidan’s smile was brilliant, but quickly vanished once Dino whispered to him.
“I’ll be right back.”

Dino didn’t like just leaving Aidan standing there on his own, but he was going to do this now or he’d chicken out and never get it done. “Mr Heath?” Dino said, his voice coming out slightly fuzzy due to the mask. The man turned and smiled politely even though he didn’t know who was under the mask. “I was just wondering if I could play a piece on the piano. I want to dedicate it to someone I…someone I really care for.” Mr Heath seemed to consider Dino for a moment before smiling and nodding. The man motioned for the boy to follow him, and together they walked towards the stage. Once the current song ended, Mr Heath told the band that was playing to take a break and motioned towards the piano. Dino sat at the bench and he realised that almost everyone was now looking towards him, wondering why the music had suddenly stopped. The chatter slowly died down and Dino let his fingers gently rest on the keys of the piano. He looked across the room and met Aidan’s green eyes. He smiled behind the mask at the emotion in Aidan’s eyes. Dino then started playing, softly at first before crescendoing towards the end. The hall was silent, except for the occasional personal talking, and some couples were even dancing slowly to the music. Dino finished the piece neatly and then stood from the bench. His heart was racing and his palms were slightly clammy, but he knew what he wanted to do. He jumped down from the stage and walked across the dance floor to the back of the room, where Aidan had moved to so he could get a better view of Dino playing. Once Dino was only a few steps from Aidan, he tore his mask off and covered the last few feet before pulled Aidan against him and kissing him passionately. Aidan gasped into the kiss, clearly surprised, but then wrapped his arms around Dino’s neck and eagerly pressed back into Dino’s body.
“That was for you,” Dino whispered unnecessarily against Aidan’s lips. Aidan just smiled and pressed his forehead against Dino’s.
“I know,” he whispered, closing his eyes in content. “Thank you.” Dino slowly slipped Aidan’s mask over his silky blonde hair and looked down at him with a smile. Dino ducked his head and kissed Aidan again. He didn’t think he would ever get tired of tasting the smaller boy’s lips.

A moment later, Dino became aware of people surrounding them and he prepared himself. He felt Aidan tense in his arms and he pulled away from him while threading a reassuring arm around his waist and holding him close. “You’re a fag?” Jones, the goalie on the football team asked.
“I guess I am, what does it matter to you?” Dino asked, standing up straighter, rising to his full height of 6 foot. Jones and the 3 guys behind him seemed to take a small step backwards and Dino knew that they weren’t going to start anything.
“Just…don’t perve on us when we’re changing,” Jones said. Dino narrowed his eyes and they all practically turned and ran. Dino turned back to Aidan and smiled down at him. Aidan returned it and grasped the back of Aidan’s head to bring him down to his level so he could kiss him again.
“Dino,” Aidan said softly, and Dino looked down into his eyes. He sensed the seriousness of what Aidan was about to say. “I’m leaving in a couple of months…hopefully, anyway.” Dino frowned softly and Aidan continued. “I’ve got an audition for a college in London to study music…” Dino’s frown melted into a smile.
“Me, too,” Dino said softly. “I saw your application papers a couple of weeks ago and thought it was a good idea. So I applied as well. I figured…if you were leaving, I might as well go with you.” Aidan’s eyes were sparkling and he was beaming up at Dino.
“Really? You want…that?” Aidan asked softly and Dino smiled and nodded.
“I want it all,” Dino said. “With you. “ Aidan smiled again and shook his head before hugging Dino and nuzzling into his warm, strong chest.
“Me, too,” Aidan whispered, gripping onto Dino’s sides, letting his fingers stroke Dino’s skin through the thin fabric of his shirt. Dino never wanted Aidan to let go and he knew he would do everything in his power to make sure Aidan never did.

I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors,
True colors, are beautiful,
Like a rainbow.
♠ ♠ ♠

word count: 1,687