Status: On temporary hiatus... sorry

Heartbreak & Lies

Chapter Twelve - Matteo's P.O.V.

“Matteo, we really need to talk” Marco demanded.

I hesitated for a second but came to the conclusion that he was right.
We left Emma with Dante and walked into the backroom and closed the door.

“Why can’t we just tell her already? We both know that it is her.” Marco grumbled.

“Not yet. For her sake we need to handle this delicately” I answered sternly.
“Besides, we will have to be 100% sure before we do anything.”

“But look at her!” Marco yelled.

“I know. But father wants us to have proof before we act. This could all be a hoax and I refuse to let them screw us over” I growled.
“This conversation is over” I declared and walked out, just to see that goddamn Suraci being way too close to Emma.

“Suraci” I yelled and made sure that Dante knew that she was off limits.

“I didn’t do anything” Dante answered and sounded like I just ruined his favorite game.

“I apologize that I was away for so long” I smiled at Emma.
“It is getting pretty late. You should head back home. If you ever need anything, just call me” I ended the conversation, needing to have a talk with all the guys here.

Emma smiled and nodded, then headed for the door. She looked back, waved to Marco and disappeared through the door.
I turned to face everyone.

“Alright, listen up. This girl that was just here, her name is Emma Hockings. She will be a priority for the time being” I stated firmly, looking around at everyone.
“What I want you to do is to keep an close eye on her. I will not tolerate her being hurt, and she must not suspect anything. Is this clear?”

Everyone agreed and went back to their business while I decided to join Dante.

“Suraci, you need to cut it out. She’s not your play-thing” I mumbled, staring at him.

“Chill, you take things too seriously. Besides, I have a little surprise for you back at my office. You’ll be very pleased” he said and leaned back, looking pleased with himself.

“Is that so?” I glanced at him.
“Then let’s go” I ordered and both of us got up and left.

“For your sake I hope this surprise is something very useful” I grumbled, once we sat in his car.

“Trust me, you will love it” Dante responded.

Once we were at Dante’s house, we walked in just to be greeted by his wife. It seems like he still used her as a punching-bag.
We stepped into his office and I sat down.

“So, where is the surprise?” I asked impatiently.

Dante just smirked, which is extremely rare, and started opening his safe.
He quickly looked through several folders, grabbed one and threw it in front of me.

I took it and started reading it.

“You have a file on Emma” I mumbled and looked up at him questionably.

“Read it all. You will thank me once you’re finished” he answered coolly.

I read through several pages. Everything was there; medical records, school records, you name it.

When I came to the last page, I couldn’t help but to stare.
I felt the anger bubbling inside and I turned to Dante.

“Suraci, I have a job for you” I stated and handed that last page to him.
“I want it done as soon as possible after we have tested her. Don’t hold back.”

“I’ll get on it” he answered and leaned back in his chair, grinning like a madman.
“Don’t worry, I will have a lot of fun.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh, sorry for the short, boring chapter but I'm tired. Enjoy this second bonus chapter.

Anyway, I just edited/re-wrote chapter 24. Yay me!
I promise to try to stick to Emma's POV from now on :D