Status: On temporary hiatus... sorry

Heartbreak & Lies

Chapter Sixteen - Being Babysat

When I woke up the next morning I was starving.
I decided to eat before I took a shower and found something to do.

As I reached the kitchen doorway, I could hear Matteo and a woman talking and hesitantly walked in.

“Good morning” Matteo smiled brightly when he noticed me.
“This is Rita” he beamed while putting an arm around her.
“Unfortunately she can’t speak English, so any communication might be difficult.”

“That’s alright” I smiled at both of them.
“If it’s not too much trouble, I was hoping to make some breakfast.”

“Help yourself” Matteo answered.
“There’s something I need to discuss with you while you eat” he continued while I made myself some sandwiches.
“Rita and I will be going to Rome for a few days and I didn’t want to leave you all alone, so Dante will be coming over until we come back.”

I stopped what I was doing and slowly turned around to face him, feeling panicky.

“Listen, he won’t do anything. I’ve had a serious talk with him and he knows that he’s here to keep you safe, nothing else” Matteo explained.

“When will you be leaving?” I whispered.

“In a few hours. I know I should have told you yesterday but the opportunity never came up. I’m sorry” he apologized and caressed my cheek.

“Exactly how long will you be gone?” I wondered, feeling very hesitant about this arrangement.

“5 days. Trust me, the days will pass quickly” Matteo said, giving me a reassuring smile.

“I really hope so” I mumbled and started eating my sandwiches.

“Everything will be fine” Matteo chuckled and hugged me before disappearing upstairs with Rita.

After I was finished with my breakfast, I cleaned up and went to take a shower and get dressed.

When I came back downstairs after my very long shower, Dante was there, sitting on a couch.
He turned to look at me and I wish I could hide somewhere, or become invisible.

“Emma, we will be leaving now” Matteo said and came up to me.
“I promise, nothing will happen. He knows the rules” he whispered to me.
“Be a good girl” he mumbled and hugged me tightly before kissing the top of my head.

I watched Matteo and Rita leave, having this strong feeling that something would happen. I decided to distract myself from over-thinking.

“Um, is there a TV around here?” I asked Dante, afraid that he would blow up.

“There’s one in there” he answered, pointing at a doorway.

“Thanks” I whispered and scurried in there.

There was a bookshelf filled with movies and I decided on watching some of them.
I had just put on one of my favorites when Dante decided to sit down beside me.
Throughout the movie I felt his eyes on me and halfway through, he put an arm around me.

I slowly turned to look at him, giving him a questioning look.
He just looked at me so I started to turn back to the movie, but he grabbed my chin and turned my head back.

“You’re so beautiful” he murmured.

“Um.. Thanks, I guess” I laughed nervously, trying to turn back to the movie again.

“So very beautiful” he continued, caressing my cheek.

“Dante, you can stop. Please” I begged.

“Angel” he whispered and pressed his lips against mine.

I totally melted into the kiss. The way his lips felt against mine, was amazing. I really couldn’t help but to kiss back, wanting more.

Realizing what I was doing, I cursed myself to hell and tried to push him away.
He just pulled me closer and intensified the kiss.
His hand traveled under my tank top and that’s when I started struggling.
Luckily he got the hint and pulled away slightly.

“Baby, I know you want this” he mumbled and started kissing my jaw-line and down my neck.
“You enjoy it as much as I do.”

He gently pushed me back so I was lying down, while he continued his treatment.

“I want you” he whispered and kissed my lips again, pressing himself against me.

I was in total panic-mode by now and to my embarrassment, I started crying.
But at that moment, I didn’t care because it made him stop and get off of me.

“Fine, be a fucking tease” he growled and walked out, slamming the door hard enough for a painting to fall off the wall.

I curled up into a ball and cried myself to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ah, Dante is quite a character with his constant mood swings.
Do you agree? Uh, who am I kidding... No ones going to comment anyway *sigh*