Status: On temporary hiatus... sorry

Heartbreak & Lies

Chapter One - Shocking News

“I’m home!” I yelled when I burst through the front door.
It was finally Friday and I had no homework at all which meant that this weekend I could do whatever I wanted.

“You don’t have to make that much noise” my brother Jonathan chuckled.
“Why are you so excited? Wait, let me guess, no homework?”

“No homework” I confirmed.
“But that’s not all. You know how I like Marcus, right? Anyway, he invited me to a party that he’s having tonight!” I squealed and did a little pirouette.

“Em, calm down” he said and put a hand on my shoulder.
“I’m afraid that you can’t go to that party. There’s something we have to discuss tonight. It’s really important and I should have told you sooner but didn’t” he sighed.

“You’re not going to jail, are you?” I panicked.
“What did you do? You can’t leave me! I haven’t even turned 15 yet” I sniffled.

“Em… sweetheart…”he mumbled while hugging me.
“You’re not even close. It is big news but nothing sad, I promise” he smiled.
“We will talk about it over dinner, ok?”

I nodded and ran upstairs to my room.
My room is pretty small, In fact, our whole house is small.
Downstairs is the living room, kitchen, a tiny hallway and bathroom.
Upstairs we have 2 bedrooms and the tiniest walk-in closet I’ve seen.
The whole house is scarcely furnished but I don’t mind.

My brother says that he’s a self-made man. He calls himself a businessman.
I will be truthful to you and tell you that he is a drug-dealer.
We have money but prefer not to spend it.

Now, I really don’t like what Jonathan does for a living. Truth to be told, he has no education and being illegal is all he knows, so I quietly accept it.
I really do love him and don’t want to lose him. Ever.
All I demand is that he don’t tell me any details whatsoever.

“Em, dinner is done” he yelled from the kitchen.

I skipped downstairs, ready to hear the big news.

“Mmm, lasagna” I grinned.
“The news must be something major for you to do my favorite food.”
He gave me a plate of food and a glass of milk, and I started shoveling the food down.
Yeah, I’m a fat kid at heart.

“Well, yes. You know how business has been a bit slow lately… Well, I got an offer to work with these really great guys. There is just this one problem…” he trailed off.

I had finished my food already and just sat and waited for him to continue.

“Em, sweetheart… We have to move pretty far away” he mumbled and swallowed nervously.

I blinked at him.

“So, let me get this straight. You were afraid to tell me because we have to move?” I asked while getting up.
“I think I can handle that. I’ll just visit my friends whenever I can. No big deal” I said and grabbed my plate to put in the dishwasher.

“Em, we’re moving to Italy in 2 weeks” he blurted out, looking guilty.

I dropped the plate that shattered into tiny pieces.

“Italy… That’s… It is pretty far away. I won’t be able to visit them. Will we ever come back?” I asked sadly.

“I don’t think so, no. I’m really sorry Em. I was hoping…”

I held up my hand to stop him from talking.

“I really don’t want to hear it right now. How could you only give me 2 weeks notice? What about school?” I demanded.

“Your school already knows. In Italy you will be home-schooled until you have learned the language. I’m sorry, Emma, but this is what’s best for us. You trust me, don’t you? “he asked softly.

“Yeah” I mumbled.
“But I don’t really want to talk about this right now. I’m going to my room. And you better stay down here. I need to talk to Linda and Caroline without you eavesdropping” I said quietly and walked up to my room, slamming the door shut.
♠ ♠ ♠
W00t?! Oh yeah, my darlings.... My newer stories have more conversations :D

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Next chapter will be posted as soon as I have edited it.

You know the drill; comment!