Status: On temporary hiatus... sorry

Heartbreak & Lies

Chapter Twenty-two - Confession

“Matteo, could I possibly call my friends?” I asked him the next morning.

“Sure, I guess that wouldn’t do any harm” he smiled and handed me his cell phone.

“Thank yoouu!” I skipped to the living room, punching in Linda’s number.

“Linda speaking” she answered after a few rings.

“Lindaaaa” I squealed.
“Boy, do I have a lot to tell you.”

“What’s up with you? Caroline told me that you just hung up on her and now you sound like nothing’s wrong” Linda muttered.

“I did not hang up! Just listen, ok?” I begged her.

“Fine, explain” she demanded.

I told her mostly everything, including about Dante. I left out the parts of Jonathan’s real identity and what kind of family this was. There were laughter and tears. I really missed my best friends.

“Wow! You and Jonathan don’t look anything alike, but I just thought you had different dads or something. This is huge!” she exclaimed.
“You have to let us come for a visit soon. Caroline would love that.”

“But your parents would never let you come” I grumbled.

“We’ll figure something up, don’t worry” she giggled.

“How is Caroline? She isn’t upset, is she?” I asked worried.
“I did want to talk to her but Dante…”

“She’ll be fine once I explain. She doesn’t hold grudges against you, you know that” Linda answered.

“Good. I miss you guys so much!” I cried.
“I’m so sad that I can’t see you.”

“We miss you too!” Linda sobbed.
“You have to call more often, promise me!”

“Alisha, it’s been an hour. Are you done soon?” Matteo interrupted, peeking out from a doorway.
“I’m sorry, Linda. I have to go” I said sadly.

“Call really, really soon, ok?” she begged.

“I promise. Tell Caroline that I said ‘hi’ and that I miss her. Bye” I mumbled before hanging up.

Matteo slowly walked towards me and sat down, putting an arm around my shoulders in a comforting manner.

“I know that you miss your friends, but you’ll see them again” he grinned.
“But right now we need to go shopping. You have nothing here. Go get ready and meet me at the front door” he commanded and shooed me away.

I quickly changed into something nice and met Matteo and Rita by the door.
We spent hours in town, shopping and eating lunch. Even though Rita and I had this language barrier, we got along fine, giggling at horrible clothes and secretly pointing out hot guys while licking our lips. Until Matteo caught us, that is.

Once we got home with tons of new stuff, Rita started making dinner for us.
Matteo apparently had some business to deal with so I just went to my room to hang up my clothes in the wardrobe.

After Rita’s delicious dinner we decided to watch a movie.

“What do you want to see?” Matteo asked me after he asked Rita first.

“A comedy wouldn’t be that bad. I feel like something fun tonight” I smiled.

“Ok, an English comedy it is” he mumbled and looked through all the movies.
“How about ‘Just Married’? I know girls like that kind of movies.”

“Sounds absolutely perfect” I grinned and squealed when Rita came in with an enormous bowl of popcorn.

I decided to help and got glasses and a few sodas before all of us cuddled up on the couch to watch the movie.

When the movie was done, I got up and yawned. I bid them good night and rushed up to brush my teeth and change into my pajamas.
Then I crawled into my cozy bed and turned off the lights.

I had no clue what time it was when I woke up, but I nearly screamed when I saw Dante’s face hovering over mine.

“Angel” he whispered and caressed my face.
“I missed you, baby.”

His lips pressed against mine gently, and yet again I lost control and kissed back until he pulled away.

“I didn’t want to hurt you” he mumbled while trailing kisses along my jaw-line.
“But you have to start listening to me. I don’t like disobedience.”

“Dante, what are you doing here?” I whispered, very much enjoying this.

“I told you; I missed you.” his kisses traveled down my neck.
“And I want you” he groaned, pressing against me.

His hands traveled all over my body, exploring it. I couldn’t stop the soft moan that escaped my lips.

“And do you know what else?” he murmured while sucking and nipping on my sweet spot, before pulling off my tank top.
“I might love you” he whispered before his lips crashed on mine.
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I'm so, so, so very sorry for the long wait. My hard drive committed suicide and took my stories with it :(
I've started re-writing everything and hope that you'll enjoy the brand new chapters.

Please, comment.