Status: On temporary hiatus... sorry

Heartbreak & Lies

Chapter Two - Girl Time

“Is he insane?!” Linda screeched on the phone.

I was currently having a three-way conversation with my friends Linda and Caroline, about me moving to Italy.

“Linda, you stupid cow, you’re making us deaf” Caroline growled.
“And it’s not like we won’t ever see Em again. She’ll be 18 in 3 years, right Em?

“Yeah, that is true. Once that magic day comes, I’m outta there” I answered thoughtfully.
“I belong here. This town has been my home ever since I was born.”

“I don’t want you to go! I’ll miss you so much” Linda cried.
“Who will I go shopping with when you’re not here?”

“Linda, I swear… Argh! You and your darn shopping! Can’t you ever think of anything else?” Caroline roared.
“ You know what? Let’s have this conversation tomorrow. I just got busy. Gotta go and kill Linda. I’ll see you tomorrow, Em” she rushed to say and hung up.

“Look, Linda… I’ll come by your house tomorrow, alright? Just go and hide” I giggled.

“Ok, just come early so we can hang out all day. You’re my best friend!” she sobbed.

“Hmm, ok… See ya” I said and hung up.

Oh, those two… They are always on each others throats.

Linda Gray is this cute, blonde girl that loves to be fashionable. She’s also very flirty. You would think that she gets all the guys, but nope. She is too emotional and clingy. Her cousin is Marcus Harrison, the guy I have a huge crush on.

Caroline Ryan is a tomboy. She’s always wearing camo pants and boots. If she could be a bit more feminine she would look gorgeous. I envy her brown hair. It’s so thick, shiny and manageable.
She is always pulling pranks and guys think that she’s awesome.

Marcus is awesome. He’s every girls dream. But not once has he looked at me that way. I could be a guy for all he cares.

Everyone keeps telling me that I look like an angel or a goddess. But if I really did, Marcus would have noticed me.

{○○○○○○ NEXT EVENING ○○○○○○}

Linda, Caroline and I were at Linda’s house watching movies. We decided to have a sleepover so we girls could have as much time together as possible.

“Oh. My. God! That is so gross!” I groaned. “Why did I ever agree to watch this?”

Yes, we were watching ‘Braindead’, a movie that was making me sick.

“Change the movie! I really can’t stand watching this. It’s horrible” I whined and buried my face in a pillow.

“You’re like a whiney puppy” Caroline complained. “What are we supposed to watch then? Titanic?” She snorted. “Forget it.”

“We could always watch ‘Legally Blonde’” Linda piped in.

Both Caroline and I hit her with our pillows at the same time.

“Don’t be stupid. Besides, I’m hungry. Linda will order pizza” Caroline decided.
“Don’t forget the extra cheese this time” she yelled after Linda.

“I seriously don’t want to move to Italy! There is no way I can manage to live there” I whined.
“First of all, I can’t speak the language and secondly, how am I supposed to find my way in an unknown town?”

“You were supposed to learn Italian, right? Linda asked from the doorway.
“And there’s always maps” she grinned happily.

“I thought you said that you would miss me! You lied!” I fake-cried.
“And we were supposed to get married and all… Why are you doing this to me, Linda? Huh?”

Caroline burst out laughing. She laughed so hard that she fell off the computer chair with a thump.
That in turn made me and Linda laugh until we cried.

When we finally calmed down, I rubbed my cheeks.
I wasn’t usually this goofy, but I couldn’t help it when I hung out with these two.
Being with my 2 best friends made me incredibly happy.

“That was insane. I have no idea where I got that from” I said with a smile.

“You have always been special, my child” Caroline responded, patting my head.
“Something happened during birth and you became retarded.”

“Hey!” I whined.
“That was so not nice. You really should apologize. You can’t go around hurting people’s feeling like that” I pouted.

“Kids, it is after midnight” Linda interrupted us.
“We really should go to bed. But before that… Em, you won’t forget about us, will you?”

“How could I ever forget my best friends?” I asked, shocked that she could even think that.
“I swear to God that I will remember you and keep in touch. We’re BFF’s, right?”

“BFF’s” both of them agreed and we hugged before crawling into our beds.

“Good night guys” Linda whispered.

“Good night” Caroline and I said at the same time before Linda turned off the lights.
♠ ♠ ♠
I made this chapter extra long for you, my lovelies.

Original version did not name or describe Emma's friends. It also didn't have most of their conversation.
I felt the need to fix that since Linda and Caroline will pop up later in the story.

I also wanted you guys to know more about their friendship.

Is the story moving to slow? Too fast? Are you satisfied with this? Let me know :)

Now I will start working on the next chapter.