Status: On temporary hiatus... sorry

Heartbreak & Lies

Chapter Three - Leaving

I was sitting on my bed, looking at my packed suitcases. All my personal belongings were packed in boxes and brought downstairs.
Early tomorrow morning, Jonathan and I would take a plane to Italy.
My BFFs would come by in the evening to say goodbye. I had already said my goodbyes to everyone else.

“Jonathan! Can you come and help me carry the suitcases downstairs? I don’t want to break a nail” I yelled downstairs jokingly.

“Oh no, we wouldn’t want that. Anything else I can do for Your Highness?” he inquired with a grin when he stepped inside my room.
“You know, I’m really happy that you’re taking this so well. As you said, you only have to stay until you turn 18” he continued, ruffling my hair.

“Well, it’s not that bad, when I think about it. I get to meet new people, learn Italian and see new places” I smiled up at him.
“And eat real Italian food! You can’t forget the food” I beamed.

“You should be big as a house the way you eat” Jonathan chuckled. “If I made any less money we would be homeless, thanks to your eating habits” he laughed.

“Oh, shut up” I groaned and pushed him towards my suitcases. “Just carry those downstairs instead of making fun of me.”

He was picking up my suitcases when the doorbell rang. I sprinted down the stairs, knowing that it was Linda and Caroline.
I didn’t manage to stop in time though, and crashed into the door with a bang.

I opened the door with a sheepish grin, while rubbing my forehead that surely would have a bump soon.

“Running in your socks again?” Caroline asked with a huge grin plastered on her face.

“You never learn” Linda sighed, shaking her head. “You have probably done this about a million times during the 8 years I’ve known you. If I didn’t know better, I would think you are stupid” she giggled and stepped inside.

“I find it hilarious” Caroline said, still grinning. “And I bet some Italian guys will be blown away by her cuteness and clumsiness.”

“I’m not looking for an Italian guy” I huffed. “Besides, aren’t they all just a bunch of Casanovas?”

“You two, just shut up. We’re here to have fun. And I brought those Final Fantasy games” Linda squealed.

“Yay! Final Fantasy! Good thing Jonathan didn’t pack the TV in the living room.” I cheered. “We’re actually leaving the furniture to the new owners so it’s all set” I informed my friends.

“Awesome! I really hate sitting on the floor since my ass goes numb” Caroline grumbled. “Oh, did I tell you that we’re skipping school tomorrow just to hang with you all night?” she smirked and slung an arm around Linda’s shoulder.

“Aww… Guys, thank you” I smiled and hugged them both. “It means a lot to me. There’s not that many hours left before I leave” I mumbled sadly.

For hours we played on the Playstation. We told jokes, played poker, teased each other, gave make-overs, and wrestled on the living room floor.

“Alright girls, that’s enough” Jonathan mumbled when he came downstairs at 4 in the morning, rubbing his eyes.
“I’m going to pack up the PS now so Em, you go get ready. We’re leaving soon.”

I hurried to my room to grab my backpack. I had showered before my friends came so I didn’t bother to do that now. Besides, there wasn’t enough time.

I skipped downstairs where Jonathan was calling for a taxi. My friends and I were hugging and feeling down. Luckily they would come to the airport with us.

Once the taxi was here we left for the airport. All 4 of us played stupid word-games the whole way there.

“It’s going to suck not having you around” Caroline mumbled when we were stepping out of the taxi.

“I know. Nothing will be the same” Linda sobbed.

“Hey guys, I’m sure I can come visit and I’ll move back as soon as I’m 18. I promise” I said and felt my eyes watering up.

Caroline slung her arms around me and Linda when we walked to the right terminal.

“I’ll hold you to that” Caroline grumbled. “And you better call every darn week, or I’ll come there just to kick your butt.”

“Girls, say your goodbyes now. Em and I have to go” Jonathan grumbled when the last call for our flight was heard through the speakers.
“Bye” all 3 of us cried at the same time, as we hugged each other.

“I love you guys. I’ll call as soon as I’m at our new house” I bawled, still hugging them.

“I love you too” both of them answered, tears streaming down their faces.

I took one last look at them before turning around and heading for the plane with Jonathan.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's February 14 here. Happy Valentine's Day, my darlings.

For this special day, I give you another chapter of H&L!

I'm sorry for the time gap! I just thought you didn't want to read about school lunches, boring teachers and homework. Not to mention getting to know characters that has no relevance to the story.

I actually had an brilliant idea when it comes to this story, but I want it to be a surprise so I won't say anything until the time is right.
I'm 150% sure that you all will like it, that much I can say.

I sound like a broken record now, but who cares... comment, comment, comment!