Status: On temporary hiatus... sorry

Heartbreak & Lies

Chapter Four - My New Home

We were standing by the baggage claim. Jonathan was hugging me, trying to get me to calm down completely.
This was my very first time in a plane, and I discovered that I’m terrified of flying.
Going into more details would be way too embarrassing so I’m leaving it at that.

“I’m fine, Jonathan. Let me go” I mumbled weakly and Jonathan looked at me worriedly.
“Really, stop babying me.”

He just shook his head and grabbed our suitcases once we spotted them.
Once we had our stuff we left to meet up with these guys he would be working with.
Apparently we would be living in San Luca, southern Italy.
Sitting in a car for about 440 miles wasn’t tempting.

“Why couldn’t we live here in Rome?” I asked tiredly.
“It would have been much better. And I could have gone sight-seeing.”

“You know why” Jonathan grumbled.

“But what am I…” I started but Jonathan held up his hand to stop me from talking and headed for these 2 guys standing by the entrance.

“Em, this is Giovanni Cavallini” one of the guys nodded at me, “and his friend Antonio Bertucci” Jonathan explained.
“Guys, this is my sister Emma.”

I took a good look at them. Giovanni was about 5’11, had short black hair and grey eyes. He had this black suit on, which I guessed was Armani. He seemed to be well built, but I couldn’t really tell.

Antonio was about 5’9 and very muscular. He had a white button-up shirt, which sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and black dress pants.
He had long black hair that was gathered in a pony-tail. I couldn’t see his eyes because of the sunglasses he wore. A total bad-ass, if I’m correct.

“Hi” I squeaked and waved shyly.

“Such a beauty” Giovanni smiled and stepped up to me.
“It is such a pleasure to meet you, Emma” he said, took my hand and kissed it.

I blushed and looked down at my feet.
Giovanni just chuckled and turned to my brother.

“And so shy” Giovanni continued and started walking out of the airport, waving at us to follow him.

Dragging my suitcases after me I followed them to this shiny, black car with tinted windows. I know absolutely nada about cars so I didn’t know what brand it was.
Jonathan started lifting our stuff into the trunk while Antonio opened the door and motioned for me to get in.

When we finally left for San Luca, I decided to sleep so I have no idea what happened or was said in the car.

“Em, wake up. We’re here” someone said.
“Come on, sleepyhead” the voice continued.

I slowly pried my eyes open and looked at Jonathan.

“I’m tired” I yawned.
“Why did you have to wake me up?”

“Because we’re in San Luca. You’ve been sleeping for 8 hours” he chuckled.

I looked outside and saw this fantastic one-story house.
It was made out of white tiles, had a tiny little porch and a big lawn in front of it. I totally loved it.

“I’ll be inside checking it out” I giggled and ran inside.

I entered a really small hallway and took off my shoes. I walked into a little bigger hallway and to the left was a bedroom. The other doorway on the left led to the laundry room, shower and sauna.
Right across the little hall was narrow stairs leading down to a living room.

By the doorway, to the right, between the big and small hallways was a bathroom.
The big hallway opened up to a dining room with 3 doorways; 2 bedrooms and a kitchen. The whole house was already furnished.
I loved this house!

“Well, are you satisfied?” Jonathan asked with a huge grin.

“I love it!” I squealed and hugged him tightly.
“I’m so taking the room next to the small hallway. Why didn’t you tell me we would have a sauna?” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“You never asked” Jonathan shrugged.
“Now, go unpack. I need to talk business” he nudged me towards my new room.

With a sigh I entered my room and closed the door behind me. I studied the room.
Right across the door was 2 wardrobes, and a queen sized bed was to the left of them.

The left wall had a huge window with a wooden desk under it.
Immediately to my right was this huge bookcase, filled with books.
My eyes drifted back to the desk and I walked up to it.
No way! I picked up the laptop and twirled around, hugging it.
I got my own laptop!

I put the laptop down and decided to take a nap since I was still tired.
With a big smile I slowly drifted to sleep, thinking that this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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I'm having so much fun re-reading, editing and posting this story up for you guys!

Comment! Please, I want to know what you think of it.
