Status: On temporary hiatus... sorry

Heartbreak & Lies

Chapter Seven - Dante

After Alessandra assured me that she didn’t mean anything by it, we decided to see more of San Luca.
Alessandra just had to visit the restroom first, so I waited outside for her.

I immediately spotted the handsome stranger from the restaurant.
He was standing at a street corner, nonchalantly leaning against the wall with a lit cigarette between his lips.
Today he was wearing a dark grey fedora and a matching Armani suit.

“Stay away from him” Alessandra hissed.
“That guy is someone whose attention you do not want. Trust me” she explained.

“I saw him yesterday at a restaurant. Who is he?” I wondered and looked at Alessandra.

“He’s Dante Suraci” she answered darkly.

I turned to look at him again, just to notice that his eyes were locked on me.
He motioned for me to come to him, but Alessandra grabbed my arm and started dragging me away. I obediently followed her.

“Why don’t you like him?” I asked and shuddered when I remembered his eyes.

“He’s from a rival family. He’s also a player and loves to abuse his women” she grumbled.
“Let me give you a piece of advice; never ever mention him or his name around anyone.”

“What do you mean with ‘rival family’?” I asked with wide eyes. This was starting to sound like some crime novel.

“Oh, nothing. Forget it. We’re just business rivals” she giggled.
“We should get you some clothes. You have only bought a dress” she playfully glared at me.
“A girl needs a lot of things! Come on, let’s go.”

For hours we shopped and she forced me to try on almost everything we found.
I ended up with like 8 bags of clothes. It felt like such a waste of money since I already had everything I needed.
Finally we headed home.

I stepped inside, tired of all the shopping, threw the bags on my bed and headed to the kitchen to eat something.

“Did you have fun?” Jonathan questioned while I heated up some noodles in the microwave.
“That Alessandra sure seemed like an energetic girl” he laughed.

“You have no idea” I grumbled.
“She dragged me all over this town and forced me to buy tons of stuff” I huffed while taking my plate of food to the dining room.

“Oh yeah, I got you a little something” Jonathan said and disappeared for a short while before coming back and handing me small bag.

I took one long look into the bag and slowly looked up at him, glaring.

“You want me to bleach my hair” I stated.
“Why would I do that? I love my hair as it is.”

“I just thought it would be nice to see you blonde, that’s all” he shrugged.

“I won’t do it. I want to keep my hair black” I said and greedily ate my food.

“Emma, just do it” he demanded.

“No” I answered and got up, thinking that this was the end of our conversation.

Jonathan grabbed my arm tightly and forced me to turn towards him.

“I’ve never asked much from you. All I want is that you do this one thing for me” he nearly growled.

“I will NOT do it” I said calmly and pushed him away from me.
“I’m going out for a run. Don’t wait up for me.”

I stomped to my room and changed into sweat pants and a hoodie, pulling on a pair of sneakers. I grabbed my mp3-player and headed out the door.

Thanks to Alessandra I found my way around this town now.
I was calmly jogging down some street when I noticed a group of guys laughing outside some restaurant. I recognized one of them as Dante Suraci. He wasn’t laughing though.

He noticed me and waved for me to come closer so I took off the headphones and slowly walked a little bit closer.

“Hey, babe” he said while nodding at my direction.
“What’s your name?” he asked in this very deep and incredibly sexy voice.

“Um, I’m Emma” I answered hesitantly, looking at the others.

“Emma” he mumbled.
“That’s a nice name. What are you doing out alone?” he questioned.

“I just felt like jogging” I mumbled, not sure what I should do.

“Well, Emma” he emphasized my name, “beautiful little girls shouldn’t be outside alone at night” he said and stepped closer. Gently he grabbed my chin and tilted my head up.
“You never know what could happen” he murmured and looked into my eyes.

I couldn’t answer. All I could do was look into his gorgeous green eyes that were so cold and hard.

“Go home” he ordered and let go of my chin.

Without second thought I started jogging back home, not once forgetting those green eyes. Who is he, really?
♠ ♠ ♠
Due to health issues, I might not be able to post new chapters during the next 2 weeks. I apologize sincerely for that and hope you won't hate me...

Thanks for reading.