Status: On temporary hiatus... sorry

Heartbreak & Lies

Chapter Eight - Clubbing

When I woke up the next morning, I tiredly forced myself to the kitchen.
I was making some toast when Jonathan entered.

“Em, I’m so sorry” he whispered and hugged me tightly.
“I really didn’t mean to be so harsh. Please, forgive me” he begged.

“You’re forgiven” I mumbled and hugged him back.
“But why is it such a big deal for you whether I bleach my hair or not?”

“I just want to see you as a blonde, it’s not wrong now, is it?” he smiled.
“You would look really adorable with blonde hair.”

“I’ll think about it. But don’t expect me to do it” I said firmly and headed to the living room to watch TV.

It was impossible to concentrate on the show that was on. My mind kept wandering off to Antonio, Dante and Alessandra.
I glanced at Jonathan who was sitting next to me.

“Jonathan…” I trailed off.

He turned to me and waited for me to say something.

“Um, do you know of a guy named Dante Suraci?” I whispered, remembering Alessandra’s words.

Jonathan immediately stiffened and he got a hard look on his face.

“Why are you asking? How do you know about him?” he asked in a tight voice, clenching his fists.

“I saw him at that restaurant and Alessandra told me his name” I said quietly, keeping our meeting last night to myself.

“Trust me, you do not want to get involved with that guy. You better stay away from him” he snapped.
“If I ever hear that you’ve been around him, I swear I will…” he trailed off.
“Just avoid him, alright?” he stomped away to his bedroom.

I could only nod. Dante sort of freaked me out anyway.
Again I tried to concentrate on the TV and was a bit more successful this time.
The Italian subtitles were annoying me a little bit, though.
Many hours and 2 meals later I decided to call Linda and Caroline.

“Hi chica” Caroline greeted me.
“Why the hell haven’t you called earlier?” she nearly yelled.

“I’m so, so, so sorry, a ton of stuff has happened and I couldn’t find the time to call” I pleaded.

“Ooh, tell us” Caroline demanded.
“Hold on, Linda is here. I’ll put it on speaker.”

I explained about Giovanni, Antonio and Alessandra. Then I told them about Dante.

“Holy crap” Linda exclaimed.
“That Dante guy sounds bad. I think the others are just trying to look out for you.”

We gossiped for a while until I heard Alessandra’s high-pitched voice.

“Guys, Alessandra is here. I have to go but I promise to call very soon again” I giggled.

We said our goodbyes and I stepped out of my room.

“Emma” Alessandra squealed and gave me a bear hug.
“I thought that you wanted to meet some new people so we’re going out tonight! There is this great club I’m taking you to.”

“I can’t go to a club! I’m under-aged” I grumbled.

“Don’t worry, they won’t check for I.D. since you’re with me” she beamed.
“Let’s find something for you to wear!”

3 hours later we were ready to go and Jonathan hugged me goodbye.
The club seemed a bit shady but I was with Alessandra. She wouldn’t let anything happen to me.
We walked inside as if we’re V.I.P’s which made me smile a bit.

Once inside my eyes tried to adjust to the dim lighting while Alessandra dragged me to a table to meet Giovanni and Antonio. Luigi would show up later.
The dancefloor was packed and I noticed tons of guys checking me out.

My eyes spotted Dante in a corner booth, making out with some girl that was barely dressed. Geez, that guy was everywhere.

“Would you like to dance?” Giovanni asked me with a friendly smile on his face.

I blushed and nodded shyly.

He pulled me up and led me to the dance floor, pulling me very close to him and I squirmed a little bit.

“Just relax, I won’t do anything” he chuckled.
“I’m just going to teach you how to dance like them” he murmured and nodded towards other couples, that were grinding on each other.

I blushed even more and must have resembled a tomato by now.
Slowly but surely I got the hang of it.
After a while I felt eyes on me and looked at that direction.

Dante was staring at me. A few seconds passed before he turned away, grabbed the girl he was with and pulled her towards a restroom.
I could guess what he had in mind and shuddered. That was just too gross.

That night I tasted alcohol for the first time and I can’t remember anything.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm defying doctor's orders by updating this for you guys, so you better be happy.
And do not tell my doctor. ;P

Anyway, you can expect some real drama coming up soon, just so you know :D

Comment please *begs*