Status: in progress (:

"Are you really my SUPERMAN?"


So I guess everything started out pretty normal. A perfect morning, after having 3 days of no school. (THANK YOU WEATHER!). So these past days have been the basics. You know; sleep, eat, restroom, shower, and sleep again, so on and so on. Well except that once in a while Adrian, my current boyfriend, would come and visit or we would go out. Also every now and then I would watch some T.V. like now. I went through all the channels of the T.V. until finally I found something I liked, “Friends”. I raised the volume and got into the series. All my room was dark with exception of the television. When I turned I saw that my phone light was on and it was vibrating. When I saw it I had 4 missed calls from Adrian. Damn, he is persuasive. With in another minute the phone started vibrating again so I took the call. “Hey baby, what’s up?”I asked.
“Why haven’t you been answering my calls?!” he asked, I absolutely hate when he does this.
“Yeah my morning is good I woke up like an hour ago. How about you?” I ignored him trying to get him to calm down.
“Em, I’m sorry baby.” he sighed. I mean we have talked about this before and he knows I don’t like when he talks to me that way. “I’m glad your morning was good and mine is too.”
“It’s okay honey. I’m sorry I didn’t answer before, the phone was on vibrate and I couldn’t hear a thing.”
“So do we have any plans for today?” I thought about it. Saturday, hmmm.
“No, not really. Well it’s Saturdays and there is a party tonight. Want to go?” I heard him nod.
“I’m hungry. Should I go pick you up and go to the food court?”
“Sure! I’m starving!” I started looking around for what to wear, picking a brownish tank top with a loose top over it.
“Okay. Get ready I’ll pick you up in 30.” With that he hung up. Leaving three words in my mouth. I love you. As soon as I hung up I put the phone down and ran to the shower get in it as fast as I can because I obviously didn’t have much time. Once I was out I put the clothes I had gotten and picked some shorts. I did my makeup softly, and pulled my hair back with a bow headband. Perfect, I thought, just like Adrian likes it. Normally I would leave my bangs in front but I had no time to fix them. I got my iPod and went to get my kids and waited outside for Adrian. He arrived about five minutes later and I got into his car.
“Hey baby!” I kissed his lips softly but he turned it rough which only made me back away. We left my house and on the way I send a text to my mom telling her I was out with Adrian. We got there in what seemed no time. When we are in long streets I always get so lost in my thoughts. I wonder about everything. Even how I feel so comfortable with Adrian, I sometimes wonder how my life would be right now, or I what could I be doing at this moment if I weren't with him. Yeah I do love him but sometimes I feel that something keeps holding me back while I'm with him. When I think about it, I'm not sure if he is the one. The truth is that sometimes I wish he weren't. Some stuff he does that I just don't like or sometimes actions he makes that hurt me. Sometimes I thought he was bipolar because, at times he was really sweet, others annoyingly sweet, and others just annoying, picky and cocky.
"Babe, what do you want to eat?"
"I want subway! How 'bout you?" I asked, but I knew he wasn't sure.
"I don't know yet I'll see once we got in there." he got out of the car and came my way to open my door. I got out and gave him a kiss, whispering a soft 'thank you' by his ear. We went into the food court holding his hand but once inside I ran to the subway I just heard him chuckle, but I knew he faked it. He really doesn't like when I act this "childish” he says I should start acting my own age but the only reason is because he is already in college and studying his “perfect” career. Well there is one other reason, since we have been over a year together he wants me to be his one and only forever and ever. Weird, right? Well at first I was super excited, and said yes, but now I don’t know every time he asks I say yes but he doesn’t always get the pain that he makes me go through.
Once I was by the subway I was waiting for the people who were in front of the line. I started looking at what I was going to order but I felt someone looking at me, and I turned to see a guy making the subways, but as he noticed I looked he turned his gaze down and continued asking the man if he wanted something else. He rushed to give the order to the man and came to me and asked what I wanted.
“Toasted?” he asked and I nodded. While it was heating he came and started asking if I wanted veggies or not, but he kept going on with the question. “You are very pretty” he complimented.
“Thank you.” I said blushing and hiding my gaze. Suddenly I felt some pair of hand hugging me from behind and I turned to see Adrian. He gave a kiss on the lips. Which is something he doesn’t do in public. I hope he didn’t notice the previous happening. Adrian was a very jealous guy and wants me only to himself. Beep, beep beep. The toasting machine went off, and the guy took my order out. “Already order?” I asked Adrian. He nodded.
“I ordered Taco Palenque”
“Yummi! Are you going to share with me?”
“Nope it’s all mine!”
“Fine. Whatever I didn’t wanted any.”
"Do you want tomatoes and onions?" the guy asked, interrupting me and Adrian.
"No, only lettuce please." I saw as he put the lettuce, and then ask about my dressings. He put mayo, mustard and ranch. Just what I had told him. He wrapped my subway in wax paper.
"My order is ready I'll be back." he left me to get his food. The guy took my subway to the girl who was at the cash register and whisper her something. She then left to the back, leaving him to charge me.
"I hope I didn't cause any problems." he said. I shrugged.
"It’s okay. How much is it?" I asked
"It’s on the house." I stared at him in shock.
"No seriously. How much?"
"I'm death serious"
"You really don't have to."
"I want to." He persisted.
"Well, thank you. I bet you do this to all the girls"
"No, not really. Well only the pretty ones like you-" he stopped once he saw my questioning look. "Actually I have never done it." I nodded putting my money back into my back pocket.
"Sure… well thank you I owe you one" I said to him giving him a small smile. I noticed that he didn’t stop smiling the whole time I was there. And for once in a long time I felt he made me smile. Something I really hadn’t done in a while. I took my order and went back to the table where Adrian was waiting for me. I sat in front of him. Good thing he had his back to the subway if not he would have notice that when I turned the boy kept looking at me. Adrian didn’t notice I wasn’t looking at him or even paying attention because he was so into talking about himself. Something he did very often. I ate my subway quietly while Adrian kept talking about some girls and medicine at his school. “I am going to get a cookie. Do you want one?”
“No too much calories” I didn’t care about my weight but he did and way more than me. I stood up and went to the subway again.
“Missed me?” I heard the guy whisper.
“Excuse me?” I asked him in surprise.
“Do you need something else?”
“Yeah, I want a cookie.”
“It’s 3 for a dollar.” I nodded and got my money out.
“What flavors?”
“One double chocolate chip and two chocolate chip.” I said very happy. I honestly thought this were the greatest cookies EVER! And I love them. He got the cookies out and got one extra one. “What are you doing?” he shrugged.
“Here, enjoy them.” I offered him my dollar but he refused to take it again.
“Nuh, uh. Not again mister.”
“What’s one more dollar going to hurt?” he said with a wink. “Hey um, can I ask you a question?” I nodded. It was the best I could do since he gave me my food. “What is your name?”
“Claire.” I lie.
“Well, nice to meet you Claire.”
“What is yours?”
“Nice to meet you Ryder. I have to go now.” I said bye and went back to the table to sit.
Here is what Emery wore (:
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*A.N.- R.E.A.D.*so hope you like it! im really excited about this story!!! and well yea i hope you guys like it! message, rate or w.e u guys do (: ch. 2 may be post soon and will be a short one sorry : /