Status: in progress (:

"Are you really my SUPERMAN?"

"Your name is not Clarice?"

7:30, I thought, Adrian is coming to pick me up at 9:00. I blow dried my hair and straighten it leaving some curls at the bottom. I looked in my wardrobe and chose a brownish blouse and same color boots with skinny jeans. I did my makeup softly and put earrings and ring on. I look at the clock, 8:45. I change into my clothes, and went to brush my teeth when I heard the front door open.


“Yes, I’m home already” she came up the stairs asking no questions and went into her room. That was weird, I thought.


Ha ha jaikai!

Keep going down (:

(8)It’s taking me higher, higher
Higher off the ground

It’s taking me higher, higher
Higher off the ground (8)

I heard my phone ringing and ran to my room to answer it. I put the volume up cause Adrian always calls before he arrives.

“Hey” I said into the phone.

“I’m on my way; I’ll be there in five.” Something I like about Adrian is that he was always on time.

“Got it!” I got my stuff and my purse. “Mom I’m going out! Don’t wait up!” it’s not like she never does.

When I got out the house, Adrian was already there. I went into his car and kissed him, were he quickly turn it into a passionate kiss which made me stop. “How was your day?”

“It was good. Yours?”

“Good. Did something especial?”I was hoping that he would keep his promise and tell me something. Three months after we started dating we promised to never hide anything from each other. That time is where I believe he really did love me. When we turn ten months something changed, he became drier.

We had some small conversation but he was just being weird. I mean how he expects me to say yes to him at the ball if he won't even threat me nicely.
"Hey do you still love me?" I asked him. He turned to look at me.
"Oh baby, Em of course I do, just that I've been a little distracted for a while because of work and studies."
"It's been for months Adrian, it's not something that change from one moment to another, I love you but you don't know how much this is hurting me!" he kept staring then gave me a hug. I hid under his chest somewhere I used to feel safe, and now its gone after a while I started crying. Being in his arms didn't feel like before I felt as if I was being hugged by a stranger. I tried my best to feel comfortable in his arms but it was just so hard. So I just stayed there. I felt as he tried to calm me down and kiss my forehead.

Minutes passed and we continued our way to the party. Adrian stopped in front of a huge house, what am I saying, mansion. There were people everywhere. This was wild, and I mean wild college not wild high school. I wasn’t in high school anymore; this was first year in college. It was fun better than high school. Only four classes and well there was definitely more freedom. Adrian got out of the car and came to open the door for me. “Thank you baby.” He took my hand and led me inside the house.

“I’ll see you in a while I need to say hi to some friends” Adrian said to me and left. I went into the kitchen looking for some water, my lips were really dried. I opened the fridge and there was only beer. Great, I thought to myself.

“I knew I had to see you again.” I turned and there was the guy. Ryder. “Hey Claire.”

“Oh hey Ryder.” I said, waving my hand softly. “Why were you so sure?”

“I just knew.”
“Whatever so now you have like premonitions or are you some kind of psychic?” I asked him. He had a face that seemed he wanted to burst out laughing. “Oh, wait. Maybe you are a stalker?”

"I’m neither of them, but when I like something I'll find It." cocky much? I thought to myself.
"So what is that thing?" he turned to look at the pool. There weren't many people out here, only a few.
"It’s not a thing, it's actually her and its you." he made me blush.

“So what are you doing here?”I asked trying to change the topic.

“Party. It’s my cousins’ house.”

“Cool. I was looking for water but there is only beer.”

“Oh come, there is some outside.” He said going to the backyard and I just followed. When I reach up to him he had a water bottle in hand. “Here” He said handing me the water.

“Thank you”

“So what it like?” he asked. I turned to him and gave him a confused look.

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“Your boyfriend and pretending you love him.”

“What are you talking about? I love him and he is awesome!”

“If he would be awesome and such a good boyfriend he wouldn’t leave you alone he would be here with you.”

“Look you don’t even know him nor me. I mean this is the first day I see you and our first conversation.” He really is a psycho.

“Fine, I’m sorry. I just speak out my thoughts.”

“Well think what you are going to say before you say it.” I walked towards the pool and sat beside it.

“May I sit?” Ryder came and asked me. I shrugged.

“You don’t have anyone else to bother?” I asked his previous question had annoyed me so much.

“I’m sorry, okay?I didn’t mean to ask that just like that. I know I don’t even know you and well-”

“You may sit.” I interrupted. He took a sit next to me and we started talking. Just about stuff, regularities like age, school, and other stuff.

"I'm pretty sure you are not-” I was saying to him when someone called my name.

"Emery!" I turned and saw Adrian coming.
"Your name is not Clarice?" Ryder asked.
Emery's outfit to the party (:
she is no slut okai?