Status: in progress (:

"Are you really my SUPERMAN?"

"Total Stranger"

*Chapter 5*

“You remember?” he shrugged looking down but continued doing my subway.

“You lied.” He turned to look at me.

“Yes and I’m sorry. You were a total stranger and well I’m not supposed to give my name to strangers.”

“Well neither do I, nor small kids but-”

“I’m really sorry Ryder.” This was real. I felt bad for having lied to him because he seemed like such a good person from last week that I meet him. “Let me make it up to you. Please.” He looked at me when I saw a small smile hit his lips. I felt weird because I’m not much of a begger but I felt really bad for having lied about my name.

“Want to have lunch with me?” he asked. I doubted because I knew it wasn’t right because I was still with Adrian, and if someone watched me with Ryder they immediately tell Adrian. I hesitated but then I remember I was the one that said to make it up to him. “I thought you wanted to make it up to me.”

“I do, but remember last time I came?” he nodded. “Well I wasn’t alone and I’m still not alone.” I tried to tell him that I did want to make it up to him but I was hard since Adrian and I still dated. After ten minutes he convinced me. He told me there was a little cafe just 5 miles outside the city. That no one really went there during the week. So I accepted.

“See you at seven?” he asked once we had arrange where to meet. I was going to meet him here at the mall and was going to follow him to the cafe.

I nodded, pay at least half of my lunch since he insisted on paying again but I refused. If we continue like that I was going to waste all of his salary since I really like subway. I left to the table where the girls were waiting for me.

“Damn girl, you have a huge smile! What happened?” Sandra asked.

“Oh nothing, well mom called me and told me she had a perfect dress.” I said normally, I wasn’t excited because; one my mom didn’t call and second I wasn’t really planning of going to the ball, but I was going to pretend that I was just at the very last moment I wasn’t.

They cheered up smiling and asking how it was and give details or anything that my mom might have told me but I told them she didn’t told me much that it was a surprise. They both seemed to believe me but Verny kept staring for a while. We ate and then left. Verny and I left Sandra at her house and left to my house.

“So how are you really you and Adrian” Sandra asked once we were in my room.

“Good. Everything is going perfect!” I said to her as I get some clothes out of my closet and look in the mirror.

“Oh please. Emery I know you. Do you really think I’m going to believe you?” I put my clothes back and went to sit on the bed to her. I was so caught. “Last time you told me you guys were that good. What’s happening?”

“Well he has been treating me a little different but that’s it. I mean I still love him and all.”

“Is it that bad?” With what I told her was enough. She knew what kind of struggling I was going through.

“I also heard on the phone one day that he was going to propose to me!” I raised my voice at that last part. “Verny you know I’m not ready for marriage. I’m nearly eighteen I want to travel study find true love.”

“I thought you really did love him honey. Four months ago you said he was your one and all what really happen?” I wasn’t sure to tell her if he was pressuring me to go another step.

“He wants to take it another step farther and his mood has been changing he’s acting more serious, dry. He is not the sweet, lovable guy I meet. He has change into this adult stage. Verny he is twenty, but acting thirty!”

So I basically told her everything that was bringing us down. I even wanted to tell her about Ryder but I wasn’t so sure. Every time I did something wrong she was the one that makes me do the right thing. What if I tell her and she doesn’t let me go out with him tonight?

“Hey who was the guy at the subway? I saw you talking to him” Oh so she did see us. I passed the saliva I had in my mouth making a gulp sound.

“Oh so you saw him…” I gave her a big smile but she made a face that clearly said ‘give me answers’ I laid in bed. She had caught me and now I had to tell her everything. “I meet him last week on Saturday. Adrian took me to eat and well I saw him there. He didn’t let me pay my food nor my cookies. That same day I saw him at a party. We talked for all night; well until one or sometime around, but Verny he was so nice. He listen to me, didn’t interrupt I expressed myself to him easily. He seemed to care. Something Adrian doesn’t do or well never has.” She smiled as she saw how good I talked about him. She did some ‘Awww’ every here and there, when I would smile big or say some things about him. “He invited me to have dinner with him tonight.” I said, looking down at my hands, thinking about tonight.

“But what about Adrian?” she asked I knew that question had to come. I shrugged. “Where does he want to take you?”

“He said there was a little café outside town. I doubted at first but he convinced me.”

“You know how I always try to make you see things in the right way, but this time I don’t know. He seems really good just be really careful. Okay?” I nodded. “So what are you going to wear?!” she asked more excitedly moving her arms up and down.

“I don’t know. We are going like friends. So nothing to flirty, you know formal like always.”


I picked the perfect outfit, well from what I thought and left to the mall. I got there at 6:55, if there is something I like is punctuality, just like my mom. That’s something she has taught me since I was little. I parked outside of the food court and got down to the entrance. I saw some cars go by while I waited. Three minutes passed and a gold sentra stopped in front of me. Weird, I thought. The windows were really dark so I couldn’t see anything inside. The door of the driver open and Ryder came out of the car. I had never actually paid much attention to his looks until now. He seemed pretty tall probably 6 ft tall? Black hair and dark brown eyes.

“Hello Emery” he came up to me and kissed my cheek.

“Hi Ryder” I said in a shy manner and looked down at my hands.

“Should you follow me or my car?”

“Oh I’ll follow you.” I told him I would see him in a while and left to my car. Turning it on and left to meet him at the exit of the mall parking lot.
this is what Em wore caffee!
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recommend it! pliz! if u have any comments pliz feel welcome to send them in (: message rate and well everything else