Status: in progress (:

"Are you really my SUPERMAN?"

“You decide.”

*Chapter 6*

We arrived into a little place. There were two tables on the outside and a lot of flowers in pots. It seemed very cute. I checked my phone and I had one message from Adrian saying he couldn’t see me today because he had to check something out with his dad. I quickly put my phone away when Ryder came to my door once I had parked and open it. I got out of the car getting my purse and walking inside the café when he opened me the door. We picked a table on the corner because I didn’t wanted somewhere in the middle where everyone could see us. Even thought there weren’t many people in here.

“I’m glad you could come.” Ryder said to me once we were seated. “By the way, you look so pretty.” I blushed and whisper a soft thank you.

“So does this make it up for lying?” I asked.

“It kinda does, because I had to convince you and I chose the place. So not really” I made him a puppy face. “Well only half.” We talked and talked which was pretty much amazing. Discovering how easily was for me to open myself up to him. He made me feel not only good but also comfortable, something I hadn’t really felt in a while with a boy, well Adrian.

“I think we are supposed to be even. Remember last week? You offended me right away.” He did an ‘Ohh’ sound and said.

“Fine we are even know.” We continued talking and discovered that we had in common many stuff. We sing, love music, have the same ideas about life and we were both givers. We like to help people who don’t have the same luck as us. Something I look for in a guy. Since Adrian doesn’t have any of this. He is… I guess the opposite. He doesn’t like helping only himself, he doesn’t like when I sing and he is only looking forward for his life and not for others.

The time came for us to say our goodbyes but he apparently didn’t want to leave me.

“Let me take you home, just so I know you get there safe.” He said taking my hand. I knew this was wrong, but it made me feel something not normal. I knew I wouldn’t like Adrian holding someone else’s hand. Even though I don’t feel the same for him, so I let my hand slip away. I chuckle and replied.

“For you to become more of a stalker?”

“Oh no you didn’t!”

“Oh yes I did.”

“Take it back!” I shook my head. “Take it back or you will pay!” I shook my head again. I leaned against my car and he put his arms to my sides willing to not let me go. My phone started vibrating and I ignored it until it stopped ringing.

“What will be my pay?”

“Lunch next week?” he said.

“As friends?” he shrugged.

“You decide.” He said kissing my cheek and leaving to his car. I got in my car and locked it. It’s something I do as soon as I get in it, just for protection. I got my phone out and had a missed call from my mom and one from Adrian. I didn’t really want to talk to any of them so I put it back in the purse and left home. I turn to my street and saw Adrian’s car was outside my house. I parked and saw as he got out of his car and came my way to my door. I got down and got my keys out of my purse.

“Where were you?”

“I thought you weren’t coming today.”

“And that’s why you took the liberty of leaving?” He said to me really loud. I open my door and went inside with Adrian behind me.

“Calm down! Don’t you dare talking to me like that!” I yelled at him. How dare he talk to me that way? I mean he is not my owner.

“I’m sorry baby.” he said walking to me and giving me a hug. “Please forgive me. Is just that my dad called and gave me some bad news.” Excuses, excuses, excuses I thought.

“It’s fine.” I said to him and hugged him back. I got away from his arms and went to my room telling him to wait for me there. I left everything in my room including the rose he had got me and when I was about to go out I saw Adrian coming in. He came really close to me, putting a hand on my back and his other hand under my chin. Picking up my head to face him, he then leaned to kiss my lips. At first soft like always, and then he started pushing me softly to my bed and he turned it into something more roughly. I tried to push him off me but he kept trying to kiss me. Until he put his hand under my shirt and tried to rip it, that did it! I thought. I pushed him away with every force I had until he landed on the floor. He stood up and tried to take control over me but I only pushed him away once more.

“WHAT THE HELL ADRIAN?!” He looked at me with shock in his face. “YOU HAVE NEVER GOTTEN THIS FAR!” I pointed at the door. “GET OUT!” he didn’t seem to make a move “OUT!” He stood up and left the house.
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Two in a morning! im in a role! haha keep reading its only getting better (: ch 7 its like half written. so it will prolly be out tomorrow or idk latest WEDNESDAY! haha enjoy. rate message recommend and well w.e else u guys do (: