Concrete Castle

It all started as a bet. I was nothing more than a stupid bet. But, considering who it was, I shouldn't have expected something kind or noble. Because, when it come to John O'Callaghan, nothing is ever kind or noble. There is always an ulterior motive. I just didn't spot it until it was staring me in the face.

In high school, I had a reputation of sorts. It wasn't anything bad or even that hurtful. Unless you saw being called a 'prude' as hurtful or rude. After a while, you learn to ignore it. And, I never really had a problem with it in the first place.

I went out with guys, sure, I probably dated half the guys in my graduating class, but never more than two dates. Never kissing them.

It's not that I'm stuck up, or over concerned about my purity and innocence, I just have certain requirements for getting to the third date. And, well, no one passed.

One of the people I never had a chance to go on a date with was John, but only because I knew he wouldn't even make it to the second date. He was rude, obnoxious, and he talked loud and frequent. He was arrogant as all get out, and that stupid smirk annoyed the crap out of me.

And his style, I cringe at the thought. The baggy clothes, shirts a thousand times too big for him, chunky sneakers. The wife beaters, the hoodie underneath the shirt. That mop that somehow people mistook for hair. God, it was kind of awful.

So, why, as we both started at Arizona State, did I see a change in him?

Well, for one, he talked to me. Like, actual conversation, talked, not just a question on homework or page number.

But, when he asked me on a date, that should have been my first heads up something was wrong.

I don't own The Maine...YET.
Muahaha, Kidding.
Title Credit: Down // Something Corporate