Concrete Castle

Opens Doors For Me.


As the students filed out of the class, I followed Devon. It felt sort of weird, almost like I was stalking her. But, when she stumbled and fell, I had an excuse to talk to her, “You okay, Devon?” I asked, helping her pick up the books that had spilled from her bag.

“Peachy.” She replied, not looking at me.

“Do you have to work today?” I asked, honestly curious. Plus, I wanted to see if she was available. If I was going to win this thing, I would have to stop getting so defensive. And she'd have to get to know me, and I'd have to get to know her.

But I needed to prove that I wasn't like what she thought I was.

Because, really, I'm not. She just makes me that way. Sure, I might be a little full of myself sometimes, especially when someone is challenging my abilities, social or otherwise.

“No, not until I get my car I'm thinking it a vacation.” She answered.

“Well, that's good. Because, I was thinking that you should come to see my band tonight.”

“I don't think that's going to happen, John.” She denied, still not looking at me.

“Why not?”

“Because I have better stuff to do.” She snapped. “Just because I don't have work doesn't mean I don't have things to do.”

“I see. What are you going to be doing today, Devon?” I asked, she straightened and started to walk away.

“Homework, food shopping, staying away from you.” She replied.

“Doesn't sound like too much. You should come see our set at the club tonight. It'll be fun, promise.”

“I don't know, I'll see.” She let out, probably just to get rid of me.

“Are you sure you're okay, Devon?” I asked, “You seem a little off.”

“Yeah, I'm totally fine.” She nodded. “Never better.” That was a bold faced lie if I ever saw one.

“Right. That's why you didn't sleep, were late to class, and fell. If that's you at your best, I hate to see you on a bad day.” I said without thought. I cursed at myself. Why did I always say something stupid?

Devon did something unexpected; she didn't say anything. Here I was waiting for a comeback, maybe even a slap or two...but she just kept walking. I was so surprised, I stopped in my tracks for a few seconds before hurrying to catch up with her.


To say John was getting on my nerves was an understatement. He was on my nerves when he wasn't even around. But, at the moment, I really didn't want to deal with him and I certainly didn't want to fight.

I wanted to sleep.

But I can't do that, the dreams will come. I might put on this tough facade, but the truth is that inside I'm a frightened little child. Is it to much to ask not to have to live through that again every time I close my eyes. Dreams are supposed to relieve you of reality, not make you face it...and harshly.

I guess they aren't dreams. They're nightmares. That didn't even seem right. Night terrors.

John silently walked beside me towards the apartment, and I thought I'd never see the day where his mouth was shut. I wanted to ask him why he was still walking with me, but I didn't want to start up his mouth.

My head was pounding from lack of both food and sleep, and I couldn't see straight. I need sugar.

Usually, I manage my hypoglycemia pretty well, I mean I go months without a crash or even coming close. I have lived with it all my life, I know what to do and what to eat. It's just...this time of year is always hard for me to keep track on that.

I pulled the chocolate chip granola bar that I had stashed away in my bag for this occasion out and opened it. I ripped off a piece and stuck it in my mouth. Feeling like I should at least try to be nice, I held the bar out to John, “Want some?”

“No, I'm great, thanks.” He rejected, then looked at my hands. “You're shaking.” He pointed out, confused.

“Yeah, I do that sometimes.” I shrugged.

“You should really come tonight, if not for me, for Garrett.” John tried to coax me. I thought of it once again. The pros would be that I wouldn't be sleeping, that the loud music would take my mind away from everything, Garret could make me laugh afterward, and I could put my fake I.D. to good use.

Cons would be John. I'm really starting to reconsider that though, he hasn't been too bad lately. Well, with the exception of yesterday with Charlie. He must have done something right for me to give him my cell phone number.

Then again, the first thing to go when you drink is your judgment and reasoning.

“Sure, I'll come.” I said, placing the wrapper from my granola bar in my pocket.

“So, what do you think of Frishnik?” He asked.

“Our English professor?” I asked, thrown off guard by his random question. “He's pretty old, yeah? But I don't know about his teaching stuff's kind of weird. A lot of reading.” I shrugged.

“Yeah, I know. I spent all of lunch and most of last night reading what he had assigned for the weekend.” John groaned.

“It's not that hard, you could've done it earlier. Just a little at a time.” I shrugged. “You like to procrastinate, though, don't you?”

“Yup. It's my middle name.”

“Well, if you need help with anything, just let me know.” I offered.

John stopped abruptly, hand over his mouth while he gasped dramatically. “Are you offering to help me, Devon? Well, this is a side I've never seen before!”

I laughed a little, shaking my head, “You're catching me in a weird mood.”

“I like this 'weird mood' of yours. You should stay in it.”

“Maybe I will, John.” I shrugged, “So, when is this show?”

“Well, Kenny is picking up Baylee at around 6:30 tonight, so I'll come with and we'll just hang for a little until the show.”

“Sounds good.” I nodded as we neared the dorm John was assigned. Instead of turning, he kept pace with me. “Are you not going home?”

“What kind of gentleman would I be if I let a lady walk home all by herself. There could be murderers out here.” He explained.

“Yeah...” I said distantly, “Murderers.” My father's face once against flashed behind my eyelids as I blinked, I groped for a topic to distract me. “So, what's your band's name?”

“The Maine.” John answered happily.

“Like the Ivory song?” I asked.

“Yes!” John cheered, “Someone finally gets it!”

“It's not hard to figure out, Ivory is an amazing band.”

“I can't agree with you more.”

“Which is funny, we never agree on anything.” I pointed out, smiling.

“I wonder why that is...” He wondered aloud.

“I think it's because we're both pretty alpha when it comes to our gender. You know? You're quite obviously an alpha male. You're confident almost to the point of arrogance, and you like being the center of attention. Whereas, I'm, in your words, a 'control freak' and have to have everything perfect. Alpha's don't usually mix well.”

“I thought that was only when you're talking about the same gender. Like an alpha male and another alpha male wouldn't get along, but an alpha male and an alpha female would...”

“Look at you, mister psychologist.” I teased, “And, usually that's the case, but sometimes you know...they clash. We are the perfect example.”

“We get along sometimes...” John defended, “Like now...we're not biting each others heads off right now.”

“I'm sure if we waited a couple minutes we would.” I laughed, turning onto my street. “But, sadly, we won't have the chance, I'm home.” I flung my arms wide.

“Huh, look at that. Time flies when we're not at each others throats.”

“I'll see you tonight John.” I smiled, getting my keys from my bag. John stood awkwardly in the doorway as I twisted the doorknob.

“Yeah, later, Dev.” He smiled, giving me a tight hug. I didn't correct him for using my nickname, and I let out a surprised 'oh' as his strong arms wrapped around me.

I never realized how strong he was until that moment, or how much I enjoyed the crushing feeling of a sincere hug. “Bye.” I waved breathlessly, pushing my door open.

“Was that John?” Baylee bombarded as soon as the door was closed, “Did you just hug John?”

“Yeah...I mean...I guess he's not that bad of a guy...” I shrugged, throwing my bag down and slipping off my flip flops.

Baylee just grinned at me while I went into the kitchen to make myself a snack.


There was an excited knocking on the door and Baylee, dressed all fancy in a blue high skirt with a white with red flower print top and a few pieces of jewelry, answered it. I didn't bother putting in that much effort. I didn't change out of my Batman shirt or capris. I still had in my daisy earring and was wearing my locket. I only changed my shoes. Unlike Baylee in her flats, I didn't want to get my toes crushed.

So, instead I put on a pair of my black converse. They were old, I've had them since my feet stopped growing in the eighth grade. They were so beat up and dingy they almost looked gray. But, that's the best kind of shoe.

“Hey, Bay.” Kenny greeted, giving her a kiss, “You look beautiful.”

“Don't I always?” She teased, laughing and giving him a kiss of her own.

“God, they make me want to barf.” John muttered from his spot where he had moved to beside me.

“Tell me about it.” I agreed, rolling my eyes at the couple.

“Hey!” John exclaimed, turning all attention towards him, “Another thing we agree on!”

I shook my head as a smile slid onto my face, “Yeah, it is.”

“I was thinking we should get something to eat before the show tonight...” Kennedy trailed off, looking towards Baylee and I for confirmation.

I nodded while Baylee said, “That would be awesome. We should go to IHOP, I'm really thinking pancakes right now. And it's the only place Devon likes to eat at that's not pizza.” Baylee added, rolling her eyes at me.

“Not my fault I like quality meals.” I shrugged.

“Ramen and pizza is not a quality meal.”

“Sure it is. There's tomatoes, cheese, meat, crust, and sometimes pineapple. Vegetables, dairy, protein, carbohydrates, and fruit. All the food groups. And ramen is eaten frequently in Japan, thank you very much.”

“You're lucky the gods graced you with a freaking amazing metabolism, you'd weight a million pounds.” Baylee, the health and nutrition major, stated.

I punched her lightly in the arm and we all filed out to a car I had never seen before. “Whose really nice car?” I asked.

“Mine.” John mentioned proudly, “Kenny is letting his cousin borrow his car.”

“I thought you didn't have a car...” I trailed off, remembering on Friday when he had Kennedy take him home.

“No, I do, It's just been in the shop all week. I was getting a new paint job.” He mentioned, opening the passenger side door for me. I looked at the shiny silver paint.

“It looks way nice.” I complimented, sitting down after thanking him for holding the door open for me. Okay, so maybe I was totally wrong about how much of a jerk he was, but that didn't mean I liked him as much as everyone else did.

There was still that resemblance with my father that I despised, even if I liked everything else about him, I would for sure always hate that.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dev's Outfit

Okay, quick question, who the CRAP reported me?
It wouldn't be so mad about it if it wasn't for SPELLING AND GRAMMAR MISTAKES!
I'm not perfect with grammar and all that junk, but that's no reason to report me.

I've seriously seen stories on her that were written 'lyk dis'
Did I report them? NO! Want to know why?
It's all about the story, people. And, okay, sometimes it bugged me really bad when they used a lot of text speak and improper grammar.
Want to know what I did?

If you don't like that I make 'mistakes' or whatever you saw in this story that caused you to report me, STOP READING IT!

I could see if I had a PG-13 rating but I was having every chapter be explicit sex scenes or major violence, but grammar?

Another thing you can do if you don't like my grammar and spelling mistakes?
Okay, I would probably go through and change them, you know.

God, sometimes people suck.
Whatever. Stop reading if you want, I probably won't post for a while because I have to go through and edit this all so it doesn't get suspended.

I've been in a bad mood all weekend and this just puts the icing on the cake.
So, thank you, whoever reported me, for making my day, my week even, that much worse.

And, okay 'it's just a story' right?
Well, these stories mean a lot to me. Particularly an escape from some of the crap I have to deal with in life, mainly at school. And I don't like it when somebody decides 'oh, I'm going to report the story that this person spent LOADS of time on and have the risk of it being suspended instead of stating calmly and quietly in the comments that their grammar and spelling sucks'

Once again, thank you.

You're lucky I don't start making mistakes on purpose.

U mite jus hav 2 sufer me sp thngz lyk dis 4 teh rest of my author notes.