Sequel: There and Back
Status: Edited and reposted!

Vampires, Werewolves, and... Love? Oh My!



"Liz, will you just get in the car?" Jacob asked for like the fifth time.
"No," I said stubbornly. "I'm not riding in a car with you."
Jacob and Embry had come to Port Angeles in his Rabbit. Edward had run. And then, of course, the three of us girls had come in Bella's truck. Somehow it was decided that Edward would go in the truck with Bella and Emma because that's just how Bella is, Embry would be running because he didn't have any clothes, and I would be stuck with Jake alone for over an hour. Figures, right?
"Lizzy, will you hurry up?" Bella demanded. "We'll meet you at Edward's in just a little bit so Carlisle can look at your hand."
"Bella. What part of 'I'm not going with Jacob,' don't you understand? Can't Edward just ride with him?"
Yeah, that comment got me a few glares. "No, they can't. You know that Jake and Edward will kill each other. Now get in the damn car!"
Bella's eyes were narrowed at me
"Fine. I give. There's no need to bite my head off." I was pouting when I got into Jacob's car and slammed the door.
Jake was smiling at my sulking figure when he got into the driver's seat. I glared daggers at him. "Will you just hurry and drive? My hand really hurts and I want someone who's not a stupid mutt to fix it."
Instead of getting mad, he laughed a little. "I think you've been hanging around with the leeches a little long. Bella doesn't get offended when you call me names like that?"
"She doesn't get offended when you call her boyfriend and his family leeches?" I shot back.
"Yeah, she does. Which brings me back to my question."
I shrugged. "Why would she? It's not like we talk about you on a regular basis. Mostly she's too busy swooning over Edward." I smirked at him.
"Sounds like you're jealous." My smirk quickly turned on me. He was the one that was supposed to get jealous.
"Nope. I like being alone. What about you though? I thought that you were in love with my sister. You didn't like, imprint on her or something?"
"Nope." He popped the 'p' in that annoying way that people do. "I guess you could say that she was just a phase."
"A phase? Are you kidding me? I saw how you looked at her. I’ve already told you that I'm not stupid, Jacob."
"I know you're not. I guess imprinting on someone else made me forget about Bella a bit."
"You imprinted on someone? Wow. I feel sorry for the poor girl that has to be stuck with you. So who is she? What did she say when she found out?"
"I haven't told her yet," he admitted.
"Well why not?" I scoffed.
"I'm not sure how to tell her. She kinda scares me sometimes."
I snorted. It was entertaining to imagine the kind of girl that could scare Jacob Black. "A human girl that scares you? Okay, I've got to meet this chick."

*Jacob's Pov*
"A human girl that scares you? Okay, I've got to meet this chick."
Lizzy was laughing a warm laugh that filled the car. She sounded so happy for a brief minute. I couldn't help laughing with her.
She had stopped laughing and was looking very nervous by the time we reached the Cullens'. She was biting the inside of her cheek, like she always did when she was nervous. "Jake, I changed my mind. I don't really need to see a doctor. Maybe I can just wrap it myself. I mean, I couldn't have hit you hard enough to break my hand."
I rolled my eyes. "Lizzy, will you just come on? You broke your hand and Dr. Fang is gonna fix it. Now let's go."
"Wait," she pleaded. "It doesn't even hurt. See?" She tried flexing her fingers but winced.
I practically had to yank her out of the Rabbit. I gently tugged on her good hand, but when that didn't work, I ended up carrying her bridal style. For some reason, her cheeks were stained a light pink and she deliberately looked away from me.
Dr. Cullen examined the bones of her knuckles for a few seconds.
"Yes, it's broken. That must have been quite the punch."
"It was," I laughed. Lizzy made a face and stuck her tongue at me.
"Well he earned it. I'm able to take care of myself, thank you very much."
Bella rolled her eyes at Lizzy. "Just admit it, Liz. You're just as glad the boys came as we are."
Liz stuck her middle finger at Bella and I snorted. "You two are just glad you get to see your boyfriends," she snapped. "I thought we agreed that it was going to be a regular girls' day out. As in no vampires or werewolves."
"We did," Emma amended. "But if it weren't for them..."
"That wouldn't have hap-" her small whisper was cut off by a quick gasp. Her eyes were squeezed shut and her jaw was locked as Carlisle put a brace to hold her bones in place. I am such a terrible person to put my imprint through this!
"You've got that right," Edward muttered so none of the humans could hear.
I shot him a glare. "Get the fuck out of my head," I shot back.
He shrugged and went to put his arm around Bella's shoulders.
“How the fuck did you guys find us anyway?”
“Alice had a vision of what would have happened,” Edward answered easily, pulling Bella tighter against himself.
“Alice, of course. OW!" Lizzy whimpered, drawing my attention back to her. She groaned and shut her eyes tighter.
"Are you all right?" I whispered gently.
She shook her head without even opening her eyes. "No. OW! This is why I hate going to the doctor's office."
"What do you mean?"
Her eyes opened a slit to look at me. "They scare me."
Carlisle gave a little chuckle. "All doctors?"
"Well not you, Carlisle. At least not most of the ti- ouch! Jake, this is all your fault. OW!"
She turned her head away from the pain and right into my chest.

*Lizzy's Pov*
Oh. My. God. Carlisle was setting my fingers so they didn't heal wrong. That last one hurt like a bitch. But that's not why I'm saying oh my god.
I'd winced away from the pain and my head turned right into Jacob's hard chest. I repeat: OH MY GOD!
♠ ♠ ♠
and this, my amazing readers, makes four!! hope you liked it XD
grasias: Art_Flavor already insane goesincirlces nicolecullen and alyssanparker!!! yes, that's five awesome peoples that commented and totally helped make today amazin!!
anywho: 3 people comment=new chapter!!