Sequel: There and Back
Status: Edited and reposted!

Vampires, Werewolves, and... Love? Oh My!


AN: Ever wonder what happened to the Jace dude from the beginning of the story?

Like I predicted, Bella was invited to stay the night at the Cullens. Well technically, Alice invited all three of us but Bella was the only one to accept. Rosalie didn't like that and was practically begging me to spend the night.
"Sorry, Rose. I've already got plans with Leah."
"The mutt chick?"
"Don't talk about her like that, Rosalie. She's just as much my friend as you are."
"Yet you're choosing her over me," she stated.
I rolled my eyes. Too bad she couldn't see that through the phone. "No. I'm choosing the one who's actually going to sleep so that I don't feel bad making the other wait for me to wake up. Besides, she's home alone so Emma and I are just gonna chill out with her at her place."
"Oh don't give me that bull. I know that you both just want to see your mutts."
"Normally you would be right but tonight they're running patrol. Listen, Rose, I've got to go. Talk to you tomorrow?"
"Yeah, whatever."
Seth was just leaving when Emma and I pulled into Leah's driveway in Bella's truck. Damn, I really need my own car. Then I wouldn't have to rely on my twin to be my only mode of transportation. Okay, now I'm digressing big time and-
"Hello... Earth to Liz. Does she do that a lot?" Leah asked.
"Zone out you mean? Yeah," Em answered. “I think the sun back home in AZ fried her brain.”
"Huh? Sorry. So what's on the agenda for tonight?"
"Pizza and a movie to start with?" Leah suggested.
"Oh that sounds boring," Emma interrupted. "You have the house to yourself, you're over eighteen, and all you want to do is watch a movie? Honey, you've got to get out more. Good thing you've got us."
I shrugged. "She's right. We're changing plans. The three of us are going to have some real fun and get a little drunk. 'Kay?"
"How do you suggest we do that? There's no alcohol in my house and any store we go to will know one of us."
Emma and I exchanged glances. We dug into our duffels and pulled out wine coolers and a bottle of vodka. "We've got you covered," I said cheerfully.
Leah sighed before a huge grin broke out on her face. "What the hell. I deserve to have some fun for once."
"Amen! Now let's get this party started."
Ten minutes later we were somewhere along the treaty line the wolves had with the Cullens. I think Leah called our little spot no man's land. I'm not really sure because I'd already started my drinking episode. Emma and I were just sticking to the wine coolers. Leah had already finished hers and was using the bottle as a shot glass for the vodka. The thing is, she wasn't even getting drunk. Must be the wolf side of her.
"You two are so funny wasted," Leah giggled.
"Yep," I hiccupped. "Didn't I tell you this was fun?"
"You sure did. It's nice to get away every once in a while."
"I wish Embry was here," Emma mumbled spilling a little of her drink onto herself. Leah and I looked at her like she was crazy and burst out laughing.
"Anyway, aren't you glad that you're single now? That way you don't have to worry about some stupid guy trying to ruin your good time."
"What about you and Jake?"
I waved my hand to brush off that comment. "It's good Sam's with Emily instead of you or else Emma and I would be all alone out here. Yes we would."
"Shit!" she screamed. Then she started laughing hysterically. The alcohol was starting to get to her. "I was supposed to go over to their house earlier. Haha. Oh well. Let my perfect cousin plan her stupid wedding without me."
I started laughing and Emma just sort of stared cross-eyed into space. Leah suddenly became very serious. She jumped to her feet and her eyes darted quickly around the forest scanning between the trees. She sniffed the air twice and wrinkled her nose. A low growl started in her chest. I was way more menacing than the one she gave me when I called her a bitch.
A woman with fiery red hair and tattered clothes stepped into our little clearing. I've seen her before. She was pretty, with a catlike stance, smirking lips, and -red eyes?! Holy shit! Too bad I was too wasted at the time to really make sense of it. "Hush now, puppy," she said to Leah. "You wouldn't want to change so close to your friends, would you?"
Leah gritted her teeth together. "What do you want, bloodsucker?"
"Same thing I want every time I come around here. But this time I'm thinking that a little leverage would be nice to have." Her eyes darted to me and Leah's growling began again. "I said shut up. How about we let your little human decide if she will come with me? Sweetheart, would you come out here?" she called over her shoulder.
He stepped out next to her and my dream from before I knew about vampires and werewolves came rushing back to me. The red-head linked arms with him as I gasped.
"Jace," I breathed.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry that this one is so short and mostly just a filler. but i promise that the next one will be better XD
anyways: thanks Art_Flavor, already insane, andtwo sided heart for commenting on the last chapter. enjoy
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