Status: I'll try to update as quickly as I can.

Girl I Know


The next morning when Ana woke, she sighed, sliding out of Kenna's bed and stumbling to the bathroom, where she washed her face and brushed her teeth.

That done, she went downstairs and switched over her laundry, putting her clothes into the dryer. When she came back up from the basement, she found Kenna's parents in the kitchen, her mother getting a cup of coffee and her father at the table on the laptop.

"Morning, Ana," Suzy smiled warmly.



"Please," she replied, walking over to retrieve the mug Suzy had filled for her, adding sugar and milk to her liking and sat at the table.

When Kenna came down, she found Ana at the table, drinking coffee with her Nutella and toast and having a conversation with her father about music.

The girl collapsed on a kitchen chair and stole a drink of her friends coffee and piece of toast. "I forgot you like to get up early," she said, making a face.

Ana laughed. "It's almost noon. It's not really that early." Kenna made a face and she laughed again. "So we still on for the beach?"


"Oh, Kenna. We wanted to talk to you about that. Your father and I have a few things to take care of today, so we won't be able to drive you."

"Mom," Kenna groaned, leaning back in her chair.

"I'm sorry, Kenna. See if your brother will take you."

"Take you where," came a gruff, sleepy voice from the hallway and both girl turned to see Brian standing there, his hair mussed and his boxers hanging low on his hips.

Ana unconsciously drew her bottom lip between her teeth, not sure of the look on her face, though it must've been lusty, because when Brian glanced her way, he smirked. Ana felt her face flush, turning her attention on her toast.

"Drive Kenna and Ana to the beach. Last time your sister rode the bus in her bathing suit, the boys wouldn't leave her alone."

Brian rolled his eyes as he collected a poptart from the box on the counter. "Whatever. I'm only giving you half an hour to get ready."

"Yeah, yeah," Kenna said, rolling her eyes. "But you need to stop by Ana's too so she can get her swimsuit."

Brian rolled his eyes, chewing and nodded. "Whatever. Just go get dressed."

"Come on, Ana."

The girl darted downstairs to get her clothes and when she came up, she was dressed in her own clothes. Dimly, Brian wondered where the redhead had put the clothes she had been wearing as he went upstairs to dress.

Ten minutes later, the group was leaving and Brian obediently pulled into Ana's drive to let her get her things. "You guys can come in if you want. It's air conditioned inside and my parents aren't home."

Kenna immediately climbed out and Brian sighed, throwing the car into park and turning it off, climbing out as well.

Ana led them inside and as they stepped through the door, a very fat bulldog came waddling over. "Hi Oogie," she cooed, patting the dog on the head. "Boogie is around here somewhere. Ah. There he is." As short, stout and fat as Oogie was, Boogie was tall, lean and thin, a big greyhound. "You can pet them. Help yourselves to anything in the kitchen. I'll be back soon."

With that, she darted up the steps. Kenna made her way down the hall and Brian decided to follow her, since she probably knew where she was going. She made her way into a kitchen with no counter tops on the counters or island. She walked over to the fridge and got herself a coke. "Want one?"

"Sure," Brian mumbled, still looking around. "What do her parents do?"

Kenna shrugged as she handed Brian a coke. "Her dad does a lot of things. He's part owner of a record label, music producer, movie producer...the list goes on. Her mom makes surf boards."

Brian nodded and sighed. "Where's the bathroom in this place?"

"Come on. I'll show you," she said, leading him out of the kitchen, across the great room, and down a narrow hall to a half bath. Brian was shocked to see a glass bowl of condoms on the back of the toilet. "Yeah. Her parents are pretty lenient and decided that if she's going to have sex, they want protection to be within reach."

Turning, she left Brian there and went back out to the foyer.

By the time Brian found his way to the foyer again, Ana was there, cherry hair pulled into a ponytail and wearing a board shirt and colorful bikini bottoms. "We just need to stop by the garage and get boards."


"Well, me and Kenna. I'm teaching her to surf."

Brian glanced at his younger sister, surprised expression on his face. "I didn't know you didn't know how to surf."

"You said you were going to teach me and you never did."

Guilt laced Brian and he nodded. "Alright. Since I promised, I will. Can I borrow a board?"

"Sure," Ana grinned. An hour later found the three at the beach, all floating out, waiting for their waves. Around three, they decided they were hungry, so they headed in, washing the salt and sand off of them at the showers.

Ana peeled off her shirt and stuffed it into her bag before pulling on a long, wrap around skirt, knotting it at her waist and pulled her hair out of the pony tail.

"I'll go ahead," Kenna said, "And see if I can't find us a table or something somewhere."

Ana and Brian nodded, stepping into the shade from one of the establishments to have a smoke.

"So why are you still here, anyway," she asked him.

"Why," Brian asked, lighting a cigarette. "Want me to leave?"

"I want you to do whatever you want to do." Brian chuckled. "What?"

"Nothing," he murmured, shaking his head.

"Whatever," Ana replied, rolling her eyes and stealing his cigarette.

"You know if people see you smoking that, you'll be in trouble."

Ana shook her head, sighing out blue smoke. "No I won't, for three reasons. One, I've been told I look 17, so it's not a stretch to say that I look 18. Two, people in Huntington don't care. I could be doing worse than smoking. Three, it's not illegal for me to smoke cigarettes, only for me to buy them and for you to give them to me and I stole this."

Brian chuckled again. "Alright," he conceded, lighting himself another one.

The two were silent for a moment, watching the people walk along the board walk. Finally, Ana sighed, flicking away her finished cigarette. "Just tell me what you were laughing about earlier."

"When," Brian asked, taking a drag of his cigarette.

Ana punched him in the arm. "You know when! When I said that I wanted you to do whatever you wanted to do."

Brian laughed. "Are you sure? You really wanna know?"

"Yes, doofus," Ana replied, rolling her eyes.

"Alright," he replied. He flicked away his cigarette and then suddenly his hand closed around her elbow and he dragged her further into the shadows, away from prying eyes, and pushed her into the wall, clamping his mouth on hers at once.

"Because," he said against her lips, "You wouldn't let me do what I really want to do. Because what I really want to do is rip of your bikini bottoms and fuck you senseless against this wall." His words and mouth made her erupt in shivers and goosebumps and as he pulled back, his teeth nipped her bottom lip and made her let out that noise.

Then, he was gone, sauntering back out into the sunlight and leaving her cold. Ana stayed where she was, frozen, for several minutes, trying to get her body under control. It nearly sickened her at how it lost control at the smallest movements from Brian, the slightest touch of his skin on hers.

Finally, she walked out into the sunlight to join him and Kenna, who had come back with news of empty tables up the boardwalk.

For the rest of the day, whenever Ana caught Brian's eye, the only thing she could do is flush and look away and when she went to bed that night, listening to the sounds of her parents get ready for bed as well, she couldn't stop thinking about it.

She'd never been wanted, physically wanted, lusted after, by someone older than her, at least, not that she knew of, and the strange part was that it excited her. Whenever she thought about her best friends older brother, his slow smirk, his chocolate eyes, his dark hair, his long fingers, thin lips, it made her pulse quicken curiously.

When she finally fell into sleep, she dreamed of Brian, of kisses on the trampoline, the stars as their blanket. Except this time, his hands didn't stop at her hips.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay. Second chapter and not as long as the first, but the next one's pretty long.