A Slave to the Vampire Princes

A Slave to the Vampire Princes (1)


I ran as fast as I could through the maze of houses and almost slipped on the ground that was now covered with snow. I took a risk and glanced behind me.
where is he? I thought. I turned left at a big oak tree and continued to race past the unfamiliar houses in this unfamiliar neighborhood. This all seemed like a dream. But by my hammering pulse and screaming lungs, I could tell that this was no dream. Whether I liked it or not, this was reality.

I had no clue why this guy was chasing me. I was just walking home from a friend's house after a Christmas party. I was susposed to spend the night, but her little sister got sick. It had still been light then, and the snow was just barly coming down. About about ten minutes of walking, I noticed that I was being followed. A boy that looked only a year or two older than my sixteen years was following me. Every time I looked back, he was always there.

I still had a good twenty minutes until I reached my house, but I started to run. He ran too. He was inhumanly fast. I raced past houses and thought abought my options. 1) I could keep running and pray he got bored or tired. That was highly un likely. 2) I could try and knock on a random person's door and get them to help me. But what if no one was home? Then I'd be trapped on a porch, all alone. 3) I could confront him. That may work, but I was a total scaredy cat. Plus, he could easily over power me. What to do? I'd keep running until I found help.

The snow was no falling heavily and the day light was fadeing quickly. Then, I saw something that made my heart drop. A dead end sign.
I looked around franticaly. The boy still wasn't anywhere in sight.

Hmmm, I thought hopefully. Maybe he gave up. But I doubted that. Then, I looked to my right and saw a huge house with a 'For Sale' sign in its' yard. It looked pretty abandoned.... the perfect place to hide. I dove behind the building and tried to slow my frantic breathing. I counted the minutes away. When I had been there for about three and a half minutes, I figured thatI needed to look around. I edged to the side of the house and slowly peeked around the corner.....
"Gotcha!" He said as I almost ran into him. I screamed and started running agian. My heart pounded and I felt tears slip down my cheeks. I had gotten a really good look at him. He was taller than me and thin, though very strong looking. He had jet black shaggy hair and he wore a vey expensive looking hoodie and jeans, with shoes that looked more exspensive than my house. He had stricking pure green eyes that flickered with a wicked fire I had never seen before. They were so strange, even beautiful. But that didn't matter. I also saw his mouth, his teeth, and I couldn't believe what I had seen. He had fangs.

He was a vampire. Yeah, that was impossible. Vampires didn't exsit. But those fangs were real and that boy looked far from human. Even the way he talked sounded different. He had only said one word, but there was a faint accent that I couldn't place. It sounded vey old and odd.

I slowly began to see something in the distance. I almost laughed with relief as I saw the small town shops. There weren't very many buildings because it wasn't main street or anything, but there was the post office, library, coffe shop, and a few fast food places. Relief was so strong. I was saved. But as i grew closer, I didnt see anyone. I realised with sickening horror that all the places were closed since it was Christmas.

I looked behind me and saw the vampire boy casually walking towards me. He still had on that sick grin that widened when he saw that he had me. That grin told me that he knew he would get me soon.

I wont go down without a fight. I descided. I turned a corner and spotted a metal ladder on the side of the library. They held book clubs up there in the summer and the ladder is how they got up there. I dashed to the ladder and pulled myself up. I started climbing and finally reached the top. The boy had seen me, though, so he was now climbing up himself.

I made my way to the other egde of the library as I searched my brain for ideas. Finally, I got one, but it wasn't too great. One of the fast food places was right beside the library, about seven feet away. I could try and jump across to the other buildings roof, but if I missed I would die. It was a long way down and sharp rocks littered the ground.
A snort drew my attention to the boy. " There is no way you are going to jump. You would surely die!" he said. That made up my mind. I jumped.

Exhileration quickly turned to horror as I realised I had miscalculated the jump. It was high enough, but I was going to miss the ledge by about 4 inches. Suddenly, something slammed into me. I was pushed those 4 inches with more to spare. I rolled unto the roof and tried to get up, but something was on top of me. I opened my eyes and saw the vampire boy. He glared down at me, his green eyes blazing.

"You jumped! I cant believe you freakin jumped!" he snarled at me.

"You-you saved me." I muttered, not meeting his eyes.

He snorted and rolled his eyes. Then he got up and walked to the egde. Shakily, I rose and cautiously took a step towards him. I could easily run up and push him off, but somwhow I could tell that that's what he expected me to do. Besides, I was far too curious. I took another step.

"What do you want from me?" I asked.

"You would never believe me," he answered, not turning. I stood there, waiting. Finally, he sighed and turned to look at me. He looked very tired.

"As you can probably see, I'm a vampire." he paused and showed me his fangs agian before continuing. "Thereis much more of us than those stupid movies and crap make you think. We even have our own government, civilizations, and a King, all hidden from you stupid humans.

Anyway, the king is old and nearing the age of retiring. He has two sons. One is the little golden boy. He will probably be the one to take the throne. He learned quickly in school and did evrything right. The other is a warrior. He loves to fight and hunt. He is smart, but a trobble maker. After the King retires, the brothers will be very powerful in the vampire world. They need slaves, maids, servants, whatever you want to call them. These slaves have to be carefully picked and watched, so the brothers sent the very best vampires to find them slaves. I am one of those vampires, and you are the slave that I choose for the Princes."

"What?! You're insane!" I told him. He smiled slightly.

"It's true. You must come with me. I have been watching you and I believe you are a perfect slave for them, even if you are human scum. You are a bit stubborn, but that's a probblem easily broken.You must come with me to the mansion and meet these two Princes. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. If you don't agree to come, I might as well just kill you now." After he muttered that last sentence, he took a step closer to me.

What am i going to do? I thought. It was either go with him to a mansion full of vamps, or die now.

"Alright. Take me to your leader." I grumbled as I glared at him. He grinned at my joke and whispered, "Hold on tight, Piccolo."
Then, he grabbed me around the waist and jumped off the building.