Status: New story!! Sort of going to be a short one, but hope you like it!!

Boys and Girl


Kiki’s P.O.V

Fug. As soon as her eyes opened a sigh of relief left my lips. I had been freaking out and called every one for help. When her dad showed up in the room I didn’t even realise, I was too busy trying to bring Jiji back to consciousness.

She was smiling as her eyes passed over all of us. Then...she saw her Dad and her facial expression changed from a dopey, happy to shock. I looked at him then back at her and it dawned on me that he was probably the last person she wanted to see.

I told Darren to watch her, while I sorted her Dad out. “ need to come with me.” I said to him, the awkwardness being very obvious. He opened his mouth about to argue against my point, but I shot him a look that made him quickly shut his mouth and follow me out of the room. I could hear Jiji freaking out in the background saying things like “What the fuck is he doing here?!” I hoped her Dad hadn’t heard but he winced so I guess he had.

He looked at me with hurt in his eyes. “Well, can you really blame her?” I said sharply. He just looked at his shoes. “You got rid of her, because of something as superficial as her hair colour. You don’t even keep in contact with her. And then when you do, you expect her to be HAPPY to see you? Did you really think that would happen?”

He looked at me, then back at the ground, then back up at me. “I just...I wanted to sort things out with her. I know what I did was horrible.” I scoffed; horrible was a way to put it lightly.

“And, like I said I wanted to set things right with her.”

“well, I think you should go.” He opened his mouth to say something but I held my hand up so he would let me finish. “At least, for now, just give her some time...she was unconscious for Christs sake! She needs to rest. And you being here is just gonna stress her out.” He nodded, then walked back down the corridor. Good riddance.

I walked back into the room and smiled at her. “Did you get rid of him?”

I sat down next to her and noticed Daren was holding her hand. “Yeah Jiji, I did.” She smiled as if to say "thanks" to me.
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GAH i know...been a while XP