Soon You'll Scream My Name

I Feel So Damn Worthless

"Take off the jeans, girls." Dakota smirked.
Caroline and Andra stood up, and slow pushed their skinny jeans off of their legs. Dakota and Jamie were staring at them with lust in both of their eyes.
Now Andra, Caroline, Dakota and Jamie were all down to their undergarments.
All four of them were drunk off their asses, and unaware of what they were doing.
"Next time, girls," Dakota says. "Off goes the panties."
Andra smirks. "Same goes for you boys."
Dakota flips her off, as he looks at his cards with his other hand. He makes sure to keep a straight face.
Everyone looks around the table. Just when they flipped their cards, the front door of the house burst open.
Four police men entered the house. A fake ginger drops his cup, and yells, "Kick it, it's the fuzz!"
The music stops, and every person in the house scatters; trying to get out without being caught.
Dakota, Jamie, Andra and Caroline heard the ginger yell, and quickly pulled their clothes back on as they hurried into the living room and out the back glass doors. They were going to cut through the backyards of the neighbors, but the heated make-out session in the pool caught their eyes.
"Holy shit." Dakota said under his breath.
"What the fuck?" Jamie yelled.
Ashton and Delta broke apart, and with horror in their eyes.
"You fucking whore! After what we've been through, you cheat on me?!"
"Jamie, hear me out, this isn't what it looks like. Well, it is, but listen to me first!"
"Oh go to hell, Delta. I don't want to hear your bullshit."
Everyone stared at Jamie in shock. Andra was shaking her head.
"Delta, I said break-up with him, not cheat on him."
Jamie glared at Andra. "What did you just say?"
Andra put her hands up. "She was going to anyway!"
Caroline and Dakota's jaws dropped.
"Delta, you're a fucking bitch. Lead me on? Really?" Jamie spat.
"Maybe if you weren't such a damn prick, she wouldn't be with me, now would she?" Ashton yelled.
"Stay out of it, pretty boy."
Ashton raised an eye brow. "I'm flattered that you think I'm pretty, but this is not the time to hit on the guy your girlfriend was just making out with."
"Ashton Carter Watkins!" Caroline yelled.
"What?" Ashton laughed.
Andra's jaw dropped. "Delta, is he the guy you were going to break-up with Jamie for?"
Jamie glanced at Andra, then back at Delta to see her nod.
"If you were going to dump me, Delta, why did you get back with me?"
Delta stared at Jamie; unsure of what to say to him.
"Well?" Jamie raised his voice.
"Let me speak for my best friend," Andra said. "Maybe if you weren't an asshole to her all the time, and maybe if you wouldn't be robbing stores left and right, she wouldn't have to even think about dumping you."
Jamie kept his eyes on Delta. "Is that true?"
She just nodded her head as Ashton wrapped his arms around her from behind.
The screams from the house were getting louder; and gun shots were fired.
Andra grabbed Jamie's hand and pulled him around the house, "We have to go get my car."
Jamie glared at Delta and Ashton. "Delta, I want nothing to do with you."
"Good!" Caroline yelled.
"She didn't want nothing to do with your bitch ass anyway!" Dakota added.
Then Andra and Jamie disappeared around the house.
Caroline looked over at Ashton and Delta. "Guys, get your clothes on. Cops are here."
That caused both of them to hurry and get their clothes on. They then hopped the fences of the backyards; trying to go unnoticed.
"We could go back to my house," Delta said when they stopped to take a breath in the middle of an open road. "Besides, it's on the next street."
Dakota nodded. "That'd be best for Ashton and I until the police get a hold of our parents. Then we're fucked."
"Your parents believe everything I tell them," Caroline said. "I could lie to them and say you guys have been at Delta's house the whole time."
Agreeing, Delta said, "She's right, and I can lie too."
Ashton looked at her. She smiled and took his hand in hers.
Caroline and Dakota were glad to see Ashton and Delta were finally together, if they were.
When they got to Delta's house, they crashed in the living room. Delta got Ashton some sweats and a hoodie to put on instead of wearing his wet clothes around. Delta had changed into black shorts and an Asking Alexandria hoodie.
When she put her hair up in a pony tail, and was about to head into the kitchen, she gasped loudly. Her friend glanced at her from the living room.
"What if Andra and Jamie didn't get away?" She asked them.
"Don't worry, they're probably fine, Delta." Caroline tried to assure her.
"Who cares about that Jamie guy though? He's just a prick." Ashton stated.
Delta looked at him in shock. "Shut the fuck up, Ashton. You don't know him."
"I know enough about him to know he's a total fucking jackass to treat you like shit."
"He's treated me better than you have."
"Really now? Do tell." Ashton sat down on the chair facing Delta's direction.
"At least he's never hit me or tried to use me for a good fuck."
Delta then dashed up the stairs to her bedroom.
Caroline glared at Ashton as she followed her close behind.
Dakota stared at Ashton. "You dumb fuck."
Ashton put his hands up. "The hell did I do?"
"What the hell happened to you being in love with her?" Dakota asked.
Ashton sighed. "I forgot she could be a fucking bitch."
"So do you take back what you said?"
"Just then, or before the party?" Ashton raised an eye brow.
Dakota rolled his eyes. "Before the party."
"Dunno. I just wish I wouldn't have bothered with her in the first place."
Dakota studied Ashton's face. "Do you regret meeting her?"
Silence. Then Ashton shook his head; thinking about when they first met.
"No, I don't. But now I want to get her back from when we were in the library."
Dakota began to shake his head.
So much for trying to change the famous Ashton Watkins.
♠ ♠ ♠
I didn't want this chapter to be long. Eahh, I apologize.
Oh! And please go read the first chapter of Shining Like Fireworks!

Title: Alibis by Marianas Trench.