Sequel: Sparks Fly


he had six smiles

Logan had six different smiles, and Kandi loved every single one of them.

There was that smug smile that spread across his face on the rare occasion that he was right and she was wrong. She called it his blue moon smile, since it’s occurrence was about as often as the metaphorical blue moon. It was a tight-lipped smile, usually coupled with the cock of one or both of his eyebrows. Even though she couldn’t stand being proved wrong, she couldn’t deny that seeing him so full of himself was a turn on.

On the opposite end of the scale, there was the awkward half-smile that tugged at the corners of his lip whenever she caught him completely off guard. It was one of those instances when he couldn’t come up with a witty comeback, so he was left to sit in silence with only that defeated grin on his face.

In the middle of it all, there was that wide grin that took over his entire face when they were doing something absolutely ridiculous like posing in a photobooth or dancing around in the kitchen of her apartment while they made breakfast together on Sunday mornings. Those priceless moments when happiness would erupt from his every pore, causing his features to glow. His almond-shaped brown eyes would squint up, creasing at the corners because they just couldn’t withstand that grin any longer. Two perfect rows of pearlescent teeth combined with the deep indentations that formed in his cheeks once his smile reached a certain point to form one of her favorite expressions. And if he looked at her with that grin, it wasn’t long before she’d feel his expression mirrored against her own features until they were both grinning like idiots, feeding off of one another’s energy.

At the end of the day, when they’d both had a little too much to drink and were laying listlessly across his fresh white sheets, she’d see that slow sexy smile play across his lips. His eyes would widen with lust, melted chocolate looking over at her from beneath long black eyelashes. Even if she was too tired or too buzzed, she couldn’t resist that smile. She’d let him in, his bare skin against her own, and they’d rock to their own private rhythm until they were both spent, lips swollen, lungs begging for air.

Sometimes the next morning, she’d catch him watching her while she slept. As her eyes peeked open, she’d see that soft smile form on his lips, his brown eyes filled with sleep and clumps of espresso brown hair sticking up in a million different tufts on his head. Some strands would mat against his forehead, flattened from his usual tossing and turning during the night. Some mornings, his usually clean-shaven face would be littered with tiny stubbly hairs, and she relished that imperfection, loved that she was one of the few people that got to see him like that.

The smile that stuck with her the most was the smile he’d offered her the night of the last game. From her place working on the sidelines, she could see him up in the stands, gold and black stripes painted on his cheeks, his fist in the air as he cheered for a group of young men that he barely even knew at a school that he didn’t go to. Regardless if they weren’t his team, he still supported her. The black and white terrier head that stood out across his chest was proof, along with the way that he screamed his lungs out as they moved in for that first touchdown. And at the end of the day, when they lost the playoffs by two measly points and the opposing team stormed the turf, taunting the team and staff, Logan gave her reassurance in the comforting smile on his face. When she fell apart from watching tears stream from the guys’ she’d worked so closely with faces, Logan just pulled her into him, her face buried in his chest as she sobbed. He didn’t say a word, he didn’t have to, she could feel his love and his warmth all around her, making everything seem like it was going to be okay.

She would be okay as long as she could see him smile.
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I'm actually really proud of this one. It's a little different, so comments are always appreciated.
Also, I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've given a shout-out to my job in a SI.

Day nine: smile