Status: complete;sequel up.


Such a Basketcase


I sat on the ice cold wooden bench in the park Christofer and I go to a lot.

I continued to watch as Christofer slide down the slide, then went back to the top.

All the while he had a smile on his face, and giggling like a 5 year old.

It made me smile, seeing him smile instead of frowning.

“Oli come with me.” He called from the top of the yellow slide.

I smiled and ran over to the empty construction set, climbing up the slide and tackling him down at the top of the play set.

His facial expression changed, from a face of happiness to one of pain.

“Christofer?” I questioned getting off him.

He held his sides, his body curling into a small ball as his face morphed into pain.

“Christofer, Are you okay?” I asked.

He finally uncurled his body and his eyes opened and he wiped the tears away.

“I-im fine” he said turning to his side, looking at me.

I stared at him, “That was,” pause. “Odd” I finished watching him.

He shook his head, “L-let’s play”

I smiled and helped him up a little.

He smiled and sat down at the top of the slide, “G-get behind m-me” he said looking up to me.

I sat nodded, still smiling, and sat down behind him.

My arms wrapping around his tiny, thin waist.

I pushed him a little and we slide down the short slide, he was still giggling.

We sat at the end, my arms still wrapped tightly around him.

He turned a little and looked up to me his smile still on his lips.

I leaned in a little, my heart pounding in my chest.

My lips lightly touched his and his eyes fluttered closed, his hands traveling to my neck.

His soft fingers played with the tips of my hair as I pressed harder against his lips.

My arms wrapped even tighter around his waist pulling him into my lap.

We both pulled away, panting and gasping for air.

I smiled and traced his jaw line, “I like you a lot Christofer.”

Christofer never stopped smiling, “I l-like y-you too.”


It was dark, the night sky stars hitting out skin as I walked Christofer home.

He insisted that I didn’t, that he could arrive to his home on his own.

But I refused to let him go home alone, especially in his neighborhood.

“This o-one” he mumbled stopping in front of a ugly green house.

I stared at it, my face forming into one of disgust.

this?” I asked.

He looked down ashamed and shuffled his feet on the wet sidewalk.

“It’s, ok” I said taking his hand and leading him to his doorstep.

He hesitated a bit, seeming as though he didn’t want to go inside.

“I-I don’t w-want to g-go home.” he stuttered looking up to me.

“Why not?” I asked pulling him into my arms.

He shrugged and dug his head in my chest.

The moment I shared with him at this moment, where one of those special moments where you just stop and think,

‘This is perfect’

But his front door slammed open to reveal an old balding man, a beer in one hand and his other reaching out for Christofer.

He grabbed Christofer by the hair and pulled him from my grasp.

Christofer whimpered and reached out for me, but his father threw him into the house.

“Stay Away From My Son.” the man screamed.

“So You Can Hit Him?” I yelled.

He glared at me, his face growing red, mostly with anger.

“Don’t you dare.” He hissed, turning around and entering his house. “Stay away.” he threatened one last time, slamming the door behind him.

I stood on the doorstep.

I wanted to barge into that house and beat the living crap out of that man, but Christofer never really did tell me that his father hit him.

Christofer could be hitting himself, throwing himself from wall to wall.

Punching himself and bashing his head against glass.

Christofer did like to hurt himself a lot.

I had no actually proof that Christofer was being abused.

Christofer never spoke the words to me.


I sat in chemistry next to Tom as the teacher lectured us.

Christofer didn’t come today, and I know something must have happened.

It is normal for Christofer to skip days, even weeks of school.

“Where’s your boyfriend?” Tom whispered to me while the teacher talked on the phone.

I shrugged, I should tell Tom, and I would tell Tom.

“Not here.” I mumbled.

The teacher finished talking and hung up the phone, sighing loudly.

“Ok class do numbers 117cc-125cc” the teacher said.

I looked to Tom as he opened his book and began to start on the equations.

I, on the other hand, stared at all the other kids in the class.

I noticed one of Christofer’s friends, he stared at his crotch very intently.

He was texting.

I stood up from my seat and walked over to him, taking a seat in the empty chair next to him.

“Hey.” I greeted.

He glanced up to me, slightly shocked “Umm hi”

“Where’s Christofer?” I asked, might as well get straight to the point.

“None of your fucking business” he growled.

“Tell him.” The girl next to him piped in, her smile spread across her face.

I stared at the two as they began to fight.

“Fine, fine, he called me last night saying he’s sick” the boy finally said in defeat.

The girl’s smile grew more and she leaned in and pecked him on the lips.


I arrived to Christofer’s house, it looked much different in the daylight than in the night.

A little bit more normal.

I noted the empty driveway and walked up the cement pathway to the front door.

I knocked on the door, waiting patiently in the cold winter air.

No one answered, and I kind of expected that.

I walked toward the side of the house, finding a window.

I pulled at it, happy that it was open.

I slipped it open and jumped inside, landing on something.

It squeaked, and moved from under my feet.

I looked down and stared at Christofer.

I bent down and scoped him into my arms, “Hey” I whispered.

He didn’t reply, but instead pushed me away.

“Are you ok?”

He sniffed and tried to push me away again.

“What’s wrong?” I asked trying to pull him closer to me.

“I-its y-your fault.” He sobbed.

“What happened? What’s my fault?”

His sobbing grew louder, “E-everything, I-I h-hate you” he screamed and ran off.
♠ ♠ ♠
yeah, my updating is slowing because i dont have the chapters ready.
But, yeah i hope you guys like this.
Title Credit: Time to Waste- Alkaline Trio