Status: complete;sequel up.


Anywhere is Where She's From


“Ready?” Oli asked as we pulled into the driveway of my ex-home.

I nodded, in reality I wanted Oli to turn back and take me home. It’s not like I needed anything in the house. Just my clothing and memories.

“Come on.” Oli said getting out the car, I followed his actions and stayed hidden behind him.

He took out my house key, my father wasn’t here. He was in prison rotting away for the crime he did. My mother was informed about everything, she promised to come down to see me as soon as she can.

Oli opened the house and he entered inside first, I followed right behind. The house looked horrible now that I don’t live there. I could see all the blood and beer stains.

I could see all the memories this home holds for me.

“Lets just get your stuff.” Oli said taking my hand and leading me to my room.

I ran into the room and grabbed all my things, throwing them into plastic bags. It didn’t take to long to get my stuff, it’s not like I had a bunch of things to begin with.

“Are you done?” Oli asked wrapping his arms around my thin waist.


Oli placed a small kiss on my temple, “Good cause this house smells bad.” He laughed.


Oli and I entered his much more nicer home, a complete different environment. We walked into the living room, and the first person I saw was the only person I ever come to miss.

My mother.

She looked tried, her dark brown hair a mess ball on her head. She had vivid bags under her once lively eyes.

“Mom?” I questioned.

She smiled, “Chris.” She whispered almost unheard.

I nodded, “Who else.”

She stood up and came to me, wrapping her arms tight around me.

Her sobs was all that was heard the silent living room. I slowly wrapped my arms around her as well, burying my face in her messy hair.

“I’m s-so sorry, baby.” She sobbed holding me tighter.

“Its ok mom.” I tell her patting her head.

She pulls away and stares at me, “How could you say that? It’s my fault. I left you with that man.” She scolds herself.

“It’s ok mommy, I’m better.”

My mom sighs and nods her head, “Ok baby. You’ll love it back where I’m staying. I’m going to get married soon to a wonderful man, he has a beautiful home and a private school your sisters are going to.”

I shook my head my eyes widening, “Mom I can’t leave!” I almost yell.

She looks at me curiously, “Why not? It’s not like Greg will do anything like your father did. He’s not that kind of man, honey. And your sisters miss you.”

“Mom!” I scream to stop her ranting. “I j-just can’t l-leave.”

“Tell me why” she ask crossing her arms and staring at me sternly.

“Because I like it here, I have friends and a b-boyfriend.” I tell her, mumbling the boyfriend part.

“You never told me your were even gay.”

By this point, the Sykes have left to allow my mom and I private time.

“I am, mom. Please don’t hate me.”

She looks at me with caring eyes and wipes away the stray tears. “I could never hate you.” She says kissing my forehead.

Her lips break into a grin, “Is it the boy you came in with?” she asks.

I nod softly.

She squeals and hugs me tightly, “Oh honey that’s great! I would never take you away from your happiness.”


I laid in Oli’s bed, it was early in the morning. I couldn’t sleep though. My mother left late that night, she said to call her every day.

She informed me about all my sisters, and her boyfriend whom she is madly in love with. It made me smile just watching her rant about him. He seemed to make her happy.

He has kids though, 2 to be exact.

“Why are you awake?” Oli asked turning to face me, his arms wrapping around me and pulling me closer to his chest.

“I don’t k-know. Just t-thinking.”

Oli nuzzled his face into my neck and whispered, “About what?”

I shivered, “My mom and her future husband.”

Oli and pulled me closer, “Don’t be worried, she looked happy.”

I giggled. “She is, but I d-don’t want h-her to get h-hurt.”

Oli chuckled, “You’re such a mama’s boy.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you guys liked this, although i didn't really like it.
yes, Christofer is a mama's boy, i think it's cute.
Title Credit: Dig Up Her Bones- The Misfits.