Status: complete;sequel up.


Don't Get Burned From the Buzz


I felt lonely without Christofer by my side at all times, I’ve grown really fond of that boy. He was with his mom and her family for the weekend.

He didn’t want to go, in fear he wouldn’t be accepted by his new family. But his mother convinced him to go. And here I am, just waiting for the three day week to pass so I could have my Christofer at my side, like it’s meant to be.

My phone rang, and I looked down to it. Caller id said it’s Curtis.

“Hey.” I mumble.

“Oli, what happened to you? I never see you around anymore.”

I sigh, “I’m sorry, I’m just busy.” It wasn’t a lie, I was busy.

“Ok, but there’s a party tonight. It’s a three day weekend.”

“I’m aware that it’s a three day weekend, I just don’t feel like going out.” Not unless Christofer is with me.

“Ok well if you change your mind, it’s at Lee’s house.”

I hang up, not having any energy to reply. Maybe I should go out, reveal my mind of all this stress that’s been building up.

Tom came down from the stairs, he looked dress up and ready to leave. He noticed me sitting on the couch, in yesterday’s clothing.

“You look like a slob,” He stated.

I didn’t look up to him. Instead I rested my head on the couch cushions. “I don’t care, I’m not going out.”

“You’re wearing yesterday’s clothes, Christofer left yesterday.” He added, as if he didn’t hear what I just told him.

“You need to go out. I’m waiting for you, so go take a shower and make yourself look presentable.” Tom said, ushering me off the couch and toward the stairs.

I stomped my foot and shook my head, “T-o-m N-o.” I whined stretching out the words.

Tom simply shook his head, “Usually I’d be begging you to stay home, but I can’t stand you right now. You smell bad and look worse. You need fresh air and some alcohol.”

The thought of alcohol made me smile, “Ok.” I agree and rush up the stairs.


I forgot how much I missed this, the craziness a party can hold. The smell of weed and alcohol filling the room, and my nostrils.

I missed it all so much.

“Oli!” Curtis called from across the room. He stumbled toward me, “I missed you at these parties.” He added grinning.

I took his red cup and chugged whatever was held in it, it burnt my throat but I missed the taste.

“You’re going to enjoy tonight.” Curtis added swinging his arm around my shoulder.

I grinned and he took me to the back room, where all the stoners hung out.

“Here,” Curtis said handing me something, I smiled and took it willingly.

“I missed you a lot.” He said leaning in closer.

Then he did something I never thought he’d do, he kissed me.

Of all people, Curtis my best friend kissed me.

I quickly pulled away. He looked somewhat heartbroken, but he quickly covered it up.

“I can’t.” I manged to stay in my state of mind. “I have a boyfriend already.” I added leaving him in the empty room.

I walked back into the main part of the house, seeing everyone dancing and enjoying themselves.

I searched for Tom, but he wasn’t in sight.

I walked over to the kitchen and found all the alcohol on a counter, my lips slowly tugged into a smile and I reached for the closest bottle, Jack Daniels.

Not really caring what happened, I drank the whole thing in under a minute. But it wasn’t enough, so I reached for the next bottle and drank it too.

I began to vomit after drinking 3 bottles, but I didn’t stop I keep going at it.


I was laying on the floor, everything was dizzy and blurry but I still managed to bring the bottle of alcohol to my lips.


My eyes began to slowly slip shut, but I still wanted more alcohol. I need more.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's short, but it's something.
Rainbow.Cuppycakes!- I was going to make a lovey dovey chapter then end it, but your questions gave me the inspiration to continue (:
Thanks to:
Dousan Mandic.
- I was so excited the morning it was suppose to snow, but my dreams were crushed. i think it snowed a bit in SF though.
-thanks for telling me, i'll go back and edit that (:

Title Credit-Sickology 101- Tech N9ne