Status: complete;sequel up.


This Place Full of Peace and Life


I walked out of the terminal and noticed my mother, she was right there. In your face.

She squealed and came running to me, hugging me tightly, “Hey baby.” She said linking our arms together.

“Mom it’s been a week.” I tell her with a small smile.

She gasped, “It doesn’t matter I have two years to make up.”

I rolled my eyes, still smiling and leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek. She smiled and led me out the airport.

“There he is.” Mom said pointing to a man standing outside a Range Rover. He’s tall, maybe 6 feet if not taller, his hair is dark color with gray hairs on the sides.

He steps up when he see’s us approaching us, “Hello you must be Christofer.” He says trusting his hand forward.

I stare at it for awhile, not sure I should accept it. He coughs and reaches forward. I flinch and hide behind my mom, until I realize he’s reaching for my suitcase and not me.

I blush and get into the back seat of the car. The drive took a while, about an hour or so.

We pulled into a driveway to a huge house, bigger than Oli’s. I step out of the car and walk around to my mother’s side.

Greg grabs my things as my mother led me up the front steps.

“Kids get down here!” My mom called.

Soon my sisters came running down the stairs, but they weren’t the same.

They did get older and they look beautiful. But they were shy, like they didn’t know who I was.

“Girls, it’s your brother.” My mom tells them.

“I know.” My older sister says. She looks up to me and gives me a small smile, then makes her way toward me to give me a hug. “I missed you.” She whispers in my ear.

She pulls away and glares at my younger sister, “That’s our older brother.”

My younger sister shakes her head, “No, Caleb and Adrian are our older brothers.”

She doesn’t remember me.

I felt a pang of pain shot through my heart; my own little sister doesn’t believe I’m her older brother. She thinks that mom’s boyfriend sons is her real brother.

“No honey, that’s your real brother.” My mom tells her.

She simple shakes her head, “Nope.” She crosses her arms and glares at me. “That’s a stranger.”

I try my hardest to keep the tears back; this hurts more than any of the beatings and rude comments I had to undergo for the last two years.
My sister ran off screaming ‘stranger danger’ I looked up to my mom with tears brimming my eyes.

“Its ok honey, she’ll come around.”

I nod and wipe way the unshed tears, “O-ok.” I mumble.

Greg coughs and screams for his kids to come, causing me to jump and hide behind my mother.

Two teenage boys come running down the stairs, their black hair flying in their face. One’s giggling at the other who is putting on a serious face.

“These are my boys, Adrian and Caleb.” Greg says introducing both boys proudly.

I smile and give a small wave and a muffled ‘hello’

One of the twins giggles and runs up to me giving me a back breaking hug, “Your gunna be my favorite brother.” He giggles and hugs me tighter.

I try to push him away but he’s stuck to me like fucking glue.

“P-please.” I beg trying to hide the fear in my voice.

“Caleb.” Greg scolds, the boy jumps off me and looks to his dad with his big blue eyes.

“I’m sorry dad.”

My mother giggles and runs to the boy, hugging him too. “Don’t be mean to him.” My mother tells Greg still keeping Caleb to her chest.

Jealously washed throughout my body as I stared at my mother being so loving to the boy, that’s supposed to be me.

M mother was supposed to defend me from my father, telling him to leave me alone and not punish me.

But my mother wasn’t there; instead she was defending someone else’s son.

I hate that kid.

“It sickens me too.” The other boy, Adrian said.

I stared at him. His face is very feminine, his hair a dark almost blue color falling over his crystal blue eyes. He’s very attractive.

“That’s Adrian.” Greg tells me.

I nod, it’s kind of obvious.


I sat in between Caleb and Adrian during dinner. I would much rather not sit in between these twins, mainly because Adrian is keeping to himself most of the time and Caleb is to hyper for me.

“So, Christofer, tell me about your home.”

My mother begins to cough, trying to send some signal over to my more than likely future father.

“It’s o-ok mom, I live w-with Oli now.” I mumble.

“Who’s Oli?” My older sister asked.

I don’t reply at first, she doesn’t even know I’m gay. Last time she saw me I was her one-hundred percent straight younger brother.

Now I’m her one-hundred percent gay younger brother.

“Honey, Christofer doesn’t take a liking toward the opposite gender.” My mom says.

“He’s gay?”

My mom and I nod slowly, she simply smiles. “I knew it.” She squeals, slowly breaking out of her shell. “I knew it since that one time when you were in eight grade and you brought your science partner over. I didn’t think science requires kissy noises.”

I blush and look down to my plate, that was Nathan I made out with. He was experimenting with his sexuality. I just happened to be his closeted best friend and lab experiment.

He’s bi now.

Caleb squeals and throws his arms around me, “Your gay too?!”

I sigh, “I g-guess s-so.”

The rest of the dinner went on in silence. I couldn’t get myself though; the food looked good that’s for sure. But I couldn’t get myself to eat more than a few bites without the urge the puke it back up.

My phone rang half way through dinner, I checked caller id and was surprised to see it was Tom.

“E-excuse me.” I mumble and head toward the front of the house, exiting through the front door.

I sit on the porch and take out a cigarette, “T-tom?” I question.

“Christofer, I don’t know why he didn’t stop.” Tom sobbed into the phone. “I just-you need to come here now.”

“T-tom what h-happened?” I ask.

“Oli is in the hospital, he drank too much fucking alcohol.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Ugh, i'm so tried.
This isn't that good, and i'm sorry. i just got back from night school at like at eight and i have tons of homework. so i wanted to put something out because i won't update until saturday or sunday.
i'm sorry i didn't get all my english and history credits ):
Does anyone like Christofer's soon to be step brothers?
Title Credit: Afterlife- Avenged Sevenfold