Status: complete;sequel up.


May Angels Lead You In


I sat on the guest bed, my suitcases next to me packed and ready to go. I looked around the guest room, I liked living here. It may not be with my complete family but everyone treated me right, they didn't hit me or scream at me.

It felt normal.

My mother came into the room a smile on her face, "Oh, my baby has to leave." she sighed sitting next to me on the bed.

I nodded, "I'm g-gunna miss y-you." I whispered resting my head on her shoulder.

"You can stay here with everyone, if you like." she whispered.

For a split second I was going to agree, saying yes let me stay here with my future family. Let me stay with people that love me.

Then I remember Oli, he needs me more than anything. He needs to get sober, he needs to get better and if I'm not there it will never happen.

"I have to go back to Oli." I whisper to her.

My mother gives me a small smile and nods her head, "Of course you do. But summer is coming soon, you will be staying over and bring your boyfriend." she laughs kissing the top of my head.

I groan, "M-mom summer's in t-three m-months." I tell her.

She laughs and kisses me again. "I don't care you're staying the summer here."

Greg walks in at that moment, he smiles at my mother and I and heads to my suitcases. He leaves the room, stopping at the door "10 minutes." He warns and heads out.

I jump up from the bed and run down the hall to Adrian's room. I open the door and run over to him on the bed, tackling him of the bed.

"C-Christofer." He gasp. "Can't. Breath."

I giggled and get of him and watch as he composes himself. He looks to me with a smile and hugs me, "Well I guess I'll see you in the summer." He says with a sad smile.

"You're going t-to call me, R-right?" I ask.

He nods and gives me another hug, "Better go say by to Caleb, he'll get mad if you don't."

I nod and leave the room going to the next room and opening the door. Caleb lays on his bed reading a book and listening to music. He sees me and smiles shutting his book, "You're going?" he pouts.

I nod and sit on his bed, "Oli's w-waiting f-for me."

He nods and gives me a tight hug, "I can't wait until summer." he says releasing me.

"M-me too."


The plane ride was long and tiresome. I walked out the airport with my bags in my hands and head to the parking lot Oli told me he'd be at.

I see him leaning against his car, a cigarette hanging from his lips. He notices me and flicks it to the street and comes to me.

I hurry over to him and wrap my arms around his torso. His face nuzzles into the crock of my neck, "I missed you." He breaths holding me tighter.

"Your a d-dumbass." I tell him pulling away.

He looks down ashamed in himself, "I felt so alone."

I lean up and kiss his cheeks, "I a-always f-feel alone,u-until I g-got you." I paused and moved his hair from his eyes, "N-now I n-never f-feel alone."

"I love you."

I smiled, "I love you t-too, but I'm r-really t-tried."

Oli chuckled and reached over and grabbed my suitcases placing them into the trunk of the car.

We drove away from the airport listening, Oli listening to me talk about my new family. I told him about the twins and how sweet they are to me. I told him about my older sister, and my younger sister even though she didn't know me I still love her.

"I t-think Greg i-is going t-to p-propose to my m-mom soon." I says softly looking out the window.

"That's great." Oli says.

I nod and turn to Oli, "What if he's like my dad?"

Oli scoffs and reaches for my hand, "Christofer, that man will not be like your father."

"You n-never k-know."

Oli laughs a little and pulls into a near by hamburger joint, "Your mother won't let that happen again."

I nod and we both get out of the car and head into the shop. We both order veggie burgers and sodas and sit at the far back of the restaurant.

Oli immediately digs into his burger devouring it complete, I however stare at it. I'm not to fond of eating as you should know.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Oli ask his mouth stuffed with food.

I look down at my plate a bit disgusted. There are so many calories loaded in this burger. "I a-ate o-on the p-plane."

Oli scoffs, "Sure, plane food is like a 5 star meal." he jokes taking a sip of his soda. He turns serious again and looks me into the eyes, "Please eat something."

I nod and hesitantly reach for the burger and taking a small bite. Oli smiles contently and continues to eat.

I force the food down my throat and I feel like throwing it back up, but Oli would be disappointed in me.

Instead I eat most of it, leaving behind the ends of the burger. I look down to my belly and I feel sick to my stomach.

Oli comes and sits next to me placing his arms around my shoulder. He kisses my neck and smiles at me, "I'm proud of you."

The urge to run to the bathroom and throw up disappears and I smile and peck Oli's lips.

Change is good, Right?
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry this took so long ):
High schools a bitch.
Title Credit: Hear You Me- Jimmy Eat World
You should listen to that song. it's so sad.