Status: complete;sequel up.


Monday You Can Fall Apart.


It was silent as we drove back to the house. We were roughly 30 minutes away and Christofer was dozing off in the passenger seat. He looked adorable, his head bobbing back and forth trying very keep his eyes open.

“You should sleep, you had a long flight.” I mumbled softly.

His eyes shot open and he jumped a bit and the sudden noise, he yawned and made a small squeak stretching out his upper body. He finished and curled up staring at me as I drove.

“Do you have to watch me drive?” I asked with a smirk on my lips.

He giggled, “Yes.”

“Creeper.” I mumbled under my breath.

He gasped as if the word hurt his feelings. His hand flung up to his heart, “I’m h-hurt.” He laughed.

I smiled and reached over for his hand my fingers curling around his small slim fingers. He reached over and turned on my iPod connected to my stereo. he went through the music voicing his opinions on each band.
“I love Oasis.” He mumbled playing one of their songs.

He began to sing along to the song, Live Forever, it started as soft mumbles of the lyrics then turned into a full on singing. I glanced at him and smiled, his eyes were closed as he sang along to the words. Usually when people sing along to music, I tell them to shut the fuck up or ‘you can’t sing’ but when Christofer was singing along I didn’t say anything mostly due to the fact he can actually sing.

The song came to a closing and he grabbed my iPod and continued to look through the songs. He stopped on Lovesong by The Cure. He began to sing along to that song as well, “Christofer,” I called. He stopped dancing in his seat and turned to me. “You sing really well.”

He blushed and mumbled a small ‘thanks.’

The rest of the ride went by quickly and soon we were pulling into my drive way. We got out and headed to the front door. I quickly unlocked and allowed Christofer to enter first as I brought in his suitcases.

“Christofer. Oli.” A voice called from the kitchen.

Tom appeared before us holding a monster drink; he was smiled when he saw Christofer and went over to give him a hug.

“Glad your back.” He told him smiling.

Christofer smiled back, “I’m h-happy I’m b-back. I-I missed e-everyone.”

Tom smiled, “Oli really, needed you.” He mumbled.

A sudden awkward and uncomfortable silence surrounded us. This topic obliviously was suppose to stay buried in the dirt for as long it could. Christofer glanced up to me with worry in his eyes.

“What e-exactly happened that n-night?” he asked softly.

I sighed and took his hand leading him to the couch, not before shooting Tom a glare. He simply shrugged and continued his way to his bedroom to finish his photography portfolio.

“What h-happened, I-I thought I w-was the o-one that wanted t-to die.” He whispered.

Every time he referred himself as the suicidal one, it just got under my skin. He doesn’t want to die.

“Don’t say that.” I demanded.

He flinched a bit at my stern voice, his eyebrows narrowing a bit “Then t-tell me what’s w-wrong.” He almost yelled, almost.

“I didn’t realize that I need you by my side. I didn’t know that without you, I feel-I feel so fucking lost.” I admitted.

It wasn’t a lie, I couldn’t live without Christofer he became the glue that kept me together the one that kept me feeling happy, not having to turn to alcohol or drugs.

He kept me clean.

“Oh. I-I d-didn’t know.” He mumbled scooting closer to me. “I f-feel the same way a-about you.” He whispered.

He slowly lifted his sleeves and showed me his arms. They were clean, only with recovering cuts and old scars. “See.” He whispered.

I smiled and reached for his wrist and held them in my hands. My fingertips traced over each visible scar and I slowly brought his wrist to my lips and kissed them, “I’m happy.” I told him. “That you’re happy.”

He nodded and cuddled into my side, “You f-fixed me.” He whispered.

“As the same you did to me.”


Sadly the next day was back to school, I enjoyed the time I had spent off from school. I mean, Christmas break was coming up soon and I had taken off a week from school. The week that Christofer went to visit his family, the week the both of us should have been at school.

But it didn’t matter; I was too unstable to go school without Christofer by my side. I was practically unstable to doing anything unless I had Christofer. It’s almost sad and pathetic.

“Ready?” I asked Christofer, knocking on the bathroom door.

He came out dressed in his usually Christofer attire, a sweater and tight ripped jeans. He smiled and walked over to our bed picking up his charging phone and backpack.

I followed him and grabbed my things, “O-oli.” He mumbled from across the room.

“Yeah?” I asked turning to face him.

He sat on the edge of the bed, his head handing low as he fingers fidgeted with something. “I-I want to give t-this to you.” He said holding out a razor blade. “I d-don’t n-need it.” He added.

I walked over and took the razor away and examined it. The thing was old looking or really over-used. There were small traces of dried blood rusting on the edge. “You’ll never need this.” I told him throwing it away in the garbage.

He nodded and took a deep breath, “lets go.” He whispered walking out the room.

I followed behind him grabbing his arm and pulling his back, “Are you ok?” I asked.

He sniffed a bit and I could tell he wanted to cry, “Its h-hard t-to give i-it up.”

I nodded in understanding, “We’ll both get through this. We have each other remember?”

He wiped at his nose and nodded smiling up at me and giving me a quick peck on the lips. He took my hand and led me toward the stairs, “Come o-on, we’ll b-be late.” He giggled.

I smiled and we both left for school.


I stood by the main corridor watching as different grade level kids head to lunch some heading to their cars to get fast food while the younger grades stay on campus to eat the gross school lunch. Christofer and I, however, are allowed to go out and eat.

I waited patiently for Christofer to come out of p.e but it seemed like he was taking forever to get out. I mean, he’s a guy we take no more than 2 minutes getting dressed.

“Bloody hell.” I mumbled under my breath and shifted to my other foot, switching my backpack to the other shoulder.

After waiting for about another 5 minutes I decided to go see what was taking so long. I headed directly for the boy’s locker room.

I open the doors and walk into the cold deserted locker rooms. It was empty and free from students, but it smelled like sweat. I didn’t get gym this year, juniors and seniors don’t ever get gym unless their lacking the credits for it. Sadly, Christofer had a lot of suit-cuts and that marked down his grade.

I mean, he didn’t change for a reason for those two years. He tried to hide the bruises his father gave him. I wouldn’t change and attract attention to myself either.

I continued to walk down the rows and rows of empty lockers and benches. There wasn’t a living soul in this building.

I looked up to the coach offices, and headed up the stairs. There was only one coach there; he was busy stuffing his face with a sandwich.

“Coach Simon.” I called walking closer to his wooden desk. He glanced up from his overstuffed sandwich and smiled at the sight of me.

“Oliver Sykes haven’t seen you in a while. I missed you in p.e, you were a fast runner. Have you ever thought about joining the cross country team, we could use those impressive two mile times.” He asked hopefully.

I smiled, “No thanks coach, I think I lost my touch.” I joked. He found it hilarious and was literally falling out of his chair laughing.

Once he recovered he looked to me, “What can I help you with?”

“I’m actually looking for Christofer Ingle.” I questioned biting my bottom lip.

His face fell a bit, “Oh, he left with everyone else, is something wrong?” The coach asked.

I nodded and thanked him before heading out of the coach office and out the locker rooms. Outside I could hear music begin played by the leadership class, trying to get students to buy tickets for nigh rally or something.

I walked past people near snack lines. I walked through halls dodging the people hanging out in the middle of the fucking hallway, like everyone could magically walk around them without any difficulties.

I walked through the halls fuming with anger, I couldn’t find my boyfriend and it almost seemed as though he disappeared after gym. I walked down the halls, my hands balled into tight fist at my side. I think steam was coming out of my ears.


I looked up and noticed Curtis coming to me with a smile. I took a few deep breaths and tried to smile, “Hey.” I mumbled.

He came next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist leaning in to kiss my cheek, “Hello.” He purred in my ear.

I quickly backed away, “What. The. Fuck.”

He looked down a bit ashamed and embarrassed, “I thought you liked me.”

I scoffed, “I have a boyfriend. I’m actually trying to find him.”

“He’s not here.” Curtis said looking up at me, slowly inching closer to me. “He left.”

“Where to, I have 10 minutes left of lunch and I want to see him.” I have to see him.

Curtis rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest, “You’re to caught up in that fucking boy toy of yours.”

Boy toy?

He thinks Christofer is just some toy to me? He thinks I’m just using him?

“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.” I spat.

Curtis rolled his eyes, “I know you don’t love him. You’re not like that.”

I didn’t want to respond, it would only be a waste of words. I turned around and began to walk away, out to find Tom hoping he might have seen Christofer.

I found Tom sitting in the quad, talking and joking around with our friends. I headed over to him and pulled him over to a secluded area of the area, “Have you seen Christofer?” I asked under my breath.

Tom shook his head then stopped, “Actually,” he mumbled. “I saw him leaving the school before 3rd block.”

I nodded and gave him a quick ‘thanks’ and the half hug and headed toward the front of the school just as the bell rang for everyone to head to 4th block.

I needed to find Christofer. I need to.
♠ ♠ ♠
Updating at last (:
I'm sorry, it's spring break and I should be updating like mad but I went on vacation and the fucking lady in the lobby asked if I was 18 so I can use the computer, I told her I will be in 24 months but she didn't let me.
But I'm home and I took my no internet laptop to work on getting ahead in my stories and now I'm two chapters ahead.
Yeah ok, I'm done now.
Journals of the Innocent
That's a story I started that's kinda a side story to my story Lipstick Diaries
It's a slash, the main character is odd and demented. So yeah.
Title Credit: Friday I'm In Love- The Cure.