Status: complete;sequel up.


Abandon Haters, Lies and Crowds


I continued to poke at Tom’s chest as he slept. Tomorrow is Christmas and I still haven’t gone out to buy presents for everyone, but I need Tom’s help buying Christofer’s gift mainly due to the fact that Tom and Christofer haven’t gotten very close over the time we’ve been together.

“Get out Oli.” Tom groaned shifting onto his stomach and burying his head in his pillow. “Leave.” He whined.

“I need your help, please.” I begged shaking his shoulders violently.

Tom turned onto his back and looked up to me, “Where’s Christofer?” he asked.

“He went over to Nathan’s house.” I shrugged. He told me that every year since his mother left, Christofer went to Nathan’s house on Christmas Eve because Nathan’s mother wanted Christofer to have a sense of a family atmosphere.

Tom stared at me for a bit looking as though he was having a small battle within his head. “Fine let me get ready.” He sighed pushing me away from him.

I jumped up and left the room to get ready myself. After waiting for 30 minutes Tom came downstairs dressed his usually clothing. “Ready?” he asked.

I nodded and we both headed out to my car. The drive was silent over all; I was trying to think of something to buy Tom. I already decided to buy my parents some new champagne glasses, they’ve been complaining about some.

I was thinking about buying Tom a new film camera, something he’s been wanting for a while now.

“So what have you been thinking about buying for Chrissy?” Tom asked breaking the steady silence.

“That’s why you’re here.” I chuckled pulling into the mall.


“Buy it god damn it.” Tom hissed angrily.

“I don’t know.” I questioned rubbing behind my neck, “What if he doesn’t like it?” I asked.

Tom sighed, “If there’s anything that kid likes its jewelry.”

I took the bracelet out of his hand and stared at it for a bit twisting the thin gold in my fingers. It was a beautiful little bracelet, with the word Love connecting the gold strings together. “It is pretty.” I mumbled still staring at the thing.

But will Christofer like it?

“Buy it.” Tom said leading me to the counter’s to purchase the small bracelet. I exited the store clutching onto the small white box.

“I need to go get some gifts, meet me at the fountain?” Tom asked begin to head to a nearby Macy’s. I nod and head to a photography store to buy Tom’s camera.

Once I finish buying what I need I head to the Starbucks by the Van’s shoe store and buy myself a hot cup of coffee. I sit outside and watching as people rush around the mall to finish last minute Christmas shopping. I reach for my pocket to make sure the bracelet is still there, not that someone stole it but for safety purposes.


I look up and see the last person I want to see, Curtis. He smiles and takes a seat next to me, a little to close next to me. “Hey.” I greet trying not to be rude, although I would love to but he’s still my best friend.

“Last minute shopping?” he ask with a small laugh hidden behind his words.

I nod and take a sip of my coffee.

“So who you buying stuff for this year? Do I get something? I always get something from year. Remember you got me that stupid t-shirt-“ I begin to zone out as Curtis rambles on about the times our friendship was much easier to understand, the times he didn’t try to hit on me every chance he got. “I ended up leaving it at my grandma’s.” he says ending his blabbing.

“Yeah that’s cool.” I respond leaning over to throw my empty cup in the garbage next to me.

“Oh, what’s that?” Curtis says. I turn around to face him and he’s holding the small white box containing Christofer’s small bracelet. I reach over to retrieve it, but he pulls away and opens the box. “Is this my gift?” he ask looking at me hopefully.

“No.” I growl leaning over him to get the box back. “It’s Christofer’s.” I add my fingers stretching over to get that fucking box.

I could see Curtis’s face grow angry when I say it belongs to Christofer, “Why do you care about him so much?” he ask.

I continue to reach for the box, “Because I love him.” I yell desperately trying to get the box.

Curtis’s face grows red and he’s clutching the bracelet so tightly in his hands I’m afraid he’s going to break it. “You should love me.” He snarls.

“Give it to him Curtis.”

I look up and see Tom standing there with a few bags in his hands. He has this bored expression on his face, but the way his knuckles are turning white from clutching his bags I know he’s angry. Curtis looks angry and he throws the bracelet and small box on the floor and storms off.

I sigh loudly as Tom takes a seat next to me and bends down to pick up the bracelet and box. He fixes it into his compartment and hands it to me. “Thanks Tom.” I sigh putting it deeper into my pocket.

Tom shrugs and smiles, “That kid has problems, how could you be best friends with him?” Tom ask with s a sloppy smile on his lips.

I shrug and laugh a bit, “Ready to go?” I ask and he nods.


I stand outside of my car waiting for Christofer to come out from Nathan’s house. He comes out bundled in his usually sweater. He scampers over to me and leans forward to give me a peck, “How was your d-day?” he ask.

“It was ok, did you enjoy yours?”

He nods, “It was f-fun I g-got to make c-cookies.” He giggles getting into the car. I quickly get into the driver’s side and drive us home.

“So tomorrow is going to be a busy day, so I want you to go home and get a god night sleep.” I tell him.

He giggles and reaches over to kiss me again on the cheek, “Ok.”

I smile and reach for his hand squeezing our hands together as I drive him home.

I’m excited to give his gift, I don’t think I’ll be sleeping much tonight.
♠ ♠ ♠
The Bracelet
Title Credit: CatCowMilkyWay- The Brightest Stars