Status: complete;sequel up.


Therapy, You Were Never a Friend to Me.


I sat in my therapist office shifting through some old magazines, the office was quite with only the receptionist sitting at her desk behind a glass window.

“Fancy seeing you here.”

I look up from Times magazine to see Cristina standing there shuffling from one foot to the other. I smiled, “Hey.” I greet throwing the magazine to the table in front of me.

She smiles and takes a seat next to me, shifting uncomfortable in her seat.

“How are you?” I asked.

She sighed, “I could be better.”

“What’s wrong?”

“He’s disappearing.” She mumbled.

“Who?” I asked.

“Ghost, it’s the fucking medication.” She whined burying her face in her hands. “He’s my only friend.” She whispered.

I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and let her cry a bit. Her therapist came seconds later and took her in.

I sighed loudly and waited for my therapist to come. He finally came, fifteen minutes late but it’s ok because that was my time.

I follow him to his office and take a seat.

“How was your break?” he asked grabbing his notepad.

I shrugged, “Ok.”

He smiled, “Spend time with your family?”

I nodded and began to chew on my bottom lip and play with the string of my jacket.

“You know Cristina?”

“My boyfriend’s childhood friend.”

“Who is your boyfriend?”

I sighed loudly desperately wanting to turn around and stare at the clock but I didn’t want to be rude. “Christofer.”

Dr. B smiled, “Cristiana use to bring him to some group therapy’s back in the day.”

I nodded and pressed my lips together praying that the time will go by quicker.


I drove back home with Cristina in the passenger seat. She begged me to take her to Christofer and she’s a tough cookie, so I gave in.

We pulled into my drive way and she jumped out before the car even came to a complete stop. I shook my head and got out myself and headed to the front door and unlocked it.

She walked in carefully and took in her surrounds. As if something switched in her mind she walked deeper into the house smiling contently.

“Cristiana?” I question.

She turned to me with a smile, “Ghost said it was safe.”

I nodded and lead her upstairs to my room. I opened the door, but Christofer wasn’t there. We walked over Tom’s room and Christofer was sitting on the bed behind Oli watching him edited photos.

“Christfoer?” I question.

He jumped up and faced me with a larger smile on his face. he ran to me and gave me a big hug, “Oli.” He giggled looking up at me.

“There’s someone here for you.” I told him and stepped aside to expose Cristina.

I could hear both of them gasp at the sight of eachother and seconds later there was yelling.

“W-why are y-you here!” Christofer screamed.

“You could at least be happy; you cut me off of your life. Did I do something?” Cristina yelled.

Christofer glared at her and pushed past her leaving the room. I looked to Cristiana expecting her to be crying but instead she was angry, like really angry.

“I’ll be back.” I mumbled. “Tom calm her down.” I added leaving the room to find Christofer.

I opened my bedroom door and saw him sitting on my bed with a scowl on his face but I could see he wanted to cry. “Christofer?”

He looked up to me and crossed his arms over his chest and turned away. He was being so childish.

“Christofer, what’s wrong?” I asked.

“I hate C-cristiana.” He stated still facing away from me.

He was acting like such a child; I wanted to pinch his cheeks. “She was really excited to see you, tell me what’s wrong.” I asked taking a seat next to him trying to get him to face me.

He sighed and dropped his arms, “She never t-tried to h-help m-me.” He whispered slowly looking up to me, “S-she never n-noticed t-that I w-was in p-pain.”

I pulled him into my arms and held him tightly, “Cristiana’s fighting her own battles. I know she cares about you, give her a chance.”

He nodded an stood up walking over to Tom’s room. I peeked in and saw Tom trying to calm down Cristiana. “We’re back.” I stated entering the room.

Cristiana’s head shot up and she stared at Christofer. “Don’t yell at me, Ghost said if you yell I should just leave.”

“I’m n-not going to y-yell, how’s Ghost I h-haven’t s-seen him since w-we were k-kids.”

Cristiana visible got happier, beginning to grin “He’s great, he says hi.” She giggles.

“Tom and I could leave, unless you guys are going to kill each other.” I said watching them bother carefully.

“Get out Oli.” Cristiana said gesturing me to the door.


After Cristiana left, Christofer and I sat in the living room watching t.v. it was silent overall the only sound being from the t.v.

“She t-told m-me she finds Tom a-attractive.” Christofer mumbled.

The thought of Cristiana and Tom together made me sick, I’ve gotten very close to Cristiana and picturing her with my younger brother just makes my stomach turn. “She has a odd character.”

Christofer giggled, “A-always has.”

I smiled and pulled him into my lap continuing to watch SpongeBob. “Christofer,” I whispered my eyes staying on the screen. “My doc prescribed me to some medication, telling me I’m depressed or something.” I added mumbling my words.

“N-no y-you’re n-not.” He said his face scrunching together in confusion.

I shrugged, “He’s going to talk to my mum about it.”

Christofer turned back to the t.v, his face still scrunching in confusion. I found it kind of amusing how he continues to think things through like that. It’s cute.

“It’s late, I’ll go put you to sleep.” I said looking over to Christofer after fifteen minutes of silence, however, he’s already sleeping.

I stand up and pick him up in my arms carrying him to our bedroom. I set him on the bed and pull the covers up to his chin pecking him lightly on the forehead, “Sleep tight.” I tell him.
♠ ♠ ♠
This would of been up yesterday, but i was at a funeral.
I hope you guys like this (:
Readers:This, Invisible Children, organization came to my school on tuesday and inspired me and i plan to become a roadie when i graduate high school (: so it'd be cool if you checked them out, they're worth your time.
Thanks to:
hiyouperson x2
monelite x5
BOOM!roasted. x4
Juli_Tabouli x4
unicorndreams x2
LorenElizabethxoxo x6
Fatally Yours.

That took a while (: thank-you to all my readers, you people are fucking awesome.
Title Credit: Therapy- All Time Low