Status: complete;sequel up.


Not A Lot of People Left Around


I woke up early in the morning, a though randomly popped into my head.

Everything was going great in my life.

I haven’t had problems with Oli, my mom calls me every day and Tom and I have become great friends. I just found Cristina, I mean, life’s great. Life’s awesome, I’m actually happy.

I poked at Oli’s side, “Wakey W-wakey.” I said to him.

But he groaned and turned away from me. I frowned and got off the bed walking over to Tom’s room, he’s probably awake already anyway.

I opened the door and peeked my head in; sure enough he was wide awake at his computer with two cups of coffee’s sitting on his desk.

I walked further into the room and sat on Tom’s bed crossing my legs underneath me. I watched as he was editing his photos he took yesterday evening, “T-tom?” I questioned.


I giggled, “I know y-your secret.” I whispered.

I could hear him sigh in annoyance, “What secret Christofer?” he asked his eyes still glued onto the screen.

“I k-know y-you like Cristina.”

He quickly turned away from his computer, he had a blush on his cheeks and he was shaking his head. “N-no, I d-don’t h-have a crush o-on C-cristina.” He stuttered his blush growing redder.

“R-really?” I asked jumping off the bed and walking closer to him. “I think y-you like h-her.”

He scoffed and turned his attention back to his computer, “Whatever.” He mumbled reaching for his coffee cup.

I sat back down on the bed and watched him, “I think y-you should a-ask h-her out.” I suggested.

Tom sighed yet again and turned to face me, “Cristina’s crazy, how will I be able to handle her?”

My jaw dropped down when he said that, he made it sound like dating her would be a chore like it would be nursing to a child, “T-that’s m-mean.”

“Sorry,” he apologized. “But really, does she even like me?”

I smiled and nodded my head, “Duh!”

I jumped off the bed and ran to Oli’s room. I grabbed a small slip of paper off the side table and ran back to Tom’s room. I handed him the paper, “Call h-her.” I demanded.

He grabbed the paper and opened it staring at the number for a long time, “Fine, god.” He sighed and pulled his phone out.

He dialed the number and waited for a bit, “C-cristina?” he questioned. “Ha, yeah it’s me. How’d you know?”

I watched as he laughed again I nudged his shoulder and he slapped my hand away.

“Anyway, I was wondering.” He said. “D-do y-you wanna h-hang o-out some time?” he asked.

I smiled, he was so nervous and he was stuttering so much.

“Yeah, cool I’ll pick you up later?” he questioned then he said a quick bye and put his phone down. he turned to me with a large smile on his face, “She said yes.” He blushed.

I squealed and ran over to him crushing him in a hug. He pushed me off, “God Christofer, for a small kid you’re pretty strong.” He laughed roughing up my hair.

I smiled and gave him a softer hug, “If y-you hurt h-her I w-will k-kill you.” I threatened with a straight face.

He nodded and shooed me out the room, “Leave I have to finish editing these.” He said.

I giggled, he’s such a nerd at time. I walked back to Oli’s room, he was already awake and watching t.v. he noticed me and gave me a large smile, “Come here baby.” He said.

I ran over to the bed and pulled the covers over my body, “G-guess what.” I whispered.


“Tom’s g-going on a d-date with Cristina.”

Oli smiled, “About time, I thought he was going to be one of those grumpy old guys. And besides, the guys in love with his photography.” Oli laughed pulling me closer to his body. “You seem happy.”

“I a-am, I knew t-that Cristina l-liked Tom.” I said proudly.

Oli laughed again and kissed my cheek; I pulled him closer and kissed his lips. I could feel him smiling as we made out some more. I loved the taste of his lips, the softness of them against my damaged lips. I could feel his hand lowering down to the waistband of my basketball shorts; I let out a small moan as he slowly pulled them off.

“You ok with this?” he asked.

I nodded slowly biting my lips. I leaned forward and attached our lips together. His hand trailed the skin on my hips and slowly above the waistband of my boxers. He pulled off my boxers leaving me exposed. He kissed my collarbone, leaving small little bite marks.


Both our heads shot up at the sound of Oli’s father calling his name. Oli handed me my boxers and shorts and kissed my lips, “I’m sorry baby.” He apologized and quickly got off them bed running out the room.

I frowned and throw my clothes toward the hamper; I went to the bathroom to take a shower.


I walked over to Tom’s room after my shower. I walked in and saw him throwing his clothes all around the room. “Tommy?” I questioned sitting on his bed.

His head popped out of the walk-in closet, he smiled when he saw me. “I need your help. Get me something to wear.”

I nodded and ran into the closet. I stared at all his clothes and picked up a pair of dark jeans, a Drop Dead shirt and a plaid shirt. I threw them at him and watched as he examined the outfit, “Thanks Chrissy.” He said.

I nodded and sat on the bed watching as he started to fix his hair. “W-where’s Oli?” I asked.

Tom froze for a second before gathering himself, “My parents took him out somewhere.” He said a bit hesitant.

I frowned, “W-where?”

“Christofer, don’t worry he’ll be back later tonight.”

I don’t want him to come back later tonight; I want him to come back now. I want him here with me, spending the day with me his boyfriend. “Ok.”

Tom smiled, “I’m going to pick Cristina up in a bit, you gunna be ok?” he asked.

I could see the worry filling his eyes, he knew my past. The things I use to do, “Tommy, I’m n-not going t-to d-do anything.”

He smiled and came over to me giving me a back crushing hug, “I’d hate to lose you.” He said.

I had a funny warm feeling in my stomach, something I haven’t felt unless it was Oli.

“You’re like my brother.” Tom added pulling away and patting my back.

“You’re l-like m-my brother t-too.” I giggled hugging him again.


Tom left about an hour ago and I was bored, I haven’t been completely alone for a long time. I got so use to having Oli or Tom or Nathan around. I always had someone by my side, being alone meant I had time to think letting my thoughts stray away.

I never like to be alone.

I reached for my cell phone and called Nathan. “Hello.” He answered.

“N-nathan?” I questioned biting my lip.

“Christofer?! Hey man, long time no see. Hey look I’m busy right now; my cousins came to visit and what not. I’ll call you tomorrow.” he said giving me a quick goodbye and hanging up.

I continued to bite my lip and threw my phone across the room. I rested my head against the mountain of pillows, why did everyone leave me today.

I got off the bed and quickly put my shoes on; I wasn’t going to stay in this empty house alone. I needed some sort of distraction.

I locked the front door behind me and headed toward the mall, it was the only thing I could do. There was so many people there, so many distractions I could focus on something other than my thoughts.

I finally arrived at the mall and went straight to starbucks. I ordered a small coffee and sat outside on a bench and began to people watch.

“Hey I’ve seen you before.”

I quickly looked up to see a boy standing there. He sat next to me and stuck his hand out, “Hey I’m Curtis. Oli’s friend.” He greeted with a smile

Hesitantly I shook his hand, “C-christofer.” I mumbled pulling my hand away.

“So your Oli’s boy toy?” he asked, the smirk still on his face.

“B-boy t-toy?” I questioned.

Curtis nodded, “Did you think you were his actually boyfriend?”

I frowned and looked down to my lap, “Y-yeah.”

“Don’t be an idiot, if Oli ever says he loves you. He’s probably lying.”

I quickly began to shake my head, he’s lying to me. He has to be lying to me, Oli loves me. He said he loves me and he wouldn’t lie about something like love.

“Don’t cry.” Curtis laughed.

I quickly wiped at my eyes getting rid of the tears that were slipping through.

“Anyway I better get going, see you around.” He said slapping my back roughly I could feel the air escaping my lungs.

Once he was gone, I quickly ran out the mall and back home. I grabbed all my clothes and put them into duffel bags, if Oli doesn’t love me, if he’s only using me than I don’t want to live with him.

He probably has Tom in on it to, everyone’s probably using me. None of this is real; this is all a bunch of lies.

This is a dream, nothing but a dream.

I reached for my wallet and pulled out the razor that grew foreign to me. There’s only one way to determine if this is a dream or if this is real.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh Christofer, lets all give him a group hug (:
Cristina that my dears is the prefect picture for her. and wingslax96 and shasha24 are mind readers, as you can tell my plan was to set them up (:
Readers next week is going to he extremely hectic for me, i'm going to be at school at unnatural hours and then return home to do homework. Then thurday and friday i'm performing, so yeah i'll update on saturday.
Thanks to:

Title Credit:Shake Me Down- Cage the Elephant